Volume 102
March 9, 2022
  • Influential Ideas
  • Uniquely Speaking
  • Locally Owned & Operated
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Customized Practice Brochures
  • Google Reviews

On Purpose, getting back to influential basics makes sense. By carefully listening how best practices describe ideal complements to their current awareness and education programs, a rapidly expanding array of In Sight, In Mind ideas comes to life. While mutually visioning initiates co-creation process, daily use activates it.

With positive connotation, Unique can be defined as being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. On a daily basis, you expertly assess patients’ unique hearing profiles, comorbidities, psychosocial concerns, lifestyle needs and budgets. In mapping out their personalized hearing care journeys, mutual understanding is essential.

Uniquely speaking, after years of development, whether few or decades, to what degree does your community understand your practice’s differentiation?
With respect to your Unique Practice Story, is being Locally Owned & Operated a competitive advantage?
Locally Owned
In Your Local Pride, Let it Show Hometown Advantages were emphasized.

“This Influential Idea’s rationale:

“In cities nationwide, large and small, Shop Local campaigns are increasingly popular and important. While big box stores and online merchants become more dominant, many consumers eagerly support locally owned and operated businesses. As evidence of this, some progressive corporations develop campaigns to empower people like us doing things like this.”

Tactical awareness methods featured included:

“Network with your local Chamber of Commerce, an often overlooked and underutilized asset.”

“Just imagine the growth opportunities and fun that may naturally develop from meeting other independent business owners on their entrepreneurial journeys. Somewhat akin to forming medical networks of those you consistently refer to in various medical specialties, who are your local favorites for other products and services? By showing community spirit, including advocating for other Chamber members, they are more likely to do the same for you.”

Motivated to build win/win relationships with fellow healthcare providers and entrepreneurs, proven methods hold great appeal. As issue #31 detailed…
“One building block is to develop and deploy customized practice brochures which showcase your best practices story. Do you currently have an attractive version to proudly share? Beyond rack cards, branded tri-fold brochures, along with specialty inserts, furnish more space to convey helpful narratives. From eye-catching covers featuring local imagery to impressive bios, scope of practice details, reputable education, our Patients Say it Best testimonials and calls to action, there are many informative elements.”

“To get your Influential practice brochure In Sight and In Mind requires a practical way to develop it. By recognizing content patterns in co-creating 100’s of versions with collaborators nationwide, our nifty design guide exhibits popular content modules. Take delight in not having to reinvent the wheel when proven winners from others lead the way. Beyond core selections, we suggest integrating other components which promote your distinct practice identity. From specialized services to pricing transparency or admirable support of good causes, highlighting exceptional aspects is worthy.”

While decisively promoting practice awareness, especially amid media cluttered with aggressive (quasi) competitors sowing marketplace confusion, delighted patients are your most Influential Storytellers.

Gathering and showcasing more Google reviews is imperative. When Googling your practice, will potential patients or referral sources be impressed with the quantity and quality of evident feedback? Are you perceived in the upper echelon?

With Influential Ideas exhibiting simplicity, these eye-catching displays get attention with handy cards easily shared at point of care. Having professionally earned your patients’ valuable advocacy, proactively addressing How To review is basic.

As displayed:

Sharing Google reviews is easy and quick, please:
  • Open your phone’s camera
  • Aim at the code
  • Tap banner than appears
  • On the left side scroll down to Rate & Review

With placements from reception desk to point of service and final fitting, patients authentically play starring roles in describing firsthand experiences in their own words.

Next week’s issue pivots to an integral educational collection focused on the intertwined nature of hearing and brain functions. Leading the way will be our popular colleague, The Blue Man.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)


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