The State of Montana purchases a wide array of products and services from private businesses every day. Procurement staff will be presenting information on how to do business with our state and will cover the following topics:
– Which state agencies buy what?
– Goods & Services vs. Construction Contracts
– Disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE program)
– Where to find useful sources

– How to register as a vendor in eMACS
– How to respond to solicitations/events
– Where to find bids & proposals
– Where to find useful resources

Currently, there are 55 active opportunities at the State of Montana. A few examples include asbestos inspection, legal services, dental supplies, collection services, construction consulting, charter bus services, latent print outsourcing, rest area maintenance and much more!

There are only two webinars left in the series, October 7th and October 21st.
Attendance is free but registration is required. Click Here to Register!