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Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Congregation founded 1949 | LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995 | Green Sanctuary since 2007
Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
Join us for online services
Livestreamed on Sunday mornings at 10:15 am
Limited In-Person Attendance
Advance Registration Required Each Week
Sunday, October 10, 2021
10:15 am Livestream
Weave In: Forever Weave
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
UU Virtual Choir and friends, with Winnie Cheung, tango pianist, and Ben Bogart, bandoneon
Let us weave together the theme of relationship in this worship service in which we will highlight a musical composition entitled “Weave In, My Hardy Life” by composer Aaron Travers; the piece was commissioned in honor of the late Dan Quilter, a member of this congregation who also served as Board President. In the early 1990s, Dan was an ally in our congregation’s (as it was known then) gay-straight alliance, called Interweave. He advocated and fought tirelessly for those in our congregation who were and are members of the GLBTQ community.
In the music, we hear the words of Walt Whitman, “For great campaigns of peace the same the wiry threads to weave, We know not why or what, yet weave, forever weave.”
This worship service is in honor of those who forever weave.
Hearing assistive devices are now available at the AV Tech booth in the rear of the sanctuary for use during Sunday worship services.
NEW Zoom link for Virtual Coffee Hour
Join us for conversation after the Sunday service in Virtual Coffee Hour. Here is the NEW link to register to attend on Sunday. Virtual Coffee Hour is a time to connect with other members and friends of UUCB via Zoom following the Sunday Service. Please invite your friends! If we have fewer than 5 participants for multiple Sundays, we may cancel this event.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
10:15 am Livestream
Come Site with Me
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
Dr. Gladys DeVane
Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
In this worship service, Reverend Macklin is joined by Dr. Gladys DeVane of our congregation to share poetry, prose and plays from her recently published book, Come Sit With Me. As Dr. Audrey Thomas McCluskey states on the jacket cover of the book, “You can’t spell compassion without passion. In her authentically rendered re-telling of a life well-lived, Gladys DeVane does both. Her never-wavering spirit full of empathy and artistry is invoked in poetry and prose and recalls raconteur Zora Neal Hurston.”
There will be a Zoom reception (with Q and A) with Dr. DeVane and moderated by the kind publishers from Jewell Jordan Publishing. Information for purchasing the book will also be available in several formats.
Hearing assistive devices are now available at the AV Tech booth in the rear of the sanctuary for use during Sunday worship services for those attending in person.
No Regular Office Hours at the Church--
Limited Building Access
Our staff is not keeping regular office hours at the church building, due to the current High risk level of Covid infection in Monroe and the surrounding counties. They continue working from home, and may occasionally stop by the church. Staff and minister contact information is at the end of this email. Carol Marks, Church Administrator, admin(at), 812-287-9615 (This is the office mobile phone number.)
Our Folks...
We mourn the unexpected death in August of Duane Schau, longtime well-loved member of our community. Our thoughts of sympathy and healing are with Natalia and their family and all their friends. An online celebration of life for Duane will take place on Sunday, October 10 at 3:00 p.m., from our sanctuary.
Congratulations to David Keppel upon the publication of his book, Creative Uncertainty: A New Philosophy for a World Out of Balance, now available on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon.
MAM Musing
In the September 26th worship service in which Dr. Michele Grove and I did a little time traveling with Hoagy Carmichael, I noticed that I tripped over a word at one point or actually two words, as it were, patience and compassion. It came out "compatience". I thought about it later---what does it mean to have patience with our compassion or compassion for our patience or lack thereof sometimes? It seems an interesting combination.
A member of our congregation, Denise Breeden-Ost, noticed my mistaken blending and provided a very interesting reframing and wrote.
Did you know you coined a new word in today’s worship service? This is my new guiding word. Sometimes people use "patience" in terms of: "There's a Plan," or "We'll get there," or "It'll be better in the future." Which may or may not be true. But “compatience” not waiting FOR, but waiting WITH. While we are here in the Church of the Muddle Puddle as you call it, wondering what might or might not happen next, what might or might not become clear, we can be with one another in loving presence. Actually that is a bit like compassion, but with extra duration and persistence. Because sometimes there just ain't a clear path, and that is not the time to hurry. And if you can't see the future, why the heck are you looking at the future? The present is here; we could look at that.
