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American Job Center Partner Newsletter

Dear AJC Largo Partners,

I am excited to offer you the November edition of our monthly newsletter! As in the past, it’s our intention to use this newsletter as an opportunity for partners to share program updates, workshops, events and workforce activities that we should collectively be aware of on a local, state and national level. As Workforce Ambassadors in Prince George’s County, we must communicate effectively and work together to make smart and intentional referrals, increase program engagement and ultimately, promote a quality workforce system that's effective for our job seekers. 

This newsletter is being created for you, and your input will only make it better as time goes on. I can’t promise I will share everything, but I would love to share things that your agency has done or is planning to do in the upcoming month. Event highlights and customer success stories are welcome! The AJC Newsletter will generally go out on the 15th of every month, except holidays or weekends.

Thank you for remaining an engaged and invested partner of the American Job Center. See you soon!


Ricardo Washington

One Stop Manager



As we enter the month of November, we can all agree that there is much to be thankful for. While we gear up for family visits and thanksgiving dinners, we should also remember to thank our employees and colleagues for all the hard work they do to assist the community. Focusing on gratitude makes the workplace more positive, transparent and appreciative. It helps to improve employee health and well-being.

The article below gives us 14 different ways to celebrate and practice gratitude within the workplace.

Click Here to see the article!



Native Americans have influenced our society in a variety of ways, from music and art to government and laws. During this month we can learn about tribes and raise awareness about the unique challenges Native American people have faced both historically and in the present. It is also a time to celebrate the diverse culture, history and traditions of the Native Americans.

There are many events this month created to celebrate the Native Americans.

Click Here! To see the different events

Customer Training & Workshops

Our American Job Center Partners continue to offer workshops and training opportunities online. If you have another workshop you would like to offer please email [email protected] to add it to our list!

Visit the Events Calendar Here!

Don't see your training or workshop? Email [email protected] and we'll help to get your services added to the calendar!

Prince George's County COVID-19

Vaccination Update

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 years. This is such an important step in our fight to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community and to end this pandemic.

PG County Gov't is partnering with Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) to host vaccine clinics at elementary and high schools throughout the County. Residents ages 5 years and older can now receive the COVID-19 vaccine for free at the school mobile vaccine clinics. The clinics will operate Monday through Friday during after school hours at multiple schools throughout the County.

  • COVID-19 vaccines for eligible children will also be available at many pediatricians’ offices, retail and grocery store pharmacies, hospitals, and other health care providers throughout the County.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccinations for children or to schedule an appointment, visit the County Health Department website here


  • Over 1,128,000 vaccines have been provided to County residents. 579,175 County residents have received at least one dose of a vaccine.
  • As of November 11, the CDC has reported 86.4% of adults 18 and older have received at least one vaccination in the County, and 76.2% are fully vaccinated.
  • When including all residents ages 12 and older, 86.1% of residents have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the CDC.
  • Over 96% of seniors (ages 65 and older) in the County have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • More than 2,700 children ages 5 to 11 years have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine through the County Health Department since November 5.


Employ Prince George's


Since it is also National Career Development Month.

We have decided to shine the spotlight on our EPG partner. We congratulate them for all they do to to assist adults and dislocated workers through career pathways that lead to sustainable wages. Career pathways may include training to increase or develop skills that will ensure employment retention.  Keep up the great work!

Employ Prince George’s (EPG), formerly the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation - Workforce Services Division.

Employ Prince George’s is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 2018 that leverages multiple funding streams to provide workforce development services to unemployed and underserved job seekers in Prince George’s County. 

EPG programs are designed to create an EPG brand in the community, define our services and what we offer, increase our effectiveness and operations in the American Job Center, and increase the outcomes (employment) of our programs.  


Building Career Pathways Programs & Systems: Insights from TAACCCT WEBINAR

Hear about:

  • Career Pathways strategies TAACCCT grantees implemented that they found effective 
  • Strategies used to build college-employer partnerships and better align training with employer needs
  • Strategies used to support student success 
  • Other partnerships and strategies that helped institutionalize career pathway offerings and overcome

If you are interested Register Here !

Event Details:

Wednesday November 17, 2021

11:00am to 12:30pm

American Job Center Largo

1801 McCormick Dr.

Largo, MD 20774



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