A Note from the CEO: Nurturing our Company Culture - The Heartbeat of our Success

This is a long one, but so incredibly important. So, I hope you'll bear with me. As we navigate the landscape of Ohio Valley Gas in these times of ambitious growth goals, it is essential to remind ourselves of the guiding force that will fuel our journey - our company culture. This culture, which can be referred to as the heartbeat of OVG, is the foundation upon which we will build our success. It's not just a tagline or a poster on the wall; it's the DNA that defines us. It is who we are. I have begun to ask this question as I meet with our team all over the state, “Who do you admire at work? Who do you hold up as a shining example of what it means to represent the organization? Then the follow up question, why?

The answers will provide the ground where we discover our values, not the values that sound good when you read them in a book or a social media post. Let’s put OUR values on the wall

Our company culture isn't merely a set of values or beliefs; it's a living, breathing entity that thrives because of each one of you. It's the way we work, the way we treat one another, and the way we approach challenges. In essence, it's who we are, and it's something we must consistently nurture and cherish.

I want to take a moment to reflect on all the reasons why our company culture—and your part in it—is so invaluable:

Team Cohesion: Keeping our culture strong fosters unity among team members. It creates an environment where everyone is not just working towards common goals, but also genuinely cares for one another. The trust and camaraderie we share make us more than just colleagues; we become a family.

Innovation: Our culture encourages innovation and the courage to explore new horizons. It empowers each of you to bring your unique perspectives and ideas to the table, fostering creativity that drives us collectively toward our strategic goals.

Resilience: When challenges arise, our culture provides the resilience to withstand them. It's the unwavering belief that together we can overcome anything, and that behavior is what makes us stand strong in the face of adversity.

Customer Focus: At the core of our culture is an unwavering commitment to our customers. We understand their needs, and our culture drives us to exceed their expectations. We don't just serve; we excel at serving.

Talent Attraction and Retention: Our culture attracts the brightest and most talented individuals. It's what makes us a magnet for those who share our values and aspirations, ensuring that we continue to bring in the best minds to our team.

Adaptability: The natural gas world is evolving rapidly, and our culture equips us to adapt, learn, and thrive in these changing times. It's a culture of constant learning and growth that keeps us ahead of the curve.

Ethical Compass: Our culture sets a high ethical standard. It guides our decision-making, ensuring we always do what's right, even when it's not the easiest path to take.

Personal Growth: Our culture fosters your personal growth and development. It's not just about your role here; it's about your journey as an individual. We invest in your success, both within the company and beyond.

I've had the privilege of witnessing the impact of our culture on a daily basis. It's what makes me proud to be a part of Ohio Valley Gas. But remember, the responsibility of preserving and enhancing our culture doesn't solely rest on my shoulders or management’s—it's a collective effort. Each of you plays an indispensable role in nurturing our company's heartbeat.

Let's pledge to continue living our values, to uphold our traditions, and to welcome new team members into our culture with open arms. Together, we'll ensure that our company culture remains not just a part of who we are, but the very essence of our identity.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our shared journey toward amazing growth. Our culture is the lifeblood of our success, and with it, we will continue to do big things.

Scott Williams,


Organizational Excellence Updates: OVGU Launched!

A huge thank you to all of you who attended the recent Town Hall meetings pertaining to the OVGU launch - including our OVGU Mascot, Mr. Bailey (pictured, right)!

We are grateful to all of you who provided excellent questions and feedback. We are thrilled to announce the next wave of content coming to OVG in the coming months--all of which came directly from the suggestions we received from you all in the districts.

In no particular order, we'll be adding the following to OVGU:

  1. How to Read a Meter
  2. Outlook 101 (task lists, email templates, rules, calendars, etc.)
  3. Stoppers
  4. MS Teams
  5. Regulator Maintenance
  6. MS Word Skills
  7. Desk Phone Features
  8. Proper House Plumbing

As a reminder, none of the content in OVGU counts as or will replace any OQ requirements. We're excited to get the ball rolling on this next batch of content and continue educating and elevating the work we're all doing!

If you have questions, comments, concerns or suggestions for additional content, email the OE team using the button below. Until then, happy learning!


Get to know the people you work with in your district and beyond!

District Managers: Who's Who?

We've got new faces across the OVG family of businesses, and familiar faces in new roles. So, this month for our Employee Spotlight, we'll be playing a little game of "DMs: Who's Who?" with our District Managers (and DMs in Training).

Click here or scan the QR code to take the quiz! Be one of the first 5 to score a 95% or better and you'll win a $25 gift card to the restaurant of your choice!

September New Hires and Anniversaries

New Hires: 9/15/23 - Current

Chris McClung - General Office - IT

Kristen Kile - Fountaintown - Customer Service

Mike Bennett - Fountaintown - Utility Worker

Dalen Williams - Fountaintown - Utility Worker

Tyler McClain - Fountaintown - Utility Worker

Steptember Anniversaries

Shawn Laudenbacher - 37 years

Kevin Jones - 29 years

Mark Haney - 29 years

Travis Voiles - 1 year

Victoria Schneider - 1 year

Kane James - 1 year