Thank you, Denise. I breathe with this notion of compatience. It reminds me that the word respect comes from the Latin respectare, which means to look and look again.
Meanwhile, my colleague, friend and member of this congregation, Zen Hoshi Frank Diaz will receive his dharma transmission in a public ceremony this Sunday at 10am. Alas, I will be unable to attend the ceremony, but we will light a candle during our worship service to recognize this important step and ritual for Frank as a spiritual leader. For those of you who might remember, Frank has shared the pulpit with me a number of times with his insights, depth and lovely humor.
Peace, Mary Ann
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
Senior Minister
Religious Education:
Current Pandemic and
Relational Musings
From Michele Grove,
Interim Religious Education Consultant
Dear Friends,
On any normal year when a children and youth religious education program starts for the new year, there is a great deal of anticipation and anxiety. After all, we begin this program at the same time that most children and youth go back to school. We juggle the new schedule--some of us sad that the summer has ended while others are excited to establish the routine. We try to figure out how to fit in family and church time with school, sports, dance, music, and activity schedules. And we look at all that is in front of us hoping that we will rekindle old and new relationships and have the opportunity to engage in activities that create lasting memories.
This year is no different- well, actually, that is not true. This year is a bit different because we are doing all of these things and the pandemic is still a major thing. And this year, religious education staffing is different. Now, something that is complicated in its normal state is even more complicated because of these new considerations.
What does this mean for those church programs we count on?
First, it means that the year looks different.
Second, it means that we are still sorting out the details.
Third, it still means that this congregation loves and adores its children, youth, and families. We are just searching for new and safe ways to be in relationship.
The needs and desires of families are multifaceted. The way we gather is still a sensitive issue and we are doing our best to listen to families and meet the various needs. Knowing this, here is an update on religious education programming:
1. Middle High Our Whole Lives: We are working to set up this program even though it is beginning later this year. It is late because we are coordinating leadership (the cornerstone to the program) and working out a safety plan. It will happen in some form and we are working to be creative. This year, we plan to offer it to 8th and 9th grade students and are already planning and staffing an OWL program for 7th and 8th grade next year.
2. Senior High Youth Group: We are in creative conversation about meeting in a way that is in person, safe, and fun! Stay tune.
3. Children and Youth Sunday Morning Religious Education: because of pandemic safety, gathering indoors on Sunday morning is not a current option. However, there is a multi-age class meeting once a month on the 3rd Sunday during worship in our outdoor classroom. It is a fabulous experience!
4. Creative gathering opportunities are in the making, including a drive-in movie night on Friday, November 5th. Bring your radio and come watch Disney’s CoCo with us! Stay tuned for more information.
5. Many other opportunities for multi-generational learning, family worship, and work projects. Watch for more detailed information.
There are no easy answers, but there are ways to reach out and connect. First and foremost, if you have any questions, please call, text or email me. I would be happy to share in your ideas and concerns. I enjoy conversation! What a pleasure to be in relationship with you all.
Michele Grove, Interim Religious Education Consultant
Emily's Post
Dear Ones,
Welcome to October—our month of exploring ways to cultivate Relationship. I don’t know about you, but I find pandemic living offers challenges to maintaining strong relationships in my life. I have been fearful of human contact, and I’ve found it hard to feel as connected when all of my interactions with friends and family have been over the phone or in zoom gatherings. Post vaccination, I’ve been trying to rebuild those relationships, and in the time of the delta variant, most of that rebuilding is taking place by gathering outdoors.
That makes October important to grab onto—while we can still gather outside for conversations, meals, and activities, let’s get together! Click here to find opportunities for gathering in small groups with others in our congregational community—because connections with one another may just help get you and all of us through the winter. Also, please save the dates for three events happening at the end of the month:
Saturday, October 30, 2-4PM Altar Making Workshop for All Souls Day: Dinorah Sapp and I share ways to make a home shrine for those you love who have died. Sign up here .
Monday, November 1, 5:30-8:30PM Gathering of Spirits memorial event. Remember congregants and your own loved ones and join in beginning a congregational Covid memorial project. Keep an eye on Prologues and Updates for details.
