Hurricane Maria
Hurricane Maria devastated the US territory of Puerto Rico. Here are some ways that you can help:  The Hispanic Federation is accepting donations here . New York City is accepting donated goods here . New York State, partnering with TIDAL, have an Amazon wish list here .
All workshops are held at NPCC unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, October 11
9:30am - 11:30am
Area of ExcellenceInformation Technology

In today's digital age, many nonprofits collect and store valuable and sensitive information about their target audience, including their client base and supporters, which comes with innumerable benefits. While such information serves to advance the sector's work, nonprofits are responsible for protecting this data in the face of persistent security threats.
Cybersecurity and digital privacy have become top-of-mind issues across the nonprofit sector and it is more important now than ever before for nonprofits to manage their legal risks. While perfect security isn't possible, assessing data risks and implementing practical security measures can help organizations minimize the likelihood and severity of cyber-attacks  and data breaches. This workshop is c o-sponsored by  New York Lawyers for the Public Interest  (NYLPI) and NPCC.  Click here to register .
Tuesday, October 31
9:30am - 11:00am
Area of ExcellenceDiversity, Equity & Inclusion

The New York City Human Rights Law is one of the most protective anti-discrimination laws in the country, and will be expanding this fall to include prohibitions against inquiries into salary history and prohibitions against discrimination based on status as a current or former military service member. The NYC Commission on Human Rights will discuss some unique protections under the Law, including protections against discrimination on the basis of gender identity/gender expression discrimination, pregnancy, and criminal history, and will also discuss the implementation of the new salary history provisions of the Law, which go into effect on October 31.   Click here to register .
Wednesday, November 1
9:30am - 11:30am
Area of ExcellenceFinancial Management

This workshop will cover the basics of retirement plans: how they work, their importance for employees, the different types of plans, and what to consider in designing a plan. It will also include information for those who administer ERISA plans or want to learn more about them. Topics will include the day-to-day administration of such plans, filing requirements and plan design.   Click here to register .
Thursday, November 2
9:00am - 11:30am
UJA - Federation
130 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022

The current administration has launched a marked and terrifying increase in aggressive immigration enforcement causing nonprofits and service providers to question how to continue effective operations and ensure that their immigrant clients have access to their services.
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), pro bono partners Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, and community partners, authored and released a special Guidance to Nonprofits Regarding Immigration
 aimed at supporting the nonprofit community in protecting most at-risk clients in the face of this new reality. NYLPI and Human Services Council are hosting a free legal training for nonprofit leaders on immigration enforcement.
An expert panel of attorneys, nonprofit, and social service leaders will review legal questions and scenarios, discuss practical considerations for implementing this guidance, and provide valuable insight on best practices. 
Click here to register .
Wednesday, November 8
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Area of ExcellenceHuman Resources

Health insurance is an ever-changing industry with new twists and turns each year. This workshop will focus on the latest changes and trends for 2018. We will take a deep dive into the latest plans and rates in the small group market segment (1 to 100 full time equivalent employees) and explore various strategies to consider implementing within your organization. In addition, we will touch upon relevant compliance issues like the New York State Paid Family Leave Act.   Click here to register .
Wednesday, November 16
9:30am - 11:30am
Area of ExcellenceFinancial Management

Are you a plan administrator for your organization's retirement plans? Join this forum to hear from experts on retirement plan management. Topics will include best practices in decision-making, operational context and legal compliance concerns, and programs that can help your organization manage these responsibilities.   Click here to register .
To see our full workshop calendar,  click here .
Neighborhood Design Lab
Deadlines to apply - Sunday, October 29, 2017

Visual design helps neighborhoods promote local businesses and attract customers, yet many community-based organizations do not have in-house design expertise. We partner with the World Studio Foundation to provide design services, teach organizations how to build internal design skills, and complete neighborhood-wide branding projects. Organizations will work with a designer to brainstorm, plan, and carry out a creative design event or campaign. Each project will connect to a long-term vision for a commercial corridor.

