Few weeks ago, we reported on an Austrian orb account from 1840 with a very imprecise translation.
Also, we mentioned a 1968 UFO encounter over Spain involving a Spanish fighter jet! We received some
very important emails from giants in the fields of UFOlogy and Fortean Research as a result!
First, I would like to give a credit to Kay Coggin who, for decades, has scoured news sources over several
centuries looking for anomalous activities around the world in various archives! It was Kay who originally
found the Austrian sighting from 1840.
Another prominent Fortean named Claude Mauge has a very interesting comment on the article and
translation I shall post here as follows:
The basic ideas of the translated account seem to be valid, but many details are erroneous. For instance,
what means "a prolonged nigh"? If "nigh" is here a misprint for "night" it's plainly wrong: "einer
ausgedehnten Niederung" is indeed "a wide depression"(in the ground) -- which does not appear in the
translation. As for the location, there is no wonder that Bob Spearing was unable to find a "Sintesg,
Laulenne" in Austria: the original text bears clearly, in usual Latin letters (probably to mean that the
events occurred in a country which does not use the Fraktur writing), "Saintes à la Guienne" that is
"Saintes in the Guyenne" -- the latter being the old French province in the Bordeaux area. France instead
of Austria, thus...
France not Austria indeed! WOW! Claude! Thank heavens for researchers like you! Much Appreciated!
Lastly, concerning the 1968 fighter jet sighting over Spain, an old friend of MUFON, namely Vincente-
Juan Ballester Olmos, researcher extraordinaire, dropped us this note:
That was the UFO that caused the traffic jam in Madrid and "eluded" jet fighters on September 5, 1968:
a giant stratospheric research balloon launched by the French CNES. This sighting was thoroughly
investigated, and it is not forgotten at all as it persists in the memory of Spanish and European UFO
researchers. Regards!
Thank you, Vincente-Juan! It’s nice to hear from an old friend!