Our Featured Investor
Missouri Baptist University
507 East Woodlawn
Leadington, MO 63601
Thank you Megan Wilson & MBU for Hosting the November First Friday Coffee!
Excellent Event!
Welcome NEW Investors!!
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at www.phlcoc.net or following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest!
Parade Entries Accepted Until November 30! Get Yours In Today!
Announcing The
Hefner Furniture Christmas Parade!
This Year's Theme Is: "
Our Perfect Christmas"
Entrants are encouraged to decorate their floats to represent their vision of a "Perfect Christmas"
Welcome to the Celebration!
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce is hosting the "
Hefner Furniture Christmas Parade" on Thursday, December 3 , 2015 and we are inviting you to participate.
- No Entry Fee! Participate in the Parade for FREE!
- Bigger Cash Prizes! $200 - 1st Place, $150 - 2nd Place, $100 - 3rd Place
- New Ending Location With a Shorter Route! Ending at the Park Hills Sports Complex
- Santa's House! Where kids can visit with Santa & Mrs. Claus & have pictures taken
- More Vendor Spots Available! Set up your holiday craft, treat, or game booth
- Master & Miss Christmas Contest! Hosted by the MAC Cheerleaders
Chamber Office Closed For Thanksgiving
The Chamber office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 26 & 27 in observance of Thanksgiving. We will resume regular business hours on Monday, November 30, 2015.
We apologize for any inconvenience and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Ribbon Cutting - December 1, 2015
Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting and the Celebration of the opening of
The Average Joe's Bar & Grill!
Located on Flat River Road next to the Forever Antiques Mall. The Average Joe's' Bar and Grill offers a full menu with daily menu specials, a full bar with daily drink specials, and weekly entertainment.
We'll cut the ribbon on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. And, as a special treat, Matt & Ken will be providing attending Chamber Investors with lunch!
Please plan to celebrate with us! Register you attendance now:
Ribbon Cutting at The Average Joe's
2nd Annual Chamber Cares: Tushies & Toes Drive
2nd Annual Chamber Cares - Tushies & Toes
Holiday Drive for Children's Underwear & Socks
Sponsored by: The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce
Collecting New Undies and Socks for Children Ages 5-11
- Undies Any Size from 0 to 12
- Socks Any Size From 1 to 10
Benefiting Children of Central R-3 Schools.
Drop off your donations at any of the following locations between November 1, 2015 and December 15, 2015:
- Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Office - 12 Municipal Drive, Park Hills - Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- East Missouri Action Agency - Outreach Office - 903 East Chestnut, Desloge - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- The Daily Journal - 1513 St. Joe Drive, Park Hills - Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (*Donations made here entitles you to FREE assistance in activating your existing Full Access DJ Subscription!)
- Dale Mosier Auto Body - 201 Mulberry, Park Hills - Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Bates Insurance - 918 E. Main Street, Park Hills - Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (*Donations made here may enter for a chance to win a $25 gas card and $25 Colton's Gift Certificate. Drawing will be held on December 17, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Participants can only win one of the cards and may pick their choice if same name is drawn for both.)
- Better Bodies - 140 E. Woodlawn, Leadington - Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m (*Donations made here register you for a chance to win 1-Month Free Gym or Tanning. Each donation earns you one entry i.e.: 2 packages of underwear = 2 entries, etc. Two individuals will be awarded prizes. Receive multiple chances to win with multiple donations!)
- Friends in Action Clubhouse - 206 Crane Street, Park Hills - Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- First Bank - 1000 East Main Street - Park Hills - Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- First State Community Bank - 365 West Main Street - Park Hills - Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Missouri Baptist University - 507 East Woodlawn - Park Hills - Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center - 815 E. Main - Park Hills - Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- New Era Bank - 207 West Main - Park Hills - Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- American Home Care - 905 East Main, Suite B - Park Hills - Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Chamber Investors are Encouraged to Bring Donations to the November & December Investor Meetings. Sponsors should bring all donations to the December Investor Meeting for a Photo Op.