Who Can Apply:

- Nonprofit community-based organizations (BIDs, local development corporations, merchants associations, and other organizations) operating within the five boroughs of New York City, with a preference for organizations serving low- and moderate-income neighborhoods;

- Nonprofit organizations incorporated in New York State;

- Organizations compliant with annual State and Federal filing requirements.

The program application period is open until October 29, at 11:59 p.m. To apply for the program, you must select "CBO Design Assistance" and request the application here
. Applications must be received by October 29 at 11:59 p.m. in order to be considered for the program.
Alliance for Nonprofit Management
Wednesday, November 15 - Saturday, November 18, 2017
Standard Rates available through Tuesday, October 31

The Alliance for Nonprofit Management Annual Capacity Builder's Conference is a one-of-a-kind, opportunity for capacity builders of every kind (consultants, program officers, researchers, professors, advisors, administrators etc.) to convene, dialogue, learn, shape and advance our field for the good of the nonprofits and communities we serve. This year's conference will be held in partnership with the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Conference.  Click here for more information and to register .
Asian American Dreamer Rally To Support DACA Recipients
Thursday, October 5, 2017, 5:30pm

NPCC members Asian American Federation, Chhaya CDC, Chinese-American Planning Council, MinKwon Center for Community Action, New York Immigration Coalition, Sakhi for South Asian Women, Turning Point for Women and Families, and other are joining immigrant advocacy groups to hold an Asian American Dreamer rally in support of Asian American DACA recipients who are being impacted by the dissolution of the DACA program under the Trump administration.

October 5th marks the deadline for the DACA status renewal. 
Click here to register .
Tax Reform
On September 27th the so-called Big Six (House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WY), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and White House economic policy chief Gary Cohn) announced tax reform proposals. While tax reform is complex, the National Council of Nonprofits has outlined what we know so far about the reforms that could affect the nonprofit sector.
Individual income tax rates : Calls for increasing the "zero bracket" (the income level that pays no federal taxes) and eliminates the seven current tax brackets, replacing them with three - 12%, 25%, and 35%, and giving the tax committees flexibility to add a fourth rate on the wealthiest taxpayers
Standard Deduction : Nearly doubles to $12,000/individual and $24,000/married couple (up from $6,300/individual and $12,600/couple)
Itemized Deductions:
  • Charitable deduction: preserved, although fewer people will itemize due to the increase in the Standard Deduction
  • Mortgage interest: preserved, same as charitable deductions, but fewer people will itemize due to the increase in the Standard Deduction
  • State and Local Taxes (SALT): framework calls for repealing the deduction (NB: as of September 29th, this proposal was receiving serious push back and there are already talks of scrapping it)
  • Others: we understand that the tax committees will be "encouraged to retain tax incentives for higher education, retirement and work"
Child Tax Credit : Increased from $1,000 per child under 17 (under current law), but the framework leaves it up to the tax committees to specify an amount; also calls for a $500 tax credit for taxpayers with non-child dependents 
Federal Estate Tax: calls for repeal
Tim Delaney, CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits, said of the proposal, "We applaud the 'Big Six' for their recognition of the importance of retaining the charitable giving incentive going forward. However, the impacts on nonprofits of doubling the standard deduction and its resulting reduction in charitable giving, repealing the estate tax, other changes that could disrupt service delivery, and greatly expanding the deficit require further consideration." As with all recent Congressional and Administration proposals, there are likely to be many changes, and there are many additional processes to go through, before anything is final.
NPCC's Response to the Department of Labor
Last year at this time, nonprofits were scrambling to comply with pending overtime regulations that would have doubled the minimum salary threshold for determining who is considered a white-collar worker and exempt from overtime payments. A federal judge recently struck down the Obama Administration overtime final rule, and the U.S. Department of Labor sought comments to its Request for Information (RFI) about future overtime regulations. NPCC surveyed our members and submitted these comments.
Federal Budget, Debt Ceiling and DACA
As we reported in NPCC's September e-newsletter, Congress was facing a possible government shut down. That decision has been put off to December 2017 through a short-term federal spending bill that also raised the debt ceiling, in a deal negotiated between the Administration and Democratic leadership. Tax reform, a federal budget, and the Johnson Amendment still remain open items. In related federal policy news, the Administration's decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy may not be final, as the Administration has reportedly struck another deal with Democratic leaders to extend DACA protections.
Employment Law Changes - What You Need to Know
New rules go into effect this fall and winter for a number of city, state, and federal employment laws, including: NYS minimum wage, paid family leave, salary history inquiries, and the Fair Chance ("Ban the Box") law. These laws grant new protections and benefits to employees and job applicants. Nonprofit employers must be aware of and comply with these new laws to avoid litigation, and financial and reputational risk. We recommend nonprofits discuss with legal counsel and staff the various laws' applicability and how best to comply. Here is a quick review of some of these developments .
For-Profit Colleges Converting to Nonprofits
BuzzFeed News is reporting that the U.S. Department of Education has approved the sale of two for-profit colleges, Kaplan University and the Art Institutes, which will allow the colleges to convert to nonprofits. Previously, the deals had to be approved by federal overseers, and the Obama administration  blocked a similar deal  fearing that schools would not actually operate as nonprofits or would avoid for-profit regulations with the conversion .
Johnson Amendment
NPCC has been talking about the Johnson Amendment for months now - and you can help keep nonprofits nonpartisan. The Wall Street Journal reports that Republicans are thinking about how "new campaign finance proposals could become bargaining chips in the negotiations." The proposals would repeal the so-called Johnson Amendment, which prohibits nonprofits from engaging in partisan activities (supporting or opposing political candidates, for example). NPCC believes that nonprofits are not Republican organizations, or Democrat organizations - they are community organizations - and we should not engage in partisanship. TAKE ACTION: Organizations that have not done so already are encouraged to sign onto the Community Letter in Support of Nonpartisanship and spread the word among your colleague organizations. See if your organization has already signed. If not, sign today. It takes less than five minutes, and will have a huge impact on the future of our sector. Thank you for supporting the nonprofit sector!
New Programs to Better Serve Our Members!
We're excited to announce three new member benefits:

