> Presbyterian Women C.T. Meeting (Gathering Area) - Today (9/14) 9am
> P.W. Talbot Circle Gathering (Koinonia Lounge) - Today (9/14) noon
> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (9/17) 8am
> Worship Service (Sanctuary) - Sunday (9/17) 9am
(*If you can't join us in person, you can view a recording on our website or on our Facebook page Sunday after 11am.)
> Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) - Sunday (9/17) after church
> Sunday School for all ages (various locations) - Sunday (9/17) 10:30am
> Youth Group Gathering (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (9/17) 6pm
> Session Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Monday (9/18) 6:30pm
> Make & Serve Meal at New Community Shelter - Tuesday (9/19) 4:30pm
> P.W. Esther Circle Bible Study (Koinonia Lounge) - Wednesday (9/20) 9:30am
> Deacons Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Wednesday (9/20) 6pm
> Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (9/13) 6:30pm
> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (9/13) 7:30pm
> Fall Fest 2023! (Family Life Center) - Saturday (9/23) 3:30-6:30pm
*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes
so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!