No First Friday Coffee Event in December or January
Please note. Due to the holiday season, there are no First Friday Coffee Events scheduled for December 2015 or January 2016 .
We will resume our First Friday Coffee Schedule in February 2016 with the first event on February 5, hosted by Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy in Desloge!
Holiday Investor Meeting
The December Investor Meeting is a
Special Holiday Meeting! This meeting will be held at
Elizabeth Hall and will last
1/2 hour longer than regular investor meetings!
Join us for a special Chamber "
Holiday" Investor Meeting on December 15, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. at Elizabeth Hall in Leadington. Lunch is being catered by Glenda Straughn this month.
There is no set fee for lunch this month, however, we will be accepting cash donations.
Any proceeds made from the luncheon will be used to purchase shoes for the Chamber Cares Tushies & Toes Holiday Drive.
Claddagh Irish Dancers with a limited business agenda and lots of time for networking!
Because we've had so much fun with it holiday's past, we're again having a
WRAPPED GIFT, with your
BUSINESS CARD ATTACHED for the exchange! What better way to promote your business/organization than to capture someone's (
or, in this case, possibly everyone's) attention with a gift?!
Remember, creative wrapping of your gift is sometimes the key to being the "
most wanted" gift on the table. If everyone is fighting for your gift, chances are, your business/organization will be highly remembered before the gift is even reveled!
We will also be doing the
Final Collection for the Chamber Cares Tushies & Toes Drive at this meeting. If your business or organization is a collection point, or if you would simply like to donate items, we ask that you please bring all your donations to this meeting. We will be taking a photo of all the donations and collection point sponsors.
This is an Excellent Relationship Building Opportunity! And, you never know what other little "
Holiday Surprises" might be in store for you!!
Monthly investor meetings provide Chamber investors with a variety of information through guest speakers. Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance to community interests. Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings, and provide an excellent networking opportunity.
Roberts Elected to the Chamber Board
Chamber Board Members recently held the annual board member election to fill the seats of those board members scheduled to retire in January. With three of the four retiring board members agreeing to be re-appointed to a second 3-year term, there is only one board member seat being vacated in 2016. At the November Board of Directors Meeting, members voted to appoint
Tish Roberts of
Culligan Soft Water to replace the retiring board member! She has been appointed to a 3-year term commencing in January 2016 and concluding in January 2019
Tish has been an active member of the Chamber for many years. Most recently, she has served as a Chamber Ambassador since 2014. She has been a tremendous help at promoting the Chamber and its benefits and will be a very valuable asset to the Chamber Board.
Congratulations Tish! We look forward to working with you!
Watch future newsletters for more information on Tish, the 3 re-appointed board members, and our honorary retiring board member!
Now Seeking 2016 Ambassadors & Ambassador Program Sponsors
What is the Ambassador Program?
The Ambassador Program is a group of Chamber Investors (non-board members) who have pledged their commitment to being extensively involved with Chamber activities throughout the year, including attending most, if not all, of the events, meetings, and other Chamber hosted activities. They will serve as mentors to new investors, help with recruitment of new investors, and continue to help us maintain a professional, welcoming image.
Now Seeking Ambassadors
Have you been saying that you'd love to get more involved in the Chamber? Do you attend Investor Meetings? Chamber Events like the First Friday Coffee? How about Chamber Sponsored Ribbon Cuttings? Would you like to make some new contacts and/or friends within the Community that you live and work? How about just helping out the Chamber with nothing more than a small time commitment?
The Chamber board constructed this program designed to improve investor participation, networking, and appreciation. Many of our investors already do many of the requirements for this program, but now, you have an opportunity to earn prizes and be rewarded for your chamber participation!
To find out more about the Ambassador Program, or to sign up to become a Chamber Ambassador, click here: Ambassador Program
Now Seeking Ambassador Program Sponsors
Would you be willing to donate four small items from your business or organization in exchange for having your business/organization promoted throughout the entire year 2016? We are currently seeking sponsors who are willing to donate items to be included in the "Acclaimed Ambassador Baskets".