Additional Protection for Your Organization with Cyber Liability Insurance
NPCC's new cyber liability insurance program with Crystal & Company provides potential reimbursement for a variety of scenarios, including the costs to recover impaired systems and data caused by a covered cyber event, investigative expenses of a covered cyber event, cyber ransom demands, and expenditures related to alleged mishandling of personally identifiable or confidential information. Contact Adam Peterson at [email protected] .

New Retirement Solution
Specifically built for NPCC members, the Empower Retirement program provides a custom retirement plan solution at a negotiated cost for your organization.
Empower Retirement uses their own modern recordkeeping system to provide both time saving solutions to the Plan Sponsor and a participant experience that focuses on retirement income and actionable information provided to employees so that they can prepare for a better retirement. Benefits of the program include:
  • Reduced Fees
  • Fiduciary Indemnification
  • Time Saving Tools
  • Participant Experience that Focuses on Retirement Income
  • Dedicated Service Support for both Plan Sponsors and Participants
For more information, please contact Mark Rubinstein at  [email protected] .

Preferred Pricing on HR Solutions
TriNet's HR solutions can assist NPCC members with risk mitigation, ACA compliance support, a variety of top-tier ACA compliant benefit plans, payroll and tax administration, workers' compensation, and HR guidance. TriNet's services are delivered by an expert team of HR professionals and managed through a cloud-based technology platform that lets NPCC members' employees efficiently conduct their HR transactions anytime and anywhere. TriNet is offering preferred pricing to our members. To learn more, visit http://partners.trinet.com/English/alliance-reg.aspx . Select NY then NPCC.

