Proposal Writing Tips
Make your point
, then explain it.
Be efficient with words. Convey more thoughts with fewer words.
Everyone needs an editor. Have the editor check each tip given here.
Create a proposal outline from the RFP’s instructions and organization.
Support your facts with statistics and reasons.
Use graphics, but sparingly. Any graphic you use should emphasize a point.
Use simple and short declarative sentences. Avoid trite claims like “world class,” “best of breed,” “exceptionally,” and “uniquely,” especially if you can’t prove it.
Avoid overblown statements, like “Collectively, the experience of the company’s staff exceeds ‘x’ person years.”
Use “we”, “us” and “our” in simple, declarative sentences. (“We will deliver ‘X’ by [date].”)
Use simple language appropriate to the reader. Write to express, not to impress.