Your business or organization will be recognized numerous times throughout 2016, as well as listed 24/7, the entire year, on the Chamber's website as an Ambassador Program Sponsor.
For more information, or to sign up to be an Ambassador Program Sponsor, contact the Chamber at info@phlcoc.net.
December is Investor Renewal Month
Keep an eye on your email during the month of December! It's investor renewal time! You won't want to let your Chamber Membership lapse!
Investor renewal time is a great time to review your membership information to ensure we have all the correct contact information for you, your business/organization, and additional reps. It's also a great time to update your business card, logo, and promotional graphics with us. We use these items all year long to promote you. We want to make sure everything is current and accurate!
Renewal time is also the perfect time to consider enhancing your page on our website for the new year! For just $100 per year, you can have a highly detailed, very informational page on our website. So far this year, we've had
24,751 visitors to our website. Of that...
18,204 were unique users! Our Member's Pages were viewed
53,516 times in 2015.
That's an average of 359 page views per investor... basically, there could be someone viewing your page on our website, every single day of the year! You will
definitely benefit from having as much information as possible on your page within our website! For more information on an "
Enhanced Page", contact the Chamber Office before you renew!
For questions about your annual Chamber Investment, please don't hesitate to contact the Chamber office at 573-431-1051 or
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like! In a hurry? Email your announcements to info@phlcoc.net or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Here's what's happening with your fellow Chamber Investors!
Click the headline to read the story!
Read these stories and others now listed on the
Chamber's News Page within our website!
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Looking for something to do? One of the best places to get you event fix is on the Chamber's website. Click the event link to find out more about some of the great events coming soon:
And this is only a few of several events coming in August! See the entire list on the
Chamber's Online Event's Calendar!
Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment? We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings! Look who's hiring right now:
Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!
Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals on the Chamber's website yet?
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our
Hot Deals page often - New Deals Added Regularly!!
Seminars, Training & Workshops
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new? We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE (
St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services.) See what benefits YOU
Find out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's
Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance your business.
Here's How Gift-Giving Can Help Your Company Even After the Holidays
By: Katie Jansen Women 2.0
Image Credit: Getty Images
A little generosity goes a long way--and makes your customers want to reciprocate.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it makes me reflect on the many things that I'm grateful for and ushers in an entire season of generosity. The holidays infuse work, too. It's always nice to see your colleagues in the slightly different light of celebration.
There's a harmful myth that you need to be self-centered to get ahead in business. While you can't focus on trying to be liked all the time, showing generosity and being nice to others can have a positive impact on your career. Getting ahead shouldn't be the reason you do it, but I do want to dispel the myth that being kind or generous is a sign of weakness.
A generous spirit can do wonders for your business and even your career. Here's why:
Generosity demonstrates to others your values and makes people want to reciprocate.
People like receiving gifts. It makes them feel good. And when they get those warm fuzzies from you, they'll associate other good things with you. That goes a long way in business by building rapport and trust.
Continue reading here: Gift-Giving... After the Holidays
What Starbucks' Red Cup Controversy Teaches Us About Negative PR
By: AJ Agrawal CEO Alumnify
Image Credit: Getty Images
What Starbucks' Red Cup Controversy Teaches Us About Negative PR.
According to Starbucks, "within the first 48 hours of red Starbucks cups launching last year, a photo of a Starbucks holiday cup was shared on Instagram every 14 seconds."
A proven and repeatable success, the Starbucks holiday cup mastered a pattern of designs that consumers loved. Customers obsess about these cups so much, in fact, that the release of the Starbucks holiday cup has turned into an event where people will count down until the cup is shown to the public.
So when the world's most famous coffee corporation decided to release a cup that was solid red this year, it didn't take long for uproar to ensue.
Starbucks's vice president of design and content explained the design choice by saying, "This year we wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories."
Sadly, customers weren't thrilled about the solid red cup. The backlash was immediate.
Continue reading here:
Starbucks' Red Cup & Negative PR