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Drone Inspections

Your Partner in Reliable & Affordable Energy

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) teams continue to reach new heights in their efforts to provide reliable power for all member-owners. Partnering with a contractor to use drones, REC is able to reduce pole inspection time by half. Watch the video to learn more! >>>

Did you know REC's Vegetation Management team and its contractors clear about 1,500 miles of right of way each. year - and removes more than 20,000 hazard trees to improve reliability for members? Learn more about how the Vegetation Management team is focused on reliability.

Vegetation Management

Get paid to reduce energy! REC's Summer Savings Plan is a free, voluntary program that allows most residential member-owners and some business members to receive a rebate for using less electricity on specific days in the summer. Learn more today!

Summer Savings Plan

Ceiling fans can make a room feel 4 degrees cooler. Save energy while using ceiling fans by raising your thermostat a few degrees - and remember to turn them off when you're not in the room.

Save Energy and Money

Between work, running errands, figuring out dinner and juggling the crisis of the day, time gets short real fast. That doesn’t count the reams of mail and random papers that pile up. So why not reduce that clutter – and help the environment all at once?

In MyREC SmartHub: My Profile > My Information > Update My Printed Bill Settings > Printed Bill Status

Go Paperless Today!
We're here for you! REC's offices are open by appointment or walk-up visits from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. To schedule a visit, please visit

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 7388
Fredericksburg, VA 22404

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