E-mail us with any questions!
NYC Board Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey
The  NYC Board Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey was launched in June 2017 by NPCC in partnership with the NYC Nonprofit Board Development Coalition, NYC Service, and the Council of Urban Professionals. The goal of the survey is to understand how nonprofits think of diversity, equity, and inclusion on their board and results will help us identify board diversity strategies, gaps, and resources for our City's nonprofits. 

Focus groups are also being organized and we kindly request the participation of NYC nonprofit board members. The objective of the focus groups is to uncover experiences of nonprofit board members on the topic of nonprofit board diversity in NYC that can help inform the barriers of diversifying boards and potential gaps in resources.

The focus groups will be held at NYC Service, 253 Broadway, New York, NY 10007 on the following dates and times:
  • Tuesday, October 3, 8:00am - 10:00am
  • Thursday, October 5, 8:00am - 10:00am
  • Thursday, October 12, 8:00am - 10:00am
  • Tuesday, October 17, 8:00am - 10:00am
In order to help New York nonprofits thrive to build better communities for all, trauma - both direct and vicarious - faced by staff and constituents must be addressed. We heard from our members, capacity builders, and other umbrella organizations of the need to have space to learn and build self-care strategies. NPCC is  teaming up with the  Mental Health Association of New York City  (MHA-NYC) to :
  • provide a safe space and series of workshops for nonprofits to identify and address traumatic reactions of nonprofits' communities and those experienced by staff;
  • exchange and develop resources; and,
  • provide opportunities to collaborate and develop relationships among participants.
The series begins Wednesday, October 18th. This workshop series will be offered again in February 2018 to ensure all who cannot attend this fall can have an opportunity to do so. To learn more and to register, click here .
Register for the B est Practices Workshop & Awards Presentation
For more than a decade, the Nonprofit Excellence Awards have  highlighted the enormously important roles played by New York's nonprofit organizations in improving our lives and helping our communities thrive. The Awards recognize innovative, strategic, well-managed, and well-governed nonprofits through the New York City area. In addition to raising the visibility of nonprofit management best practices, the Awards program is a powerful instrument for strengthening management performance, providing nonprofits with the tools, learning environment, feedback, and encouragement to refine and improve their management practices, ultimately resulting in more effectively and efficiently run organizations.
We invite you to attend the 2017 New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards Presentation & Best Practices Workshop on Friday, December 1st, at the CUNY Graduate Center!   Click here to register .

Thanks to our Gold Sponsor: Your Part-Time Controller

Your Part-Time Controller (YPTC) has been making nonprofits stronger for nearly 25 years. From bookkeeping to controllership to CFO level support, they customize their services to suit each client's needs while working onsite in their office. They create efficient, effective financial departments. By doing what YPTC does best, they enable nonprofits to do what they do best, with the security of knowing their finance department is running the way it should. YPTC removes the worry so their clients can sleep at night. YPTC builds better accounting departments so their nonprofit clients can build a better world.  Click here  to see how YPTC can help your nonprofit.

SINFPA and NPCC Partner to Address the Needs of Staten Island Nonprofits
NPCC and the Staten Island NFP Association (SINFPA) are pleased to announce our partnership to address the unique needs of Staten Island nonprofit organizations. NPCC and SINFPA, both membership organizations, will work together to amplify the best nonprofit management practices for nonprofits throughout New York City, and especially on Staten Island. The goal of this partnership is to understand, assess, and respond to the needs of Staten Island nonprofits, and to meet those needs through joint programming, resource sharing, and other collaborative activities. Together, NPCC and SINFPA will share and create events aimed at supporting good management practices of Staten Island nonprofits.
In the first year, through this partnership, SINFPA and NPCC will host a series of events, including:
  • Sunday, November 19, 2017, NPCC will join SINFPA at the 7th Annual SINFPA Community Service Awards to promote the partnership
  • Friday, December 1, 2017, NPCC invites Staten Island nonprofits to join us at the 11th Annual New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards
  • In the near future, SINFPA and NPCC will hold a webinar/conference call for Staten Island nonprofits to explain the details of the partnership
  • In the winter and spring, NPCC will join SINFPA at various events in Staten Island, including the 8th Annual Nonprofit Conference in April 2018

