W E L L N E S S    R E T R E A T

S E D O N A,  A R I Z O N A
O C T O B E R   2 0 1 5

Your Journey to Wellness 

Natural Healing

A Whole-Life Approach

I am encouraged and excited by your decision to have an in-depth perspective on your health care. In fact, you are now joining me in a progressive healthcare movement. I know that optimal health requires more than a series of procedures and prescriptions. There are many like-minded health care professional who share this same view. Among them are respected organizations such Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, American Holistic Medical Association, A4M Anti-aging Medicine and others.


Many conventional health care professionals have a personal practice for their well-being. However, there is not enough time in the clinical day to tell you about it. Many are physically fit, use minimal medications and are less prone to infections and illnesses. Why is that? Simply, there is a 'one size fits all' standard of care that we are trained to provide to you, the patient. Given the choice, do you want to do what the doctor says or what the doctor does? The answer should be clear. After 15 years of medical practice and the treatment of nearly 50,000 patients, I'm excited to give you the healing prescription that I personally practice.


One to One Integrated Health is giving you the opportunity for an inside look at your healing process; one like you've never been given before. One to One Wellness Retreat is a personalized wellness program designed specifically for your wellness needs. After a extensive health and lifestyle assessment, you may be selected to participate in a 5-Day Program of Health Rejuvenation. 


Your journey begins in the awe-inspiring beauty of Sedona Arizona, at the Mago Retreat Center, where the majestic red rocks are steeped with sacred footprints. Experiential learning, interactive presentations, medicinal foods, customized fitness and nutrition sessions, thriving vs. surviving life coaching, Tao yoga and meditation exercises are all physician guided to maximize your healing experience.


You will get to de-clutter and detox from life's routine and begin to fulfill your desire for optimal health and well-being. Let me show you how.


To learn more about our One to One Wellness Retreat and to schedule your free consultation and health assessment, contact Terri Dean.


See you in Sedona,

Lori Eanes, D.O. 




Who is Dr. Lori 

Terri Dean, Retreat Coordinator