First United Weekly Newsletter

January 9, 2025

Our Vision Statement:
We are a welcoming community FIRST UNITED in proclaiming FAITH in Jesus Christ, sharing HOPE for the future, and inspiring LOVE of our neighbors.

Did you get your "Star Word?"

Last week in worship, everyone received a "Star Word" - a word randomly chosen to guide your life through the coming year. This is a practice inspired by the story of the Magi following a star to find Jesus. It's a way to use creative prayer practices and intention to move closer to God. If you didn't get yours, feel free to pick one up anytime the office is open or at the Welcome Center this Sunday (1/12) before worship.

Presbyterian Women 2025 Update

> The P.W. Coordinating Team will be meeting this morning (Thursday 1/9) at 9am in the Gathering Area.

> The P.W. Talbot Circle will gather in the Koinonia Lounge today (Thursday 1/9) at noon.

>The P.W. Esther Circle Bible Study will meet next Wednesday (1/15) at 9:30am in the Koinonia Lounge.

Plans for This Sunday

Join us this Sunday (1/12) at 9am when we'll focus on the Lord's Baptism. Our scripture readings will be Psalm 29 , Acts 8:14-17, and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 (*click for links). The sermon - titled "The Watershed Event" - will lead us to contemplate and remember our baptisms with renewed thanksgiving and conviction. Hope you'll join us at church (or share our service recording on our website or Facebook page later Sunday morning).


> Friendly Reminder - The winter months tend to lead to more illnesses and time indoors. If you are in need of a visit or know of someone who is, please reach out to Pastors Luke and Meggan who would love to set up a convenient time to visit.

Sunday School for All Ages (10:30am)

*Pre-K to 2nd graders (Room 5 downstairs)

*3rd to 5th graders (Room 6 downstairs)

*6th-12th grade Youth (Youth Media Room downstairs)

*Adult Sunday School (Koinonia Lounge)

Join Pastor Luke at 10:30am as we continue our study of the acronym “TULIP”. This week, we'll look at the doctrine of "Unconditional Election" and see how God chooses and elects us in Jesus Christ. Everyone's invited!

Youth Group Update

All 6th - 12th grade students are invited to get together for our Youth Group Meeting coming this Sunday (1/12) from 6 to 7:30pm in our downstairs Youth Media Room. They'll be continuing their film study by looking for God's truth which shows up in beautiful and sometimes surprising ways!

Special Holiday Offering

We'll be collecting for the Christmas Joy Offering again this Sunday. Your donations provide assistance to current and retired church workers and their families in times of need. It also helps develop future leaders. It's one of the four annual Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) church-wide offerings. You can find special envelopes in the pew racks or click HERE for an electronic giving link. Thank you.

Volleyball is Back for '25

The area Church Volleyball League is returning for the new year beginning this Friday (1/10) from 6-8pm at Calvary Lutheran Church (1301 S. Ridge Rd.), and our church family is competing again! If you're interested in joining our Friday night competitions or just want to learn more, please contact Rachel O'Brien ( Let the competition begin!

You Can Read, Understand, & Love the Bible

The Bible Recap has begun! The first week has past, but you can still catch up and continue daily reading through the year. We're also meeting weekly to share what we've read and learned either on Sunday (1/12) at 5:30pm or Monday (1/13) at 9am in the Koinonia Lounge. If you have any questions, please contact the group leader, Jennifer Heil ( or Pastors Luke or Meggan. It should be an amazing experience for everyone to share!

Divas Begin a New Year

Join our Dining Divas for their first monthly gathering. It's planned for Tuesday (1/31) beginning at 6pm at the Olive Garden (2819 Oneida St.). Please R.S.V.P. to Pastor Meggan so she can plan for the size of the group. Come join the Divas!

Need a Special Gift?

We still have some Men's Club Fruitcakes, First United Jubilee Cookbooks, and Jubilee Coasters available. If you're interested, you can find them in our church office during regular weekly office hours or online on our website (go to and click the "Give Now" button).

Sharing the Love

Last evening, our Agape Drive-Thru Dinner kicked off the new year with a great lineup of church family, neighbors, and friends driving by to pick up free meals. As always, we'd like to thank our amazing team of volunteers who made it all happen on behalf of our church family. The next Agape Drive-Thru Meal of 2025 will be on February 5!

An Evening in the Highlands

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 28th! That'll be the date for our 4th Annual "Evening in the Highlands" event taking place at The Green Bay Distillery. Ticket and menu information will be available soon, so watch your newsletters for more updates!

Final 2024 Financial Update

“The Lord brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he

delighted in me.":

Psalm 18:19

You can help support First United and its Ministries any time with your phone or computer. Click HERE or scan this QR code to give electronically at any time.

Operating Fund Total Offerings:

2024 Plan = $388,000 / Actual = $401,595

Operating Fund Total Expenses:

2024 Plan = $388,000 / Actual = $382,853

Thank you to all for your generosity and the efforts everyone made to meet and exceed both our income and expense 2024 plans. Our 175th Anniversary was indeed a year to celebrate and be thankful.


> A reminder that the every FUPC member Presbytery Support contribution for 2025 is $28. Use the Sunday offering pew envelopes to contribute.

> If you have not pledged for 2025 or wish to have your offerings auto withdrawn from your checking, there is still time. Forms are available at the welcome desk.

> 2025 Weekly boxed envelopes are available at the welcome desk.

Contact Treasurer, Ken Nyberg, with questions.



of the Month



January Deacons

of the Month

Connie Gusick

Rick & Karen Braun


Sunday (1/5) - Lizzie Renier 

Tuesday (1/7) - Joyce Nowack

Wednesday (1/8) - Jim Hauer

Friday (1/10) - Sara Gauger

Saturday (1/11) - Ian McPherson & Chris Wood


Tuesday (1/14) - Lane Maroszek

Friday (1/17) - Betty Pajkos & Andrea Thorpe

Saturday (1/18) - Jill Huguet, Mark Elseheimer, & Debby Cordova

Why not give them a call or send a card, text, or email?

> Jubilee Cookbooks, Jubilee Coasters, & final Fruitcakes Available - in Church Office during regular office hours & on website (*see link below)

P.W. Coordinating Team (Koinonia Lounge) - Today (1/9) 9am

P.W. Talbot Circle (Koinonia Lounge) - Today (1/9) noon

> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (1/12) 8am

> Worship Service (Sanctuary) Sunday (1/12) 9am

> Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) Sunday (1/12) after worship

> Sunday School for all ages (various rooms) Sunday (1/12) 10:30am

> Stewardship Committee Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) Sunday (1/12) 11:30am

> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Sunday (1/12) 5:30pm OR Monday (1/13) 9am (*Please attend one or the other each week)

> Youth Group Meeting (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (1/12) 6pm

> Handbell Group Rehearsal (Music Room) - Tuesday (1/14) 6:30pm

> P.W. Esther Circle (Library) - Wednesday (1/15) 9:30am

Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) - Wednesday (1/15) 6:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (1/15) 7:30pm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Christ First” Global Methodist Church Events ("nesting" congregation)

> Various Group Meetings (Room 7 - downstairs) - Thursday (6-8pm), Sunday (5:30-7pm), Monday (5:30-6:30pm), & Tuesday (6-8pm)

> Worship & Fellowship (Sanctuary & Gathering Area) - Sunday (12/12) 4pm

*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes

so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!

"Changing Lives Through God's Love in Christ"

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