We successfully reclaimed a day of programming! Everyone in the Baltimore/Washington area is enjoying a full day of classical music today, all THANKS TO YOU!
Thank you for your continuing belief in, and support of, WBJC. With your help, non-commercial classical music will be heard on WBJC for many years to come.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph M. Hutchins
General Manager
Opera Delaware
Oct 26 - Il Tabarro - 1pm
Nov 02 - Gianno Schicchi/ Buoso's Ghost - 1pm
Nov 09 - Amleto - 1pm
Milwaukee Symphony
Nov 16 - Marriage of Figaro - 1pm
Opera Southwest
Nov 23 - Norma
Nov 30 - Ali Baba - 1pm
Your continued support for opera keeps the Metropolitan Opera Radio Broadcasts and other live performances on the
WBJC Operafest
coming to you on Saturdays throughout the year.
Join Judith Krummeck for an interview series on WBJC devoted to the world of books — from different genres, to book awards, to local and national authors — everything to do with books. Booknotes is made possible by YOU, our members.
This month:
On Booknotes this month, a novel that not only takes on a moral issue in a deeply suspenseful way, but does so from an intriguing and multi-faceted perspective. The latest book from Baltimore writer, Eric D. Goodman, is called Setting the Family Free.
Quiz master Mary and I answer questions about various and sundry wine topics. It’s always fun. It occurs to me that if you have any wine questions on your minds, drop us a note and we will do our best..
Listen here!
As part of last month’s annual High Zero Festival, a series of performances of improvised music, I attended a talk on improvisation itself. Discussions were had about how improvisation played a role in the panel’s music, whether it was composed or performed. Thinking about how improvisation plays a role in composition, there have been in classical music many moments for performers to improvise their own interpretation of the score. Something as small as a performer’s phrasing could be a form of improvisation, at the very least if the composer didn’t specify it. One could question (perhaps thinly) the amount of improvisation that can be involved in a piece before it ceases to be composed, or perhaps, ceases to be classical in style. The quickest counter to that argument is that the composer can call for improvisation, but I would say that the premise is flawed; I don’t think that the style is of that great a concern, but I think fans of classical/experimental/art music would enjoy it, and that is why there are a few improvisation-heavy shows on our list this month...
Click for the list!
Bifurcated—from the Medieval Latin word for two-pronged—encapsulates for me the experience of being an immigrant; I tend to feel as if I have two countries, but no home. Although I prefer to think of this as being spoiled for choice with more than one country to choose from, there’s no doubt that my heart is in Africa, while my head is in America—and sometimes vice versa...
I had the opportunity to talk with a member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary recently.
More information is available from the Gaithersburg Flotilla Website: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=054- 24-08 or by calling (305) 965-0436
You can request a free vessel safety check at: https://cgaux.org/vsc/
Listener's Choice
John Scherch plays your requests every Friday evening during our long-running request show, Listener's Choice.
You can request your favorite music anytime by emailing
listenerschoice@wbjc.com or by visiting us on
Facebook. You can even call in during the week (410-580-5800) and we'll make sure John gets your request!
Judith is taking her book,
Old New Worlds
, on the road!
- Sunday, November 3 at 1 PM, CityLit Stage – Pier 5 Hotel, Chesapeake Room
CityLit Stage at Brilliant Baltimore: A Festival of Literature & Light—panelist
- Wednesday, November 6 at 7 PM, 1744 Aliceanna St, Baltimore, MD 21231
Greedy Reads, Fells Point author event
- Thursday, November 21 at 6PM, 235 Carroll Street NW, Washington, DC 20012
Busboys and Poets, Takoma Park author event
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