January 23, 2023

Your News from Lancaster City Schools

Departments on the Move

Lancaster City School Superintendent Nathan Hale announced this week that the process of moving administrative and central office staff to a new facility on Coonpath Road is underway. The school system purchased the property formerly belonging to South Central Power on Coonpath Road NE and State Route 188 last year as part of the master facilities plan, allowing staff to relocate without the extra cost of building a new facility.

“While we will not have everyone moved completely until this summer, the Transportation and Food Service Departments have already relocated,” Hale said. “The Central Office staff also is relocating to the new facility. This will be a gradual process that should be completed this summer. The Stanbery campus will be vacated when classes move into the new Lancaster High School upon its completion.”

The Transportation and Food Service Departments can now be reached at the new location utilizing their existing phone numbers. The new physical address for both departments is 2780 Coonpath Road NE, Lancaster, OH 43130. Until August 2023, the Central Office mailing address will remain 345 East Mulberry Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130. All contact information for Lancaster City Schools can be found on the website at www.lancaster.k12.oh.us.

What's Happening in Our Schools


In Mrs. Richardson's 1st grade EL curriculum, they have been learning about different birds and making observational drawings, including labels. They've discussed parts of the birds and how those parts help specific birds survive.


Two local residents of Heartland Farm in Lancaster dropped by the school earlier this month for a meet and greet. Marshmallow and Pumpkin, two inquisitive goats who reside at the interactive farm, made fast friends with students.


Students and staff received an impressive honor by being awarded the GOLD Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Award by the State of Ohio! MPES was one of only eleven schools selected by the state. The Ohio PBIS Network and State Support Teams identify districts and schools that exemplify best practices in the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).


Medill kindergarten students are partaking in the SNAP-Ed program with Ms. Sommers. She is working with students to learn about the five food groups and how to eat healthy. So far, they have read a book about nutrition and looked at food in different food groups. SNAP-Ed focuses on good nutrition, stretching food dollars, living physically active lifestyles, and building healthier communities.


A big thank you to the Columbus Zoo! Our students had fun learning about animal defenses, adaptations, and habitats during a recent visit. Did you know the Sloths at the Columbus Zoo host a yoga class when they aren't eating fruit and leaves? Find out more at columbuszoo.org.


Talented eighth-grade students in the band and choir took their music on the road last month and performed for the student body at Tarhe Trails. Did you know that those who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons? That's music to our ears!


A BIG thank you to Deputy Maple and Sergeant Strawn from the Fairfield County Sheriff's Office for coming to Thomas Ewing to talk to our students about Internet/Social Media Safety. Please remind your student - Hear Something, See Something, Say Something.


Are you following the Lancaster High School Video Productions team on YouTube? If not, you should subscribe and see what's happening in the high school from Mr. Burke's Broadcasting students' perspective. The YouTube channel has more than 293,400 views. Let's help boost them over the half-million mark. Subscribe on YouTube or click here to visit their channel.


Lancaster City Schools Preschool is enrolling students for the 2023-2024 school year. LCS Preschool is a Center-Based Preschool Program that accepts students of all abilities. 

Ways to Get Enrolled:  

  • Email: s_henwood@lcsschools.net to request registration forms.
  • In-person: Tarhe Preschool, 425 Whittier Dr., Lancaster, OH 43130.
  • Contact: 740.687.7340 for additional information.

Follow Us!

Make sure you are following your child's school on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest news!

Lancaster City Schools

Lancaster High School

Thomas Ewing Jr. High

General Sherman Jr. High

Gorsuch West Elementary School

Medill Elementary

Mt. Pleasant Elementary School

Tallmadge Elementary

Tarhe Trails Elementary


January 23: CCP Night at LHS

February 20: No School - Presidents' Day

View All Upcoming Events

Contact Info:

Nathan Hale



Jeromey Sheets, Ed.D.Director of Elementary Education
Director of Student Services
Coordinator of Human Resources
Director of Education Technology Services

Kristin Vandermark

Transportation Supervisor


Food Service Supervisor
Casey Rainier

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