Director William Storrar shares his insights on the life and work of CTI.
Director William Storrar reflects on one of our founding purposes as a research center to foster comparative theological scholarship across religious and cultural traditions, as in our current research workshop on religion and the built environment with its Muslim, Christian, African, and Maori perspectives.

Theology Matters Podcast: Nurturing Scriptural Reasoning at CTI
Peter Ochs, Professor of Modern Judaic Studies at the University of Virginia, discusses how his time at CTI nurtured his collaborative work with Dan Hardy and David Ford ultimately leading to Scriptural Reasoning, described by Ochs as the study across the borders of scriptural traditions. 

Interested in hearing more Theology Matters podcasts? Click here to listen to all episodes.
RESEARCH INSIGHTS: Diagnosing Religious-Group Conflict
Peter Ochs
"CTI’s 2018-19 Research Workshop on Religion and Violence provided a wonderful setting for my current research on “Value Predicate Analysis” (VPA): a field-testable technique for diagnosing tendencies toward violence or peace among religious groups in regions of potential conflict. I recall smiling, sometime during my spring residency, when I realized that, since 1992, CTI had been the nurturing environment for the entire line of thinking that preceded and cradled my current work."

Join the Friends of CTI!

Raising theology's relevance is our challenge and responsibility. With your support, we can extend our reach globally, sharing theology's wisdom to inform the way we live now.

CTI is an independent non-profit organization that relies on public support. What makes our outreach possible is you. Our funding comes primarily from philanthropic gifts and grants.

Friends of CTI are included in special events and programs hosted by the Director such as our new "Meet our Scholars" series. Preview this monthly conversation for our supporters to hear our CTI scholars convening for this year's workshop on Religion & the Built Environment. Click here to watch.
William H. Scheide Lecture
on Global Concerns
Thank you for joining us online last week for CTI's annual William H. Scheide Lecture on Global Concerns: Religious Leadership, Gender & Health in the Pandemic featuring CTI's Director in dialogue with Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic and Interreligious studies, University of Edinburgh on ethical leadership, and Dr. Mercilene Machisa, Specialists Scientist at the South African Medical Research Council.

A recording of the conversation will be available in the next issue of Insights.
Mark your calendars for the 2021 William H. Scheide Lecture on Global Concerns when we hope to welcome CTI friend and lecturer, J. Kameron Carter, to Luce Hall in Princeton.
J. Kameron Carter
Professor of Religious Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington

October 2021

Creation Otherwise
Black Ecologies After the Human
Our Mission:
We convene leading thinkers in an interdisciplinary research environment where theology makes an impact on global concerns, and we share those discoveries to change the way people think and act.
Henry R. Luce Hall
50 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540 | 609.683.4797