Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you. This is the October edition of The Inside Scoop.
President's Message
It’s a beautiful fall day as I write this.
You know I like sailing metaphors. I have a few thoughts to share with you as I begin what I hope will be periodic updates from the helm.
A first 20 Year Race - WON! After a great sailing race (or any race, for that matter), we enjoy a bit of the bubbly and have a celebration, right? I love finding ways to celebrate the good news about Encore Learning. Thanks so much to Mildred Patterson, her Anniversary Planning Committee, the Encore Learning staff and you! What a team! It seems our times together have been few and far between. It was great to be with you, to share the in-person joy! Here’s to more shared time at our terrific courses, Special Events and clubs! If you haven’t seen it, do click here to enjoy the celebratory video of Encore Learning, telling the journey of how we began and where we’re heading.
- Setting our Course. I’d like to ensure that Encore Learning is on solid financial footing. We’re OK, but we can be stronger. We’ve been in a nearly three-year whirlwind with the COVID pandemic. The good news is that the breeze is strong. We have amazingly curious members who look forward to fun courses and experiences. The challenge is that we need more of your friends, family, and neighbors to join us in getting to the line. What suggestions do you have to reach potential members?
New Sails. Our sails are good, but they can be better and brighter! I am very interested in expanding the diverse richness of the Encore Learning community. Join us in sharing the wonder of continuous learning with folks who may not know about Encore Learning. By the way, our members are from near and far! Please think about your contacts out of the area who would enjoy what Encore Learning has to offer. Here’s a thought. The holidays are coming quickly. Wouldn’t an Encore Learning membership and courses be a great gift idea?
See you in the course!
Barbara Spangler, President
If you missed the 20th Anniversary Celebration you can enjoy it now with this photo slideshow. If you were there, enjoy the memories and share the show with your friends.
Fall 2022 Semester Underway!
This week we have 25 classes in progress. We love seeing our members and learning from our instructors. The semester keeps us on our toes as schedules and locations can change - always check your email to see if there any updates on your class and watch for class media.
Are you wondering where Walks With Charley wanders? Check out some pictures from a recent class.
Students engaged in dialogue about what ignites their curiosity in What Kind of Curious Are You? with Instructor Lynn Borton.
John Barclay Burns, Instructor for The Bible, Gender and Sexuality, shared that his Encore Learning students were guinea pigs to test out material for an undergraduate course to be offered in the spring. Our members love new course content!
If you are going to an in-person class and also taking a virtual class...
If you are taking a class in-person at Mason and have an adjacent virtual class, or have a virtual class and have an adjoining in-person class we may be able to offer a location at Mason for you to take your virtual class.
If you would like to participate in a virtual class from the Mason campus, please email info@encorelearning.net and specify which virtual class you want to view from Mason.
You will be notified two days before the start of class of the location where you may participate virtually and if there are equipment needs.
New Board Member Highlight
Welcome to the Encore Learning Board, Anne Werner, serving as Volunteer Committee Chair.
Anne has been an active member since 2015 and came to join at the suggestion of Ed Rader. She became a Board member because she "feels everyone who enjoys a volunteer organization needs to step up for a 'turn'."
Anne grew up in Costa Rica, which might explain her love of tortillas, chips and salsa, as well as all good food and wine. When not volunteering for Encore Learning, Anne fills her time with family (four grandchildren), reading, movies, museums, and travel. Next on her travel 'bucket list' is Turkey!
Anne told us that her favorite thing about Encore Learning are the classes "for their vast array of subject matter and especially the in-person classes which add an element of comradery. I've taken many classes on subjects that I know nothing about to start with, and have taken to calling Encore Learning my 'random learning in retirement' group. It keeps my brain alive!"
What's one thing she'd like other members to know about her? She wishes her IQ was about 10-15 points higher. We suspect it's pretty high already!
Welcome, Anne, and thank you for your contributions to Encore Learning!
