Students today face a myriad of stressors and challenges that we, as parents, can't always handle for them.
We feel helpless when our child is anxious, overwhelmed, run-down, and not getting adequate sleep. The good news is that there may be a simple way to help alleviate stress and elevate our kiddo's well-being - by simply encouraging them to READ!
You may already know that reading is scientifically proven to increase a student's likelihood of excelling in school, but are you aware there are physical health benefits to reading?
The Journal of College Teaching reported that thirty minutes of reading lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of distress. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic state that reading a printed book before bed significantly increases the likelihood of restful sleep. And in the United Kingdom, a national health program based on reading is showing success in using reading to reduce and/or eliminate depression.
The first week of March is Read Across American Week and it begins on the birthday of Dr. Suess. And if Dr. Suess isn't enough to kickstart a reading program in your home, consider this - reading as a pastime increases self-esteem, improves vocabulary, builds communication skills, and strengthens the brain. Read more about this topic HERE.