November 2018 News & Views
Look for News & Views in your inbox every month to see what's happening at Seabeck.

A Message from the Director
Well here we are again. November! I feel like I've written this a hundred times...where does the year go? I just returned from the IACCA Annual Conference in Wisconsin. It was at a place I have been to four or five times through the year. I have always looked up to them as an industry standard for customer service and hospitality. I had two or three incidences during my short stay that say that might not be true anymore. It made me realize that even the great centers can falter. I will work to make sure that isn't said about Seabeck. We'll see. I hope to host the event in 2020 in the new Pines.

Speaking of Pines... Keep your eyes out for a special mailing that will arrive this month. It will provide updates on the project and the funding. We are agonizingly close to the point where we can ask for Foundation help. Once that can happen the needle will really move fast.
The permitting and gutting of the portables is almost completed. I think this will be a very good addition to the campus. It will be a big meeting space. I think it will be our second biggest one. I can't wait to see the results and how groups decide to use it.
John White, Facilities Director, and I are working to redo the plaza in front of the Inn. The old cement pavers have shifted enough to become a significant trip hazard. Look for some major changes out there in the coming months. It should be a smaller poured plaza with cement retaining walls and new lighting. This will fix the uneven pavers, the crumbling support wall, poor lighting and the odd parking configuration.
Please consider joining us for the Friends of Seabeck Weekend in December. It will be a lot of fun. We already have 30 people signed up, so it will be well attended. The group so far represents a broad selection of our user groups. Getting to know other group's traditions is part of the fun. Please join us!



Did you know...

Here are a couple of additional ways to donate to Seabeck:
  • Seabeck Conference Center qualifies for most matching programs.  If your employer matches charitable contributions, please let us know.  We will do all the paperwork to get qualified in their program.
  • The new tax law could make donating your Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA (required for those 70 ½ years old and older) an attractive financial move.
Here is an excerpt from written by Jamie Hopkins, an associate professor of taxation at the American College of Financial Services :
New tax law favors charitable giving from IRAs

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows those age 70 1/2 to give money to charities directly from their IRAs in a tax advantageous manner. This allows IRA owners who have attained age 70 1/2 to distribute money directly from the IRA to a qualified charity. Total annual QCDs from all IRAs cannot exceed $100,000 for an individual. Spouses can each make up to $100,000 of QCDs.
Making a QCD as opposed to a normal charitable gift has two main advantages. First, a QCD counts toward satisfying the individual's required minimum distribution for that year. Second, the distribution is excluded from the taxpayer's income. It is this second benefit that really shines under the new tax bill. With very few individuals expected to itemize (some estimates say around 5% of filers), the income tax deduction for contributions to charities will be lost for many people. However, if you make a QCD, you get a full exclusion of that income from taxes. So, for any retiree that is 70 1/2 or older, owns an IRA subject to RMDs, and is charitably inclined, a QCD really works out as a way to preserve an income-tax-reducing charitable deduction under the new tax law.
If you would like more information on how to direct your RMD to Seabeck, please contact Chuck at the Seabeck Office.

Fred Just has passed away.

Frederick R. Just passed away on September 13, 2018 at the age of 74. Fred was the Sexton of the Seabeck Cemetery and the foremost expert on Seabeck History, having written two books on the subject. He also recently published a couple of novels. He grew up in the area before joining the Air Force. He was stationed in Europe for part of that time. After the service he traveled across the West Coast working as a chef. He owned and operated the Camp Union Cookhouse for many years. He loved the Seabeck area and its history. After many years of conflict, he grew to love the conference grounds and we loved him back. He loved giving tours of the cemetery and even dressed as an undertaker at times. Most of the artifacts in my office are from Fred. He bequeathed his large book collection to Seabeck. We will dig through the 30+ boxes of books and hope to create a Fred Just Memorial Research Library somewhere on campus. We will all deeply miss his kindness, generosity and friendship.

Register NOW!
Friends of Seabeck Weekend
December 8-10, 2018

We hope you will join us for the 2018 Friends Of Seabeck Weekend. We have concocted a fun event that offers something for everyone. We will start on Saturday, December 8th with lunch. Saturday afternoon features an orientation, decorating work party and Jodie will lead us in a "Paint and Sip Party." We will paint wood Christmas signs to take home or give as a gift, while sampling some wines or other beverages. Mark is going to make a special gourmet dinner and we will end the night watching a Christmas movie with more snacks.

Sunday has a Seabeck update meeting and Mark will direct us is in a chocolate truffle making class.  The Milltown Christmas presented by the Kitsap Historical Society is Sunday afternoon. They plan activities like horse drawn carriages, choir concerts, a visit from Santa and the main program in our Dining Room. We will finish the day with a casual reception following the festivities. The weekend concludes with Monday breakfast.

We understand how busy that time of year can be, so we are offering a very flexible registration. You can attend all or part of the weekend. You could depart before or after Milltown Christmas, stay one or two nights. Whatever works for you is fine with us. 

The weekend is just $100.00 for one or two nights and all our activities!

* The Milltown Christmas is on Sunday from 4:00-9:00 pm.  This event is put on by the Kitsap Historical Society. 

If you want to join in this event, the ticket price is in addition to the Friends of Seabeck Weekend price.

Here are some of the features for the Milltown Christmas:
  • Wagon rides to the 1915 Reeser House
  • Santa is waiting for your holiday photos
  • Old-fashioned crafts for the kids
  • Cider and s'mores around the fire pit
  • Caroling by members of the Bremerton Symphony Chorale
  • Family style holiday dinner in the 1869 Historic Inn dining room
  • Raffle baskets and games
  • Adults: $35  Children 6-16: $15  Under 6: Free


  Decorating Work Party
  Paint & Sip Christmas Signs -------------->
  Gourmet Dinner 
  Christmas Movie

  Seabeck Update
  Chocolate Truffle Making Class
  * Milltown Christmas (ticket includes dinner)
  Casual Reception


Don't miss it! Call today and reserve your spot for the weekend.

Look Who's at Seabeck When You Are Not!

Evergreen Piecemakers
Quilting at Seabeck since 1994

Mission Statement
Evergreen Piecemakers Quilt Guild's goal is to promote the art of quilting and quilt making through workshops, lectures and exhibitions offered to members and the general public. We will work to preserve the heritage of quilt making and quilt appreciation. We provide an informational base for those interested in quilt making and related art, and encourage excellence in those while providing a source of inspiration and fellowship for quilt enthusiasts. We strive to enrich our lives by the commitments of donations related to quilts and other fiber arts to deserving organizations, hospitals, groups or individuals.

The Evergreen Piecemakers Quilt Guild was formed almost 30 years ago on a hot summer's day in an apple orchard in Kent, Washington. The "founding mothers" outgrew the original meeting place and chose the First Christian Church, 11717 SE 240th, Kent, Washington 98031. Our meeting take place the 2nd Monday at 7 pm and the 4th Monday is the Sew-In which starts at 6 pm. Please join us.

The Pines Campaign

We have a desire to continue to offer our services for many years to come. Seabeck Conference Center is happy to serve people like you, and we invite you to be a part of our legacy. Your donation will help us build a new Pines (ready by Spring 2020) that will be a place for future generations to gather.

All gifts are welcome. Seabeck Conference Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your contribution may be tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Director, Chuck Kraining at (360) 830-5010 or email him at

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