Volume 3 | Article 38_May 15, 2022
End of the School Year Edition
Can you believe the students only have 8 days remaining in this school year? The final day of the 2021-22 school year is Wednesday, May 25th.

While we only have a few days left, we still have a lot going on. Here's an overview of what we have to look forward to:

  • May 16th - 18th - Common Final Exams
  • May 17th - Parent Leadership Council (5:30 pm)
  • May 18th - End of the Year Awards Ceremony (6 pm)
  • May 19th - 23rd - Digital Device Collection
  • May 23rd - Day of Awesome (PE fundraiser celebration)
  • May 25th - 8th Grade Celebration Day

Continue to scroll down to view details about each event.
Realize your potential
Inspire others
Show respect
Embrace differences

Utilize your resources
Prepare yourself
Common Final Exams
Common Final Exams (CFE's) are required to measure student performance in all classes that are not assessed by an FSA or EOC. These classes include 6th and 8th grade social studies, 6th and 7th grade science, physical education, and all elective classes. CFE scores count as 20% of a student's year end final grade. Students who are unable to take their CFE's due to absence will earn a score of 59 or can schedule a make up session in June. For information about make up sessions, email our testing coordinator [email protected]

*The finalized schedule was not available at the time this newsletter was published. The schedule will be posted on our school social media outlets as soon as it's available.
Parent Leadership Council
The final Parent Leadership Council (PLC) will take place on Tuesday, May 17th at 5:30 pm in the Media Center. All parents of ELL students are invited to come. We will share information about the end of year activities, digital device collection and summer school.
End of Year Awards Celebration
Our annual awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 18th from 6 - 8 pm in the IMS Cafeteria. Student honorees were given invitations this past week. Students will be honored for academic excellence. Some awards are based specifically on students' grades and other awards are teacher nominated. Students should dress up for the event. Questions regarding this ceremony can be emailed to [email protected]
Digital Device Collection

This year students are required to return their laptop before the last day of the school year. Returning devices at the end of the school year provides time for the Technology Support Representatives to update and refresh devices before the start of the next school year.

When a student returns their laptop, a school staff member will check to make sure it is functioning and that it is not damaged. They will also check to make sure your child has returned their charger. If damage to the device or charger is found, your child will be assessed a fine. Students will be sent home with a device assessment sheet which will let you know if something was damaged and if any fines were assessed. Fines can be paid via SchoolPay.com (click on Digital Device Fines). Questions about fines can be emailed to [email protected]

Before the laptop is returned all stickers placed on the devices by students must be removed. Next year, per district policy, students will no longer be allowed to put stickers on their device.

Below are the dates for laptop return. Laptops will be returned during the school day during ELA class periods.

Thursday, May 19th - 8th grade
Friday, May 20th - 7th grade
Monday, May 23rd - 6th grade
Tuesday, May 24th - For any student who hasn't returned laptop yet

This device collection process requires quite a bit of manpower to ensure it is completed correctly. We could use some parent volunteers to help in the media center with device inspection and inventory. To volunteer, sign up using the link below.

Day of Awesome (PE Fundraiser)
The "Day of Awesome" is the reward day from the PE Fundraiser that occurred at the end of March. The day will take place outside on the soccer field and will include inflatables, games, and prizes. Only students who qualified will be able to participate. Students will be given a wristband for admission to the event. The event will take place on Monday, May 23rd. 7th and 8th grade qualifiers will participate from 9:30 - 11:00 am and 6th grade qualifiers will participate from 11:45 am - 1:15 pm.

We still need parent volunteers to help supervise the activity stations. Please sign up using the link below.

8th Grade Celebration Day
Completion of middle school is certainly something to be celebrated! We will be celebrating our 8th graders on the last day of school with outdoor field day-like activities, yearbook signing, and a dance party. Students will be able to celebrate with their friends on the IMS campus on last time before moving on to high school. PTSA will also be providing our students with special Lake Nona High School t-shirts. We still have parent volunteer slots available. Please sign up through the website below.

From Innovation PTSA
Please note the date of this final PTSA Meeting has changed to Tuesday, May 17th.
Support Your School
Support The Phoenix Fund
Device Care
IMS Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Spring Assessment Schedule
Be a Friendly Phoenix
5 more ways your student can be KIND this week!
  1. Be generous
  2. Write a thoughtful letter or card to someone and mail it to them
  3. Be honest
  4. Help a teacher pass out or collect papers
  5. Offer to clean the whiteboard