Looking ahead, the other thing that is helping me get through these times is engaging my creative self. I am beginning to plan a series of drop-in Arts Play Dates for people to explore upcoming congregational themes and play with ideas for using drama, visual arts, music, writing, movement, ritual and more to enhance our explorations. If creativity feeds your spirit, get in touch (text 812-333-9822 or email leite (at) and I’ll send you a monthly invitation to this drop-in group. You can join in for one or for many, whenever the spirit rises.
Looking forward to our collaborations—and to strengthening Relationship.
With love,
Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
Minister of Story and Ritual
Calling All Woodworkers!
Do you have woodworking skills, and a little spare time? We would love your help building some simple outdoor furniture for our new outdoor classroom. For details, please contact Stephanie (kimball (at)
Outdoor Spaces Work Parties
Saturday October 9, 2-4pm
Saturday, October 30, 2-4pm
All ages and skills welcome; there will be projects appropriate for all as we work together to develop our outdoor "classroom" area. The current plan for October 9 is to create paths with woodchips and set the stepping stones. Outdoors; masks required; rain cancels. Register at
Family Worship
Sunday, October 10, 2:30 - 4:30pm
Reverend Emily Leite will lead us in a brief family worship inspired by Indigenous Peoples Day (Oct. 11). We'll then explore the themes of this service through activities and crafts. Outdoors; masks required. All ages welcome. Register at
Outdoor Spirit Play
Sunday, October 17, 10-11:30am
Spirit Play is a story-based approach to religious education that encourages participants of all ages to reflect and make meaning for themselves. Meet in the Courtyard, then we'll walk together to our outdoor classroom. Adults, be sure to sign up for in-person Worship that day, unless you plan to attend Spirit Play with your child(ren). Ages 3+ Dress for the weather! Masks required.
NEST Update -- Ensuring Our Safety During the Pandemic
The NEST (Next Steps in Transition) Working Group continues to work to ensure the safety of our congregation, staff, and ministers during the pandemic. We recognize that each congregant must weigh safety from Covid exposure with their spiritual need to gather in person.
Current building and in-person Sunday worship service attendance:
Currently in-person attendance is limited to 50 registered participants each Sunday. Registration for Sunday Service will open nine days before the service and close at 5:00 PM on the Saturday before at this link: If in-person service is cancelled, registered attendees will be notified via email, signs will be displayed on outside doors, and a note will be published in the Friday Update. Detailed information can be found here.
For meetings other than Sunday worship attendance, our church building status is LIMITED ACCESS, which is defined here.
As the Covid situation changes, the NEST Working Group continuously works to stay abreast of the changes and reevaluate applicable safety protocols. If you have questions about the work of NEST, please email Jane McLeod at jmcleod(at)
There is Room for You at In-person Sunday worship!
Have you been missing in-person church attendance on Sundays? If you feel the need to attend in-person, you can sign up via this link: All the details and safety information are on the sign up. Please read the details carefully, because a lot has changed.
When deciding whether or not to attend in-person services, please take into account your health risk factors and that we cannot ensure that all participants are vaccinated. Childcare and Children's Religious Education (RE) will not be available every Sunday, although there is Family Worship on Sunday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m. and outdoor RE at 10 a.m. on Sunday, October 10. If you have questions or difficulty registering, please email office(at)
Represent UUCB at Spencer Pride October 16
This is an easy and fun volunteer opportunity. Pride attendees will stop in at our tent, and take a pamphlet about our church. Volunteers mostly offer a friendly smile. In the past, some Pride attendees have asked questions about where the church is located, or have told us about the UU church they attended elsewhere. We hope you will join us! Sign up here
Special Online Event October 17
with Gladys DeVane
Just click on this link after the service on October 17 to join the Q & A session with Gladys DeVane about her new book,
Come Sit With Me.
Enjoy Small Gatherings in October!