On Thursday, November 17 at 7:00 PM, Dr. Peter Plavchan, associate professor of Physics and Astronomy at GMU, and Director of the GMU Observatories, will speak about Opportunities and Risks of the Private Space Industry Revolution. This tour will be another GMU Observatory virtual visit. We will start the tour with a lecture on the rapidly changing space industry, followed by a virtual observatory visit when staff presents objects of the autumn skies.
At the end of September, Encore Learning Presents had Didier Rousselet speak from Paris about finding wonder in the cities of the world. Using his own photos he showed how city scenes, some famous some not, tell a story about the city and its inhabitants. Those who tuned in appreciated his “thought provoking” comments and “gained a new appreciation for exploring cities".
For those interested in additional observations on travelling, Didier recommends the following books:
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
Outside Lies Magic by John R. Stilgoe
Didier’s books chronicling his hiking adventures around Europe are out of print, but you can contact him at rousseletdidier@yahoo.com if you would like to obtain a copy.
Club News
The next Encore Learning Bridge Club meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 11th, at Judy Ballard's house. We will be getting together at noon for lunch, followed by a Bridge game. As Judy will be providing lunch, a donation of $6.00 per person will help cover expenses. Judy can host four tables for Bridge (16 people) so if you are interested in attending, please contact either Joan Carter (jcarter4609@verizon.net) or Sharon Bisdee (sbisdee@gmail.com), club coordinators.
The Encore Learning Nonfiction Book Club will meet next on November 14 at the Arlington Central Library. The meeting will run from 1:30-3:00 in the Bluemont Room. We’re going to discuss Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow. Farrow "recounts the challenges he faced chasing the stories of Harvey Weinstein’s decades of alleged rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse of women and the case against him. Farrow argues that Weinstein was able to use Black Cube, a private Israeli intelligence service, to successfully pressure executives at NBC News to kill the story there, leading him to take it to The New Yorker, where it was published and helped spark the international #MeToo movement, exposing sexual abuse, mostly of women, in many industries." (from Wikipedia). If you come, please be prepared to wear a mask throughout the meeting.
The Mindfulness Club meets almost every Wednesday at Noon for an hour by Zoom for discussion of mindfulness practice and 20 minutes of meditation. Participants have found the meetings a time of refreshment and an opportunity to refocus on what is important in their lives. There is no commitment for regular participation and many drop in on Wednesdays as they are able, sometimes from distant locations. You can be added to the Club’s email group be contacting the Encore Learning office.
The Kayak Club had a wonderful season in 2022 - we were able to go out on the water regularly, due to the good weather and water conditions. The season draws to a close at the end of October, and we will be putting our life jackets away until next year.
Reminders For Those Enrolled In a Fall Course
Reminder About Course Evaluations: On the last day of class, you'll receive a link to complete the course evaluation in SurveyMonkey. Please be sure to complete this quick survey, your course input is very important to us.
Another Note About the Last Day of Class: Your course information in your Member Account will appear under "Historic Enrollments". You may have to scroll down the list of courses you have taken to locate the course. All course media, including the Zoom Login Information, if applicable, will be found in historic enrollments starting on the last day of class.
In-Person Course Locations: All class locations, including room numbers, can be found in the course description. All courses at GMU will be held in Van Metre Hall at the Mason Square Campus in Arlington. Paid parking is available in an attached garage accessed off of Founders Way North.
Zoom Login Information for Virtual Courses: All zoom login information has been uploaded to your member account and can be found in your class media. You will use the same login information for all class sessions, so we recommend saving the login information to your desktop. For tips on using Zoom, see these resources. Reminder that your Zoom login information will move to "Historic Enrollments" the morning of your last scheduled class session.
Class Media: You will be notified by staff when supplemental class materials are available to view in your member account. To access class media, log into your account on Member Account Manager, open the My Activities tab, navigate to the course, and select the View Media link.
Inclement Weather and Other Policies: Please see this link for more information.l a few days before your class.