SINFPA and NPCC are excited about this partnership and the opportunity to work together to address the needs of Staten Island nonprofits. The partnership will allow SINFPA to bring needed to resources to its members through NPCC's workshops, Toolbox, and other benefits. NPCC has been a longtime provider of nonprofit management best practices to New York City area nonprofits, and has set a goal of diversifying our reach and impact throughout New York City. NPCC is excited to help better support the nonprofits on Staten Island through a partnership with SINFPA. We will continue to update our respective memberships throughout the year about opportunities to benefit from this partnership and in the professional development exchange.

NY Attorney General Resources for Dissolving, Merging Nonprofits
The New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law (N-PCL) was amended to make it easier for nonprofits seeking to sell their assets, merge with another organization, or dissolve. In the past, these actions had to be approved by a court; but the N-PCL amendments now allow the approval to come from either the New York Attorney General or the New York Supreme Court. The Charities Bureau of the Attorney General's Office has recently issued new guidance for the new procedures to get approval (including model documents) and a new database of approvals of property transactions and plans of dissolution to give the public access to this information.
Staten Island Real Property Transfer Tax Proposal
The New York City Department of Finance is proposing rules that will require Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT) returns be electronically filed for Staten Island properties. The Department of Finance will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule on October 17th at 11:00am in the Department of Finance hearing room at 345 Adams Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. To testify, call Joan Best at (718) 488-2007 or sign up in the hearing room before the hearing begins on October 17, 2017. Comment online, by email to [email protected], or by mail or fax; the deadline is October 17th.
Paying for Space for Your Meetings? Here's What You Need in the Contract
For most nonprofits, meetings are the central function of the organization - and often involve renting a meeting space. What nonprofits often don't recognize, however, is that meetings are also a source of significant potential liability in the form of contract penalties, legal claims, and commitments that may go unfulfilled due to causes beyond the organization's control. Our friends at Venable LLP have a great guide on what terms you need to have in contracts you sign for meeting spaces . Click here to read more.
Human Services Council RFP Rater
The Human Services Council (HSC) has launched RFP Rater. The Rater was developed in response to the urgent need for nonprofit risk management tools identified in HSC's  2016 report, New York Nonprofits in the Aftermath of FEGS: A Call to Action . Comprised of 60 weighted questions addressing program design, operating requirements, financial adequacy, performance expectations, compliance requirements, sustainability, and the procurement process, the RFP Rater is designed to help nonprofit human services organizations understand the risks and challenges involved in government business opportunities. You can access the ratings here and learn more about the tool itself here .
Nonprofit Response to Disasters - What Do We Know?
NPCC Board Member Michael Seltzer writes in Philanthropy New York the lessons we can learn about charitable response to previous disasters. Click here to read more .
Venable LLP
Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 12:30pm - 2:00pm EST

All nonprofits utilize technology solutions, such as software, databases, and related services, to conduct business and help manage operations. These are generally provided by third parties and require negotiation and adherence to a variety of service contracts and license terms. In this program moderated by Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum, Esq., panelists will address important considerations for negotiating and entering into these contracts and licenses, namely, understanding different types of license grants, managing use of nonprofit data, addressing information security, dealing with electronic contracts, addressing future performance issues and problems, what happens when the relationship terminates, and handling other legal risks related to the use of third-party technology solutions.  Click here to register .
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 12:00 PM - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 12:00 PM (PDT)
15% Discount for Full Series

Looking for professional development opportunities, or seeking to jumpstart change within your organization?  Starting Tuesday, October 10, The Spectrum of Nonprofit Financing Options revolves around common business choices like debt and Program- or Mission-Related Investments. It then goes one step further, delving into cutting-edge topics such as Pay for Success or outcomes-based financing, New Markets Tax Credits, and Impact Investing.

