hope rca logos

Your Rotary Reminder

today, Oct. 30, 2023

join us sheraton uptown

Sheraton UPTOWN Hotel

2600 Louisiana Blvd NE (@ Menaul Blvd)

Today's Lunch Program

mariana pins blazer

Oct 30:

Our Club's sponsored Exchange Student

from Brazil

Mariana Fiorini Daronco

mariana amy isotopes
mariana balloons
arcf logo blue vertical

October is ARCF Month

Albuquerque Rotary Charitable Foundation

ARCF Grant Checks to be presented

Explora's RCA Centennial Pavilion Upkeep = $5000

------presented to Co-Director Kristin Leigh

RYE Mariana's monthly support = $200

Monday, Oct 30 Committee meetings:



October Birthdays

(Oct 27 - 31)


Other meetings next week (Oct 30 - Nov 3)

Wed, Nov 1 at 4pm RCA's Saints & Sinners Party

Fri, Nov 3, RCA Movie Group - meeting at Helen Marquez

every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast
7:15am @ Wecks on PDN
nov 1 flyer

Come out & support NM Dream Center

Wed, Nov 1, 2023 Fundraiser

Saints & Sinners

angels & devils

4pm - 6:30pm

ABQ Distilling (Nick's place)

Buy your ticket now!

nm dream ctr logo

How they plan to spend the $7500

$7500 to provide tangible goods needed in our weekly outreach efforts.

Each Street Outreach Team is equipped with hot food, hygiene packs, water and specialized outreach information to allow them to have safe conversations and delivery of needed resources.

read their full grant application

Where no one is for sale.


November Birthdays

(Nov 1 - 6)


MARK Tobiassen

MARTA Parnall

Next RCA Program
maureen baca

Nov 6:

Maureen Baca

President, Board of Directors

New Mexico Philharmonic

Maureen Baca a resident of Albuquerque since childhood. She went to grade school, high school and college here in Albuquerque. Since completing her master’s degree at UNM as a NASA Fellow, she has staffed and managed major programs for the City of Albuquerque, the Department of Energy and Sandia National Labs. As President of The Computing Center Inc., she consults locally and nationally with the leadership of large and small organizations in both the public and private sectors. She is a Master Examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. She has served multiple non-profit organizations since her retirement from Sandia National Labs, including currently leading the board of Quality New Mexico. A donor to the arts and classical music, Maureen is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Philharmonic

Monday, Nov 6 Committee meetings:


Other meetings next week (Nov 6 - 10)


Other events of interest
nov 1 flyer

You asked - President Suzy listened

More small fun fellowship events - for an amazing cause

Wed, Nov 1, 2023 Fundraiser

Saints & Sinners

4pm - 6:30pm

ABQ Distilling (Nick's place)

Buy your ticket now!

nov 3 movie killers

RCA Movie Group November 3

Dear movie fans,

Jim and Helen Marquez will host our next movie night.


The show is "Killers of the August Moon" , a film based on the true story of the Osage murders, oil, land, and the creation of the FBI.


The movie opened in Albuq. on October 20, so we would like to host on Friday, November 3rd, to allow a little more time to view the film. If you have time, read "Killers of the August Moon, by Daniel Gramm. It is an unbelievable true story that you will not forget. 


Let Helen know if you will attend at   jimmarquez42@gmail.com or at 

505-836-6744. Thanks, Helen 

goodbye polio


if you have a check for your Polio donation, be sure to bring to Rotary!

You can donate online or write a check to 'The Rotary Foundation' - including "Polio" on the memo line.

thank you heart

Your Oct-Dec Rotary dues invoices

Thank you for your prompt payments!

flowers thinking of you gif

In case you missed Friday's other email

send a cheery card to Mary Floyd

Mary Floyd

11100 Lagrima de Oro Rd. NE

Apt. 9402

Albuquerque, NM 87111


PS: Thanks Mary Lipscomb for letting me know!

Upcoming November Programs

Nov 13:

Greg Zanetti

Food & the Future

Nov 20:

Mike Canfield

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

Nov 27:

Brad Yablonski

Social Security

PH tolerance

Yes, RCA is still zooming Mondays!

Join URL: same as always


Meeting ID: 857 3355 6745                                Passcode: 794895