Your October Program Guide

Fall is officially here, and our Town is gearing up for a fantastic lineup of activities and events before winter sets in! We’re excited to announce that all our athletic lights are fully operational, and we’re already witnessing the huge impact they’re having on extending play hours for our youth. This much-needed enhancement keeps our kids outdoors, active, and engaged in sports. And they aren't just for our youngsters, check out our adult weekday night soccer program that's for ages 18+ this fall.

Throughout October and November, families can look forward to the Lion's Club Trail of Treats, Halloween-themed exhibits on the Town Green, and our annual road race honoring longtime Recreation Director Bob Tedford.

And as the season of giving approaches, we encourage our community to "Give what you can, and seek what you need." Whether you’d like to donate gifts, resources, or receive assistance, our Human Services team is here to help us support one another. Review the information contained in this guide to learn more about the great programs our Human Services team offers.

You'll always be glad you chose to give,

Dustin Huguenin

Ellington Recreation Director 

Robert Tedford Memorial Road Race

On November 2 our annual Robert Tedford Memorial Road Race will return to some of Ellington's most picturesque roads. Winners will receive awards, finishers will receive commemorative medals and free race swag will be given out as supplies last. Join the fun and run!

Register Here

Help out Human Services!

Energy Assistance

Ellington Human Services is offering the federally funded Energy Assistance Program to help low to moderate-income residents manage heating costs during the winter months. Applications are by appointment only, and a list of required documents will be provided when you schedule.

For more information or to book an appointment, contact Ellington Human Services at 860-870-3128.

Please review the below program income limits table before booking an appointment to see if you qualify for assistance.

Holiday Program

The holiday season is right around the corner! Ellington Human Services is inviting the community to participate in their annual Holiday Program. Thanks to the generosity of our community last year, we were able to assist families in need of support during Thanksgiving & Christmas. To find out how to get involved, whether by donating or receiving assistance, contact us at 860-870-3128. Help make the holidays brighter for our community!

Thanksgiving: Collecting donations of Thanksgiving Basket(s) and grocery store gift cards. Sign up by calling 860-870-3128.

Adult Pick Up Soccer!

Play the beautiful game in our beautiful newly lit park. Play begins from 7:30 - 8:30 PM every Wednesday in October. Everyone participating must pre-register at the below link. Fee is just $10.

Register Here

Youth Basketball

Basketball Registration for children in grades 3 - 12 remains open! Registration closes on Nov. 15 so don't delay! Visit our website for more information and to register.

Register Here

Instructional Basketball

Basketball Registration for youth aged 4 through second grade is now open! We are also always looking for volunteer coaches! If you have interest please reach out to the Rec Department. To register visit the link below.

Register Here


Our Jukido program is led by the experienced and knowledgeable Jacob Ward and runs on Monday nights at Center School throughout the year. For more information please click the link below.

Register Here

Adult Pick Up Basketball

Informal pick up style basketball for adults aged 21+. Play begins early in October through mid December on Monday evenings. For more information and to register please follow the below link. 

Register Here

Adult Co-Ed Volleyball

Our adult co-ed volleyball program is offered during the school year from mid October to mid December on Wednesday evenings at EMS. For more information and to register please follow the below link. 

Register Here

Jacob Roger Poulin 3v3

Get your friends together and play the beautiful game for a beautiful cause!

Monday, October 14th, 2024 

Robert Tedford Memorial Park

45 Sadds Mill Road, Ellington, CT

10AM; Ages 5-15;

$35 p/player

Register Here

Join us for Trail of Treats

The Ellington Centennial Lion's Club is proud to present a great Ellington tradition. The event kicks off at 5PM on Monday, October 21 at Robert Tedford Memorial Park! Please bring a non-perishable canned foot item to benefit the Food Bank.

More Info. Here

Join the Team!

We are on the lookout for our most talented community members who are interested in sharing their passions! If you have a great idea for a program please follow the below link!

Submit Your Proposal Here

Ellington Parks & Recreation  |  31 Arbor Way, Ellington CT 06029

860.870.3118 ||