Course Proposals For Spring 2023 Term
Academic Programs Committee (APC) welcomes course proposals for Encore Learning's Spring 2023 Semester which begins on March 6 and continues to May 19, 2023.
The APC is especially looking for experts on Black American writers to teach literature courses—think Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Ralph Ellison, Alice Walker, Frederick Douglass.
We also welcome proposals for courses in science, history, music, fine arts, social sciences, law
and public affairs, and health and wellness.
The committee will wrap up planning in mid-November. If you are interested in teaching or
Travel Tour Opportunity
Encore Learning members are invited to join LLI NOVA members on their "Jewels of Ireland" travel tour on May 23, 2023.
Encore Learning members may take advantage of a 5% early booking discount if they make a non-refundable $250 deposit no later than November 25, 2022. Full details on this trip and how to register are at this link: Study/Travel Program – LLI NOVA
If Encore Learning members have any questions or comments, they are welcome to contact Rod Dyck at rd2222@aol.com or 703-328-1660.
Have You Liked Our Facebook Page?
Encore Learning's facebook page is a wealth of information!
We regularly post photos, reminders about Special Events and other important information.
Where do you find the page?
To see our official page, click this link. Or if you are on facebook, search for Encore Learning Arlington.
And don't forget to hit the 'LIKE' button!
Staff Corner
We're working on this message to you during our busiest time - 25 classes are meeting this week and Spring Semester planning is in full gear. We're offering fantastic Special Events and the clubs keep on connecting.
Let us know how your classes are going. If something isn't working for you, let us help you. If you have challenges getting into your Zoom class, try logging in earlier so we can assist you or maybe you need to update your Zoom app.
To keep up our robust offerings we need you. We want you to volunteer on a committee. We need you to tell your friends about Encore Learning. Recruit them to join you at a Special Event or sign-up for a class. Encourage a friend to teach a class. If you know someone who would like to join but just isn't sure, give them a Gift Membership.
Our office will be closed on November 8 for Election Day, November 11 for Veterans Day, and November 22-26 for Thanksgiving break.
Thank you for your ongoing support and enjoy these upcoming holidays.
~ Lora
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Welcome New Members
In September 2022, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
- Robert Berry
- Esther Friedman
- Joseph Guzzi
- Mike Hall
- Natalie Hall
- Kirby Heller
- Carol Isaacs
- Kathleen Keenan
- Philip Kellogg
- Patricia Loudis
- Frances Lynch
- Sam Napolitano
- Michele Probst
- Wilma Probst
- Patricia Romero
- Stuart Seidel
- Stephen Smith
- James Witkin
- Caroline Wooden
- Pam Wroten
THANK YOU Caroline Connelly, Marjorie Hobart, Betsy Holland, Carol Isaacs, Barbara Spangler and Sandy Weiswasser for referring friends and family to Encore Learning. Thank you to the Membership Committee for their efforts to spread the word about Encore Learning. If you'd like to bring Encore Learning into your community (residential building or neighborhood) to share information about membership, let us know. Tell a friend about Encore Learning so you can see your name here!
Spring 2023 may seem like a long ways away but it will be here before we know it.
We've already scheduled our Spring Semester Course Preview!
Save the date of
February 2, 2023.
Donations are Welcome
Encore Learning is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any donation is a charitable contribution deductible from income tax to the full extent permitted by law. Members, friends and organizations wishing to support Encore Learning may direct contributions to our General Fund to support our sustainability, to the Arthur W. Gosling Youth Scholarship Fund or the John T. Sprott Scholarship Fund. If you would like to discuss tax benefits of charitable giving and charitable remainder trusts, please contact the office.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at info@encorelearning.net.
Share on social media. When you simply like our Facebook page or share our Facebook posts and events to your social network, it's a huge help.
Forward our emails to a friend - use the link at the bottom of the email.
Lifelong Learning For Those Over 50