One thing many of us have learned during this pandemic is that social interactions (preferably in-person) are extremely important for our overall well-being. Several of our wonderful congregation members have volunteered to host small (mostly outdoor) gatherings in October, while the weather is still reasonable. Register today to attend a wonderful small group gathering! These gatherings are truly a gift! -Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator
Persimmons Arrive Right on Schedule –
Prepping for the Bazaar
The Bazaar Committee has once again recruited me, Jason Michálek, as the Persimmon Czar, to coordinate, collect, and process persimmon pulp when the persimmons drop this fall (spoiler: it has begun!). Though the state of the Bazaar events is still in flux, nature is unabated by social distancing as persimmon trees are still on schedule. If you have a persimmon tree but don't want to pick up the persimmons, we can help each other. If you enjoy collecting persimmons, you are also needed. Contact me at michalja (at) if you are willing to pick up persimmons or if you have a tree that needs picking. And if you're too antsy to wait for collection and pulping, we still have frozen persimmon pulp from last year that you can purchase immediately by contacting Ruellen Fessenbecker: rfessenb (at)
persimmon photo by Marcia Hart
Exploring Unitarian Universalism Online!
October 24 and 31, 2-4 p.m.
Explore Unitarian Universalism with us online, October 24 and 31, 2-4 pm. Use this link to register These small group gatherings are a great opportunity to learn about the UU Principles, our ministers, the history of this church, all the ways to get involved here, and what it means to be a member of the church. Plan to attend both dates, since different material will be discussed in each session. We request completion of these sessions before becoming a member of the church. Everyone ages 14 to 100+ is welcome! Questions? Email connect(at) or call (812) 720-3688.
UU Choir Rehearses Thursdays
in the Courtyard
The UU Choir continues to rehearse with masks on, outdoors on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., weather permitting. Because of current public health conditions, things are likely to change quickly. If you would like to participate in Choir, it is important for you to be on the Choir email list to get the latest news on rehearsals. To be included, please contact Dr. Susan Swaney our Music Director at music (at)
Please Make Your Pledge Today!
It's not too late! We are encouraging everyone who has not already done so to make a financial pledge to support our congregation for the coming year. Click here for the online pledge form.
UU Online Book Club book for November will be...
"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist who leaves his school on the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white high school. This heartbreaking, funny, and beautifully written tale, featuring poignant drawings that reflect the character's art, is based on the author's own experiences. Judy Owens has generously volunteered to lead the discussion. If you would like to join the discussion, sign up here. The UU Online Book Club meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom.
Social Justice Funds Committee Fall Grant Applications Due October 30
Each fall, the Social Justice Funds Committee welcomes grant proposals for local social justice projects. Projects must be based in Southern Indiana and be consistent with the mission and vision of our congregation. Grant funds may not be used to pay for professional services or salaries.
Winter Clothing Drive Through October 31
Our congregation, with the support of our Homelessness Task Force, along with other religious organizations and the Bloomington Fire Department, is participating in the Winter Clothing Drive—2021. Our intention is to collect winter clothing and to distribute it to men, women, and children in need in Monroe County.
The drive will collect winter coats, winter hats, hoodies, scarves, socks, and thermal underwear in all sizes. The clothing can be new or used, but must be clean and in good condition. It must also be utilitarian, not necessarily stylish.
We will collect clothing from now until October 31 in a box located in the portico, behind the church. The clothing will be distributed from the Main Fire Station on November 6.
--Alan Backler
Fall Diaper Drive
with the Reproductive Justice Task Force
Did you know that 57% of parents experiencing diaper needs who rely on child care said they missed an average of four days of school or work in the past month because they didn't have diapers? One of our UU youth, Mojo, created a video about the issue with more facts which you can watch here. Through the end of September, s upport our local diaper bank at All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center with a donation: Help All-Options provide crucial mutual aid (Select "Apply My Donation to: Hoosier Diaper Program")
Writing as a Spiritual Practice (Season 5)
A Drop-in Group with Rev. Barbara Child
Through October 26
You are invited to join me on a journey of personal exploration
through autobiographical writing in community on Zoom.
- We will meet every Tuesday afternoon 1:00-2:00 p.m. through October 26.
Even if you took part in one or more sessions during Season 1, 2, 3, or 4, you need to register for Season 5 by clicking HERE.
- You need to register only once, and can then attend as many Season 5 sessions after that as you choose. The link will stay the same for each session. You may register up to a few minutes before a session begins.
Here is a full description of “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” and what happens in our Zoom room on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00.
--Rev. Barbara Child
UU Freethinkers Meet Sunday, October 10, 12:45 pm
The UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting creates the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social, political, and theological/religious concern. Every other Sunday via Zoom at 12:45 pm. To join, contact Harold Ogren or Ann Watzel.
