'promoting literacy through research, education and advocacy'
Your July News & Updates
Student Empowerment Panel Teaching About Assistive Technology
Our IDA-Oregon Student Empowerment Panel gave personal and engaging assistive technology demonstrations for over 90 guests at the June Decoding Dyslexia meeting in Portland. IDA-Oregon Board Members Shelbe Park and Michele Barnett coordinated the event, which showcased ways to organize homework, take multi-media notes, use text-to-speech and voice dictation, audiobooks, graphic organizers, and more. Students demonstrated using various devices such as the Chromebook, iPad, C-pen, phone, and Livescribe pen.

In addition to the assistive technology demonstrations, the Student Empowerment Panel provides awareness panel discussions at numerous conferences for school board directors, school administrators, teachers, and families. The students also meet regularly for team-building and socializing.

Summer is a great time for all kids to relax and rejuvenate... and it can be a great time for families and teachers to try out some new assistive technology options. Visit our website for ideas .   The students say that a trial and error approach is best... just try something and see how you like it! Finding your favorite solution is a personal choice. 

We are looking for students from local Portland metro high schools to participate in a Student Dyslexia Council. Please visit our website for more information about our activities for students in 6th-12th grades.
Dyslexia Screening and Training updates from Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
Initial List of Approved Universal Screening Tests for Risk Factors of Dyslexia Now Available:
Senate Bill 1003 requires that beginning in the 2018-19 school year districts universally screen for risk factors of dyslexia in kindergarten (and in first grade for students who first enroll in public school in Oregon for first grade) using a screening test identified by the Oregon Department of Education. The criteria for screeners to be included on the Department’s approved list are outlined in  OAR 581-002-1820.
The Department has developed an  initial list of approved screening tools  and will continue to evaluate screening tools in the months of June, July, and August. A final list will be posted on the   dyslexia webpage  by August 15, 2018.
Screening students who are English Learners is addressed in  OARs 581-022-2445  and  581-002-1825 . School districts must include students who are English Learners in the universal screening for risk factors of dyslexia. Districts will screen in English if the language of literacy instruction is English. Districts have the option of screening English Learners in their native language or in English if the language of literacy instruction is in the student’s native language. Given the difficulty in identifying Spanish screeners that meet the criteria for screening tests as outlined in the OARs, the Department is currently working with the State Board of Education to amend the rules that hold Spanish screeners to the same criteria as English screeners. The amendments will allow school districts that provide literacy instruction in a student’s native language the option to screen native Spanish speakers (a) in English; or (b) in their native language using a screening test that is not on the Department’s approved list. The State Board of education will share further information on these amendments to policy after their June 21st meeting.
2018-19 List of Approved Dyslexia-Related Training Opportunities Now Available:
Senate Bill 1003 also requires that districts ensure at least one K-5 teacher in each K-5 school completes dyslexia-related training by July 1, 2018. If the trained teacher leaves the school, a second teacher must complete the required training no later than the beginning of the next school year. The 2018-19  List of Approved Dyslexia-Related Training Opportunities  is now available. This updated list includes seven additional vendors offering 10 new training opportunities.
Educator Training - Parkrose
Betsy Ramsey teaches on Recognizing Dyslexia
Despite the many school and family obligations of the final weeks of the 2017-18 school year, fifteen intrepid educators from the Parkrose District took four hours of their precious time to learn about dyslexia from a team of IDA-OR volunteers. The June 8th presentation was one of the many ODE approved trainings presented by our team this year meeting the focus area of understanding and recognizing dyslexia required for teacher training under Oregon’s dyslexia laws.

The presentation included a simulation of the dyslexic learner, a conversation with Blake and Maddie, college students and members of IDA-OR’s award winning student panel, and an informative and interactive discussion about dyslexia. It was a great time for learning and connecting for everyone involved. We truly appreciate the insights we gain from these excellent opportunities to share our dyslexia resources with educators and we are constantly impressed with their hunger to understand and support our students who struggle.

Our appreciation goes to Kate Franken, IDA-OR board member and special education teacher at Savage Elementary School who led this effort for her Parkrose colleagues representing all four elementary schools and Parkrose Middle School. Thanks also to organizers and presenters Jane Cooper, Shelbe Park, Betsy Ramsey and Danielle Thompson.
Apply for a scholarship toward attending this year's conference. Submissions are due by
August 17th, 2018.
We hope you have a GREAT summer!
International Dyslexia Association, Oregon Branch | 503-228-4455 | [email protected] | http://or.dyslexiaida.org