Sessions can be taken as a full financial management curriculum, or can be chosen a la carte for organizations seeking to address specific business challenges. Click here to see a more detailed description of each session. Registration includes access to both the live broadcast, and afterwards, a link to the recording and slides.

Purchase the full series for a 15% discount! Or if you are registering for individual webinars, enter the promotional code SAVE10 for a 10% discount.  Click here for more information and to register .
The Field
8 sessions
Tuesdays, October 17 through November 28, 2017, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
$155 ($130 for members of The Field and/or NPCC; contact [email protected]
for coupon code)

In The Field's signature program artists meet weekly to share works in progress, support one another in risk-taking, and exchange peer-to-peer feedback. The Fall workshops will be hosted by Theaterlab and facilitated by Shalewa Mackall. Fieldwork provides a unique opportunity for writers, dancers, musicians, and other media artists to learn what their audience heard, saw, and felt in reaction to their work.   Click here for more information and to register .
Ahead of the Curve Steering Committee
Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 8:30am - 1:00pm
UJA-Federation 130 E 59th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022

Do you and your organization talk openly about threats and opportunities? Do you ever imagine "what if" with your board and staff? What if we had a large benefactor or enacted a key policy or lost a key contract? The 2017 Ahead of the Curve symposium is your toolbox and inspiration for looking at opportunities, threats, how they impact planning in an uncertain world. 

Program Highlights: 

  • Panel of nonprofit leaders discuss approaches to risk and how they use planning to pivot with threats and opportunities;
  • "Hands on" scenario planning exercise using tools that nonprofits of all sizes can take home and use;
  • Dialogue with Ted Bilich, CEO, Risk Alternatives and the Ahead of the Curve collaborative of technical assistance organizations.

Click here to register.

The Field
Thursday, October 26, 2017, 6:00pm - 7:30pm*
75 Maiden Lane #906, New York, NY 10038
FREE for members of NPCC and The Field

Artists who aren't afraid of 'NO' are great at asking donors for support. Learn how to raise the funds you need - whether you are making an in-person ask, developing solicitation materials, or crowdfunding. You can raise money confidently and meet your goal. The Field Deputy Director Shawn René Graham will give you sound advice to get your campaign started on the right foot Click here to register .
Citrin Cooperman
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 8:30am - 10:30am
529 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY
You're invited to join this informal, informational roundtable dialogue the morning of Thursday, November 2 at Citrin Cooperman's New York City office. Come connect with other local Not-For-Profits, discuss the cybersecurity threats organizations are facing, learn more about the reputational risks that can be associated with exposure to a cyber-attack, and walk away with ways to safeguard your organization against these threats.  Visit their website  for more information and to register .
Tuesday, November 7, 2017, 9:00am - 11:30am
KPMG LLP - 345 Park Avenue, 37th Floor, New York, NY

Increasingly, businesses are seeking to collaborate with effective nonprofits at both the local and global level to accomplish shared purpose. This movement has great potential.
Kate Maloney of KPMG will provide an overview about the power of partnership. She will then moderate a panel of corporate and charity leaders to uncover how select organizations have moved beyond direct grants to discover deeper collaborations. Learn how businesses and charities can unlock their real assets and achieve greater impact by working together. Come hear pitfalls to avoid as well as tips for success!  This program is designed especially for nonprofit, business and philanthropy executives who are interested in exploring deeper partnerships, including executive directors and CEOs, CFOs and COOs, development officers, program officers, board members, philanthropy officers, nonprofit advisors and executives from the private sector. Click here to register.
Click here to download
this month's issue
in PDF format.
The New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards

Friday, December 1, 2017
8:00am - 1:00pm
- Charity Donations
- Coalition for Queens, Inc.
- Harvard Business School Club of New York
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
- Race Track Chaplaincy of America NY Division
- The Children's Institute of Fashion Arts
- The International Women's Writing Guild
- Xavier Society for the Blind
Human Services Council and Disaster Readiness and Resilience Workgroup