UU Humanist Forum Meets Sunday, October 17,
12:45 pm
Every other Sunday at 12:45 pm, our UU Humanists meet together online on Zoom for discussion. Carolyn Emmert will lead a discussion on "Educational Inequality." Email Harold Ogren or Ann Watzel if you would like to join the discussion.
Monthly Life Stories Writing Group
Welcomes New Members --
Next Meeting Thursday, October 14
Thinking about writing a story from your life? We invite you to join the monthly life writers, a supportive group that meets on the second Thursday of every month from 3 to 5, on Zoom. Attendees usually read short excerpts from work in progress. If you are new, it’s fine to just listen and ask a few questions. To get your Zoom invitation for October 14, email John Woodcock at woodcock (at)
Shambhala Meditation Online on Mondays
Every Monday at noon online, or anytime it's easy, since there are saved sessions, you can join Sarah Flint in this 2500-year-old practice of cultivating peace and inner wisdom. Contact Sarah Flint to join the group in real time. On Facebook at UU Bloomington Meditation.
Open Mind Zen Online
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Open Mind Zen with Frank Seisho Diaz is currently holding meetings away from our building. If you'd like to participate, visit and use their contact page for more information.
Community Connections
Our Faith in Action in the Community
BCS to present
Considering Matthew Shepard
Sat, October 9, 7:30 pm & Sun, October 10, 3:00 pm
Buskirk-Chumley Theater
Saturday's performance will also be livestreamed
On October 9 and 10, 2021, Bloomington Chamber Singers will perform Considering Matthew Shepard, Craig Hella Johnson´s powerful reflection on the events surrounding the 1998 beating and death of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student in Wyoming. Tickets available at the BCT Box Office or online. $25 general admission, $20 students with ID, and $200 for groups of 10. For more information:
COVID-19 Vaccination News -
Vaccines for Age 12 and Older!
Email SCAM Alert
Our ministers, staff, and board members or other members will never send you email asking you for any money besides your pledge payment!
How to Recognize an Email Phishing Scam:
Is the email impersonating Rev. Macklin or another of our staff or ministers? Are they asking you to purchase gift cards? Wait! Don't do it! We will never send you emails like that. To double check, look at the email address of the sender. Is it from an address at If not, that's the second good reason to delete it!
Office Hours, Calendar, Deadlines
Office hours: M-F, 10 am-4 pm. Our building is on Limited Access right now, so staff is mostly working from home and for a few hours from time to time in the building.
The Church Office can be reached via text or voicemail during office hours at 812-287-9615. Email: admin (at) or office (at)
The Prologue is published on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Next issue is
October 5. Deadline is 10 am on date of publication, admin (at)
Mailing Address
During the pandemic (which is still now):
UU Church, PO Box 1158, Nashville, Indiana 47448-1158.
(Items mailed to 2120 N. Fee take 3-4 weeks on average to be forwarded by the Postal Service! So please use the PO Box instead of the street address! Yes, this is still true as of 10/5/2021. --cm)
Details on Membership & Offering
Membership: 574 certified members as of 2/1/2021;
569 current members.
Non-Pledge Offering:
September 19: $135
September 26: $178
To make a contribution for the Non-Pledge Offering (Sunday Plate), or to make a payment towards your pledge, click on this link to get to our new Giving page:
Total to be donated (25%) to The Nest childcare center at New Hope Family Shelter: $78.25
Grocery Card Sales: (Bloomingfoods or Fresh Thyme) $600; Total income to UUCB: $30
Free Money from Kroger!
Fresh Thyme and Bloomingfoods
Grocery Cards Available by Mail
Did you know that Kroger sends us over $1,600 each year? This is made possible by those of you who participate in Kroger's Community Rewards program. Register your Kroger Plus card online at this link.
We are also still selling grocery cards for Bloomingfoods and Fresh Thyme. Click here to see what kind of cards and how many are available. Send your check to the church (UU Church, P. O. Box 1158, Nashville, Indiana 47448-1158) with a note to let us know the type and value of card(s) you want, and we will mail them to you. You do not need to send an envelope. Orders are received in Nashville, but fulfilled in Bloomington. (smiley face)
Masthead photo by John Woodcock.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, IN