The National Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA) is a non-profit association
of law enforcement personnel dedicated to the enforcement of liquor laws and regulations.
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To renew your NLLEA Agency Membership for 2022-23 go to and log in with your email and password. Click on my agency, (right below your name) that will take you to your agency page, then click on renew membership, it is a purple button in left corner, then enter your credit card information and hit submit. If you have any problems at all just call Carrie Christofes, Executive Director at 724-762-5939 and she will take your payment over the phone. | |
Conference Registration and Hotel Booking are Now Available
Registration is $500.00 for members and $650.00 for non-members
Hotel Accomodations for NLLEA Guests is $149.00/night
NLLEA Conference is a professional law enforcement event, open to NLLEA members, qualified non-members, public health professionals and exhibitors
Check out the conference agenda below listing all workshops, speakers and exhibitors!
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TN-Thieves steal over $10K in alcohol from Memphis liquor store, police say
Thieves busted into Buster’s liquor store Friday morning, stealing thousands in alcohol.
According to the Memphis Police Department (MPD), officers responded to a burglary at Buster’s Liquors & Wines, 191 Highland St., just after 3:30 a.m.
Several suspects broke into the business and stole over $10k in alcohol, police said.
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Monster Is Planning To Unleash A Boozy Beast
While Monster Energy has clawed its mark into the beverage market, the brand is ready to pour a new offering that has many people buzzing. Although the shelf might be overflowing with options, reports the company has increased retail sales as well as placed itself in a strategic profitable marketing position. CEO Rodney Sacks appreciates that the performance brands are looking to carve out their niche, but he feels the company is poised for continued long-term growth.
Recently, Monster Energy has expanded beyond its core energy beverages. From the Monster Java that targeted coffee drinkers to recovery drinks, the cans hold a wide array of refreshing options. Earlier in 2022, the company purchased Canarchy Craft Brewery Collective, which included beer and hard seltzer brands like Cigar City and Oskar Blues, per Food Dive. Although Just Drinks once reported that Monster Beverage Corp co-CEO Hilton Schlosberg was wary of selling alcoholic beverages with the brand that was traditionally non-alcoholic, the acquisition seemed to be having the company trudging up that "slippery slope" to compete against other beverage brands. Mountain Dew announced a new alcoholic product and the new Topo Chico drink has garnered attention as classic soft drinks get a boozy upgrade. With the most recent Monster announcement, it appears that a new beast is ready to be unleashed.
During a fun night out, no one wants to have their good times go into an energy slump. While some people happily shake up their own energy drink cocktail, Monster Energy wants to simplify the process with its new The Beast Unleashed. According to a company statement, the "flavored malt beverage alcohol product" will become available in the fourth of quarter 2022. While there will be four flavors for the launch, the specific flavors are unclear. The new 6% ABV beverage will be available in both 16-ounce cans and a slim 12-ounce can variety pack.
Vinepair suggests an interesting circumstance for this ready-to-drink offering: Apparently, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau describes caffeine in alcohol as "an unsafe food additive" and has intervened with products that combined the two substances in the past. While many people have enjoyed a Cuba Libre or a vodka Red Bull, the retail sale of such a combination is different. How Monster will handle this oversight wrinkle remains to be seen.
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PA-Liquor Control Enforcement targeting alcohol crimes on campuses
As another fall semester begins at Pennsylvania’s colleges and universities, Liquor Enforcement Officers from the Pennsylvania State Police, Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement will be teaming with both local and state police to target alcohol related crimes on and around campuses across the Commonwealth.
Additionally, the Bureau will offer educational and enforcement assistance to campus administrators and enforcement authorities to aid them in their own efforts to reduce the underage consumption of alcohol and preempt alcohol-related problems at their institutions. Officers will also be meeting with liquor licensees in college and university areas to promote awareness, improve relations, and reinforce the importance of their role in preventing the sale of alcohol to minors and other alcohol violations. The Bureau will also actively investigate the use and manufacture of fraudulent identification (Fake IDs).
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OH-2 shooters sought after rampage wounds 9 outside Cincinnati bar in Over-the-Rhine district
A shooting rampage outside a popular nightspot near downtown Sunday left nine people wounded, prompting a desperate search for at least two shooters and fueling concern that gun violence could become a "normal part of our culture."
Chaos erupted after an altercation between two groups of people shortly before the 2 a.m. closing time outside Mr. Pitiful's in the city's historic Over-the-Rhine district, Lt. Col. Mike John said. He estimated that 15-20 shots were fired.
All the eight men and a woman who were treated at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center have been released, hospital spokeswoman Heather Chura Smith said.
Mayor Aftab Pureval called the incident "unacceptable" and credited officers at the scene for a quick response that likely saved lives.
"The gun violence we are seeing is not the gun violence of the past that was concentrated around the drug trade," Pureval said at a news conference. "We need community support, the citizens of Cincinnati to realize this is a devastating trend and to work with us to resolve differences without gunfire."
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CA-Six arrested for providing alcohol to minors in Menlo Park sting operation
Six people were arrested and cited for furnishing alcohol to minors in a sting operation in Menlo Park on Aug. 4.
According to a city statement, Menlo Park Police and agents with the California Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) made the arrests while conducting a Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation. During these operations, a minor under the direct supervision of an officer will stand outside a liquor or convenience store and ask patrons to buy them alcohol while making it clear that they are underage and unable to legally purchase it themselves.
