November 1, 2017
Your November News & Updates
We're getting fired up for the coming holiday season, and we're sure you are too. There are lots of things happening: celebrations, meetings, and a new bakery just for pets. Let's see just what the excitement is all about.
So much to do and see in the coming holiday season!
From the season kick-off featuring the 58 th Annual Holiday Caravan Parade on Wednesday November 22 nd , the Holiday Night Out on Friday the 24 th , the Grinch and Santa visits, and on to many, many more activities and events. . . Downtown Salisbury will never leave you bored over the coming weeks.
Create business impact with an end-of-year meeting at SBC
With the end of the year quickly approaching, now is a vital time for business leaders to begin your end-of-year reflections. Set the stage for continuous improvement, determine what worked last year (and what didn’t work), and plan for the greatest ultimate success for your business year ahead. 

The 76-seat capacity auditorium at the Salisbury Business Center can help you make that end-of-year reflection/goal setting meeting have impact. With space for receptions and refreshments, as well as the state-of-the art auditorium to present the finer points of your meeting, the Salisbury Business Center cannot be beat!

What's Happening
The North Carolina Urban Forest Council
The City of Salisbury in conjunction with the NC Cooperative Extension Service and the North Carolina Urban Forest Council hosted Carolina Canopy | Tree Professionals Workshop at the Salisbury Business Center. Tree professionals from across the state gathered for a morning-long presentation, lunch, and a tour of the city’s downtown tree canopy. Read more about the wonderful work of the NC Urban Forest Council.

To host your next meeting at the Salisbury Business Center, contact us at: .
The Empire Hotel is under contract.
Just across the block from the Salisbury Business Center, the revitalization of this important structure will have a dynamic impact on the entire community. The City of Salisbury hosted a drop-in Empire Hotel Open House in October. The Open House allowed residents to learn more about the coming Empire Hotel Redevelopment project and share their concerns. City representatives conducted a tour of this critical downtown property. Contact Janet Gapen, City of Salisbury Planning Director, for more information at (704) 638-5230 or .

You can click the photo below to follow the Empire Hotel's progress:
This month the Salisbury Business Center welcomes a team of Career Development educators from across North Carolina who are attending a 'Work-Based Learning in NC' session. To showcase an innovative business in the community, Integro Technologies Vision Integrators will provide a tour of its SBC facility. We appreciate helping our educators see the importance of developing business partnerships in their communities.

We can't wait to share our story. Learn more about Work-Based Learning in NC .
Art exhibits return to the Salisbury Business Center
Did you know? The SBC facility includes a gracious gallery space in its lobby. We have been inviting artists and art groups to exhibit here since 2015. In hosting these events, we are achieving our goal to provide gallery space to promote art and area artists with the intent to develop increased art appreciation and a connection with the community. 

Our upcoming exhibit will include art from students and faculty at the Jesse C. Carson High School . Mark your calendars for the Artists Opening Reception on Friday evening December 1 st .

New business in Salisbury
Is Fido a gourmet? 
If not yet…he can be!
Bella’s Barkery opened on Main Street in Salisbury this summer, and that is not a typo.

Owner Jean Helms is operating a bakery for pets. This cute-as-a-button shop features home-baked pet treats with fresh ingredients and no preservatives. Bella’s even makes custom birthday cakes and pupcakes! 

Bella’s will host pet adoption events in addition to providing yummy snacks for your pooch. 

Welcome to Salisbury, Bella's Barkery.

Visit Bella’s Barkery , one of the many new additions to downtown Salisbury.

Bella’s Barkery
203 S. Main Street, Salisbury NC
(704) 796-1139
The SBC is a Food-Drop Point
“Thanks & Giving” kicks off in Downtown Salisbury on November 3rd. During this month-long food drive for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina, you can donate canned food donations to help those in need in our community. 

The Salisbury Business Center is a drop zone. Come by any Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.
Holiday Hours at the Salisbury Business Center
With more reasons to be thankful than we can count, the Salisbury Business Center will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday November 23 rd and Friday November 24 th as we pause to count our blessings: the freedom of this great country in which we live, the opportunity for the achievements we enjoy, and the friendship and confidence our community shows in us. For all of these things we are deeply thankful.

Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving. 
Salisbury Business Center | 704-209-4589 |