Recycling Authority

October 2023

20000 West Eight Mile Road | Southfield

248-208-2270 |

Autumn Leaves: The Perfect Compost!

Composting is the result of aerobic bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms breaking down organic materials. When you compost your fallen leaves in a bin or pile, you're creating a nutrient-rich mix that can be combined with soil to help plants thrive. Fall leaves are a great source of carbon, a main staple of the composting process, so now it the time to gather and store leaves for use throughout the year.

For a full backyard composing tutorial, check out our Healthy Lawn & Garden flyer!

Getting Started

  • Check locally for any potential regulations on composting. Some cities do not allow wooden bins or food scraps to be added to the compost.

  • Choose a location that is easily accessible and near your garden.

  • Build a bin out of chicken wire or old pallets or buy one from a landscape supply store.

Basic Formula

  • 50% BROWN material (carbon): dried leaves, straw.

  • 25% GREEN material (nitrogen): fresh grass clips, green leaves, weeds without seeds, fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds.

  • 25% SOIL or compost. This will introduce the decomposing organisms to the compost pile.

  • WATER. Keep the pile as moist as a wrung-out sponge.

  • NO meat, fish, dairy, cooked food, animal waste, garlic mustard (an invasive weed), or black walnut leaves.


  • Layer the BROWN (carbon), GREEN (nitrogen), and SOIL. Add WATER to dampen as you build your pile. Continue layering, similar to a lasagna. Build your pile until it is 3-4 feet high.

  • The more time you put into your bin, the faster the results will be. You may want to turn your compost pile once a week to speed the decomposition process.

  • Compost should have an earthy smell when done properly. If your pile is creating odors, add more BROWN (carbon) material.

You Can Also...

Mow Them!

Mow the leaves straight into the lawn - no collecting necessary! This releases nitrogen and other nutrients as they decompose. Just like grasscycling, this method does NOT cause thatch and is suitable for most lawn types.

Mulch Them!

Mow over your leaves to break them down a bit before spreading them around your shrubs, trees, and flowerbeds. Mulch moderates soil temperature, prevents erosion, greatly reduces weed problems, and provides nutrients as it decomposes over time.

October 28: Final HHW Collection Event of 2023

Are you tidying your house for the upcoming holiday season? If you're using chemical-based cleaners to make your windows, tables, and floors spotless, there's a good chance you're dealing with potential Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) - or leftover chemicals and solvents. HHW should never be thrown away or recycled in your curbside bins or at the recycling drop-off sites, as it could contaminate the ground, waterways, or even other recyclable materials.

Instead, bring your HHW to our final Collection Event of the year on October 28 from 9am-2pm! This event will take place at the RRRASOC MRF (Materials Recycling Facility) in Southfield. For those who attend, please enter from our Truck Entrance at 20875 Mapleridge Avenue.

What's Accepted at a RRRASOC HHW Collection Event?

  • HHW (such as bleach, cleaners, and solvent)
  • Motor Oil
  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Propane Tanks
  • Electronic Waste (anything with a cord or battery)
  • Pesticides, Herbicides, and Insecticides
  • CFL Bulbs
  • Aerosols
  • Pool Chemicals
  • Medications
  • Paper to Shred
  • Clothing Donations (Simple Recycling)

Special Handling: Li-ion Batteries & Propane Tanks

Because they contain heavy metals, lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries can cause fires at the MRF, during transit, or even in your curbside cart if not handled properly. They can be taken to a local HHW Collection Event, electronics retailer, or battery supply store to be properly disposed of. Learn more here!

Propane tanks of any size can become a hazard when compressed, as the contents are flammable when released. These can also be brought to an HHW Collection Event, as well as to a local refill or exchange station.

A full list of items that can be taken to an HHW Collection Event can be found here.

Happy Sustainable Halloween!

This year, Halloween falls just 5 days after Sustainability Day. Learn how to decorate, celebrate, and host a Halloween party - the eco-friendly way!


If you're ready for something new, think about upgrading what you have by painting it, adding floral elements, or using it in an unexpected way (milk jugs as a skeleton?!).

Create cutouts and other decorations using paper, cardboard, and other recyclable materials. The bright colors of recyclable cartons, plastics and paper can add to the project yet still be recycled when not in use anymore. Have fun and get creative (please no glitter, sparkles, gems, etc.)!


Help keep our communities clean! As many of you take the kids to a Trunk or Treat or on their candy route this Halloween, bring an extra bag to pick up trash and candy wrappers along the way.

Make sure to keep your candy wrappers out of your recycling cart as they are made with a mix of materials (such as plastic and aluminum) that cannot be separated at the recycling facility.

Hosting A Party

If you're hosting a Halloween party, remember to reduce and reuse! Only buy as much food as you need, and avoid packaging waste by shopping in the fresh produce section or at a local farmers' market. Reusable plates, bowls, cups, silverware, and even napkins will save waste and cut down on costs.

When the party's over, choose reusable food storage options such as glass, hard plastic, or silicone!

2023 HHW Collection Event Dates

During the following HHW Collection Events, all residents of RRRASOC member communities are welcome to bring household hazardous waste for an opportunity to safely discard their hazardous items and e-waste. Simple Recycling and paper shredding services will also be available.

October 28, 2023 👕

RRRASOC MRF - Truck Entrance

20875 Mapleridge Ave., Southfield

9:00am - 2:00pm

*The T-shirt icon indicates an HHW Collection Event during which clothing, shoes, accessories, and small household items will be accepted by Simple Recycling.

For more information about HHW events and how to prepare your items, please visit our HHW page.

HHW Drop-Off at ERG Environmental Services

If you have HHW that you'd like to properly dispose of between collection events, you're in luck! Drop off your HHW without a fee at ERG Environmental Services during the following hours:

Monday - Friday:

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

HHW pickup from your home is also available for a fee of $135 per stop plus $0.75 per pound of material collected. This fee is paid directly by the resident to ERG Environmental Services.

To confirm drop-off times and/or to schedule a pickup, please contact:

ERG Environmental Services
13040 Merriman Road, Livonia
(734) 437-9650
For more info, visit the ERG HHW Drop-Off page or our HHW page.
RRRASOC Recycling Directory

Not sure what to do with stuff?

Visit and use the Recycling Directory search bar to type in keywords and get recycling, composting, reuse or disposal instructions.

The searchable, intuitive format of the Recycling Directory provides RRRASOC specific information.

Also Available:

Mobile App

  • From your App Store or Google Play, search for "Recycling Authority"

Want more tips, tricks, and updates about recycling? We have a Facebook page where we can reach each other to make recycling easier. You can also reach us via and email at!

Facebook      Web      Email

RRRASOC - Recycling Authority | 248-208-2270 |