"If the adults agree to purchase alcohol for the minor, agents then arrest and cite them for furnishing alcohol to the minor," the statement said. "The penalty for furnishing alcohol to a minor is a minimum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service."
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NC-ABC Permits Suspended After Fatal Shooting at Greensboro Night Club
Following an ALE investigation, a Greensboro nightclub’s ABC permits have been summarily suspended after a patron was shot and killed.
Early on Sunday, July 31, Greensboro Police Department responded to a shooting at Blind Tiger, located at 1819 Spring Garden Street, where officers found a patron suffering from a gunshot wound. Police contacted ALE who immediately began an investigation.
Special agents determined there was an altercation, which started inside the licensed establishment and continued outside in the parking lot before an armed security employee shot one of the patrons. The ALE investigation revealed the security employee was not licensed through the North Carolina Private Protective Services Board.
“Working with local law enforcement agencies to address violence at ABC permitted businesses are a priority for ALE special agents.,” said Bryan House, Director of NC Alcohol Law Enforcement. “We hope the action taken in this case will prevent similar actions from occurring at this location in the future.”
As a result of the incident, ALE special agents submitted the results of the investigation to the ABC Commission which resulted in the suspension of Blind Tiger’s ABC permits.
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Cannabis Beverage Makers Have Alcohol Market in Their Sights
Alcohol has long been the dominant social lubricant — but the growing cannabis industry wants to offer a replacement.
The market for beverages made with THC, marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient, is growing. Smaller players are looking to do more than just get people high — they’re positioning their beverages as more sophisticated and wellness-oriented. Specific niches the products seek to fill include relaxation, socializing with friends or improved sleep. The dosage of THC per serving is often as low as 2.5 milligrams, a far cry from the “small, but mighty” bottle of Orange Mango offered by Major or Keef’s Fruit Punch Xtreme.
Brands can appeal to a wider audience with drinks that can be sipped without getting people too high, said David Weiner, co-founder of Gossamer, a cannabis lifestyle and media company. Improvements in technology have translated into shorter waits for the buzz to hit, too. “You’re seeing dosages go down per drink,” Weiner said. New drinks have “higher design, less focus on THC, less focus on cannabis, and more focus on other ingredients.”
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CA-ABC Files Accusation Against Shameless O’Leery’s Irish Pub in Redding
The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) will post a 60-day suspension at Shameless O’Leery’s Irish Pub located at 1701 California Street #B in Redding. Alcohol sales will be prohibited beginning August 22 and will not be allowed until the 60-day suspension has concluded.
ABC agents opened an investigation after receiving complaints from the community and the Redding Police Department. ABC found that Shameless O’Leery’s Irish Pub was operating as a disorderly premises and had become a drain on local law enforcement.
Between March 2021 and March 2022, the Redding Police Department responded to the bar numerous times to address reports of DUI’s, public intoxication, battery, discharge of a firearm, and obstructing a police officer.
The owner of the premises recently signed a settlement which includes the 60-day suspension as well as new operating conditions on the license which will require the presence of uniformed security guards during certain hours at the premises while also restricting live entertainment and the hours in which the premises can serve alcoholic beverages. Additionally, if similar violations continue to occur at the premises, ABC has authority to revoke the license.
“ABC is committed to keeping communities safe,” said ABC Director Eric Hirata. “We will continue working with our local law enforcement partners to hold ABC licensees accountable when a location compromises public safety.”
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Looser Liquor Laws Boosted Restaurants — and Maybe Problem Drinking
Most states that allowed curbside pickup or home delivery of alcohol to help restaurants, bars and liquor stores survive pandemic closures have extended the looser liquor laws. But in their desire to boost the hospitality industry, states might be fueling binge drinking and higher overall alcohol consumption, some research shows.
Of the 35 states (plus the District of Columbia) that loosened their cocktails to-go laws during the pandemic, 18 plus D.C. have made the rules permanent, and 14 have extended them, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States.
Many factors have prompted some people to drink more during the pandemic. Some drank to deal with their anxiety, stress or grief. Those working at home had easier access to alcohol and spent less time commuting in their cars. Many normal social interactions were canceled or curtailed.
But some researchers say looser laws also contributed to a rise in binge drinking and overall consumption, with all the attendant health harms.
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TTB Newsletter for August 5, 2022
TTB Announces Selection of New Field Operations District Directors and Audit Director
We are pleased to announce the selection of two new District Directors in our Trade Investigations Division.
Leonard Lee has been promoted to the position of District Director, TID Southeast District. Len has been an investigator in the Southeast District since 2008. Prior to joining TTB, he worked as a special agent in the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
Michael Wukowitch has been promoted to the position of District Director, Mountain District. Mike joined the Mountain District as an investigator in 2018. Prior to joining TTB he served as an investigator and a field supervisor with the Illinois Department of Revenue, Illinois Liquor Control Commission Enforcement Division.
We are also pleased to announce the selection of a new Audit Director in our Tax Audit Division.
Kelly Niles has been promoted to the position of Audit Director, Eastern II. Kelly has been an auditor in the Tampa Audit Office, then Eastern II, since 2003.
Len and Mike started their new roles on July 31, 2022, following the retirement of Ginger Davis and Glen Tischler.
Kelly also started her new job on July 31, 2022, following the retirement of Randy Gettmann.
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