This Framework incorporates lessons learned in past disasters, commonly recognized best practices as applied to the unique situation of New York City, and provides recommendations for concrete action that are in varying stages of implementation. The release of HSC's Framework follows a report released earlier this year by the Hurricane Sandy Charitable Organizations and Houses of Worship Recovery Task Force. Click here to download .
Human Services Council, NYC Department of Health and Mental Health, NYC Emergency Management, and the Mayor's Office on Recovery and Resilience
Thursday, October 26, 2017 8:30am - 12:00pm
130 E 59th Street, New York, NY 10022

At this training, City government will share its approach to public health emergencies to help human services professionals better understand changes to their command structure post-disaster and HSC will also share its sector coordination plans and principles. These discussions will serve as a springboard for continued joint planning between City government and the human services sector. Click here to register.

Nonprofit Talent Sustainability Strategies
Unemployment Services Trust (UST)

For a limited time, UST is offering a free eBook with tips on how to combat hiring and succession planning obstacles. Learn about competitive benefit ideas, new statistics from the section, trending recruitment tactics, and key ways to engage new staff.  Click here to download .
Leading With Intent: 2017 National Index of Nonprofit Board Practices

Who serves on today's nonprofit boards? How are they composed and organized? How do they conduct their work? How well are they fulfilling their many important roles and responsibilities? What impact are they having on organizational performance?
This report answers these questions and is the latest in BoardSource's series of studies tracking and analyzing trends in nonprofit board leadership since 1994.  Click here to download .
Our conference room can be rented for meetings, workshops or retreats. The space is available Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm, and is available for rental on a half-day or full-day basis. 

The conference room is available to NPCC members and non-members; NPCC member organizations receive a discounted rate.

For more information, contact  Alexa Salamé, Executive and Board Coordinator, at 212-502-4191 extension 229.
Do you need to rent a meeting, office or event space? Do you have space to rent? NPCC connects you through our Space Ads. These Ads are solely for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with office space available, those seeking space, or those with meeting or conference space for rent in the New York City area.

New York Nonprofits is a monthly publication of the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, Inc. (NPCC).
Editor: Heysha Nameri, Communications Coordinator.  For information or questions about the enewsletter email  [email protected] .
NPCC was established in 1984 to help nonprofits meet common challenges and problems, to serve as a meeting ground, and to strengthen the nonprofit sector as a whole. NPCC has more than 1,450 members in the New York metropolitan area, ranging from all volunteer groups to major institutions.

Membership in NPCC provides a place where your voice is heard and adds to the collective voice of the nonprofit community.
Dues for 501(c)(3) nonprofits (that are not grantmakers) are based upon the organization's annual operating budget.
For more information email us at [email protected].

Board Officers: 
Ian J. Benjamin, Chair
Vice Chair: Robert Acton
Treasurer: Charlene Laniewski
Secretary: Merble Reagon

Board Members: Victoria Bailey, Richard Burns, Esq., Greg Cohen, Diana Davenport, Leslie Goldman, Ronda Kotelchuck, Patricia Kozu, Antoinette La Belle, Larry Lee, Sheila Lewandowski, Roland Lewis, Carolyn McLaughlin,  Tuhina De O'Connor,  Karen Pearl, Michael Seltzer, Emily Smith, Richard Souto, Sarah (BJ) Sung, Stephanie Thomas, Eileen Torres, Jo-Ann Yoo; Sharon Stapel, President ex officio
Michael Clark, President Emeritus |  Jonathan A. Small, Esq., President Emeritus |  Peter Swords, Esq., President Emeritus |  John E. Craig, Jr., Cha irman Emeritus

Copyright © 2017 Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, Inc. New York Nonprofits is published twelve times a year. Select articles may be reprinted in print form (they may not be printed in any medium other than print form) with the express permission of the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, Inc.