Your Rotary Reminder for

Monday, Sept 18, 2023

rca togethere logos
rosh hashanah circle

Happy Rosh Hashanah

What do you say for Rosh Hashanah 2023?

"May You Be Inscribed and Sealed in the Book of Life" or "G'mar Chatimah Tovah": This phrase acknowledges the solemn aspect of Rosh Hashanah, where it is believed that one's fate for the upcoming year is written in the Book of Life.

Reminder :

No Rotary lunch program at the hotel

Sheraton UPTOWN Hotel

2600 Louisiana Blvd NE (@ Menaul Blvd)

Monday's Lunch Program

September 18:

Vocational Visits

To our Rotarians' businesses -- some new & some popular sites from past visits

Please let your Rotarian host or Ann know if you aren't able to attend

Take photos & post --- or send to Ann to post

Monday, Sept 18 Committee meetings:


September Birthdays

(Sept 15 - 24)



Randy Woodcock (still in our hearts though not in the Club!)

SAM Baca

RAEWYN Aspeitia

HENRY Alaniz

KEITH Balkcom


ANNE Scott

Other meetings next week (Sept 18 - 22)

No ARCF Board meeting on Thurs, Sept 21

rescheduled 1 week later to Thurs, Sept 28

Friday, Sept 22: RCA Board meeting at 11:30am

every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast
7:15am @ Wecks on PDN

Shirts still available to

Represent RCA Rotary!

Prep for our Club's future service projects - such as the Alzheimer's Oct. walk & Nov. River Clean Up

Shirts for sale

$15 (cash - exact amount - deeply appreciated!)

sizes medium to 3X

Sept. 13 Service Project Rotary Day at NM State Fair

Thank you to the 30+ RCA Rotarians for participating!

Hope you had fun - I did

Tried my first Asbury Cafe pie (mixed berry) - yum

Next RCA Program

September 25:

Chief Emily Jaramillo

ABQ Fire & Rescue

In March of 2023, Emily was selected and promoted to become the first woman to serve as Fire Chief in AFR's 123 year history.

Monday, Sept 25 Committee meetings:

1 pm: Membership Team

Other meetings next week (Sept 25-29)

Thurs, Sept 28: ARCF Board meeting at 7:30am

rescheduled 1 week later

Fri, Sept 29: RCA Movie Group hold the date!

Hosted by Lori & Peter Feibelman

Movie to be finalized

every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast
7:15am @ Wecks on PDN
Other events of interest

District Foundation Peace Initiative Update

Sep 21, 2023 6:00 PM - Sep 21, 2023 7:00 PM



To celebrate the International Day of Peace, Bob Reid will be giving us an update on Rotary's Peace Initiative. We would like to encourage all the clubs in the district to have at least one person in

attendance to better understand what this part of the foundation does and has to offer the clubs in the district. We will also brief you on the peace fellowships and how these can benefit our youth and communities.

Placitas Artist Series 2023-24 season

Sunday, Sept 24

PAS concert
rye logo hs recruit

Deadline to apply for this cycle is September 30, 2023.

What are the qualifications to participate in Rotary Youth Exchange?

Generally a student who intends to apply for our program needs to:

  • be a sophomore or junior at the time of application
  • have good grades (top 1/3 of the class)
  • be outgoing and participatory in your community and/or school
  • be able to choose multiple countries as possible places of travel
  • be emotionally stable (able to manage stress and make decisions well)
  • have parent(s) whole-heartedly supporting the exchange
  • be willing to speak in front of Rotary groups
  • be able to fund the costs of exchange (approximately $6,500).

Assessment of these qualifications will be determined by  in-person interviews; a completed application; and a weekend with leaders and other students.


If interested, contact Michelle Frechette,

District Youth Exchange Committee Chair,

505.379.0544 or


Deadline to apply for this cycle is September 30, 2023.

RFE logo

Rotarians to travel overseas on a Rotary Friendship Exchange

Here are opportunity for international travel with RCF friendship teams of rotarians.

By the invitations from Rotarians of the countries listed below, RCF organizing and gathering teams for friendship Exchange trips.

A list 10 clubs are in each country looking forward to greet our team with hospitality and welcome arrangements.

1. Oct 10-20, 2023 GERMANY

Frankfurt-Munich (Bavaria)


2. Nov 5-15, 2023 ITALY


3.Dec 1-11, 2023 -ISRAEL


Rotary 2024 International Convention in Singapore (May 25-29, 2024)


Coming up in 2024 - UNITED ARAB AMIRATES



Vitaliy Bezrodnov - RCF Coordinator

Fuquay Varina Rotary Club, North Carolina USA


NM Society of Association Executives

Policy Forum on September 28 at 9:00 a.m. The forum will feature a candid conversation with Representative Meredith Dixon (D-20).

Representative Dixon serves as Vice-Chair of the House Appropriations & Finance Committee and as a member of the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. She is a mother, small business owner, and a proud Albuquerque resident. Her husband Kevin is an engineer at Sandia Labs and together they are raising two daughters in the heart of District 20.

Representative Dixon's policy priorities include: crime and public safety, economic diversification, education, health care, and environment & climate change.

The Policy Forum is a complimentary, member-only program and will be on Thursday, September 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at AGC New Mexico (1615 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102).

Space is limited and preference is given to association executives. Please register as soon as possible.

NMSAE logo
nmsae dixon forum

Upcoming October Programs

Oct 2:

Sherman McCorkle

Oct 9:

District Governor Richard Haas

Oct 16:

Jim Hinton, Healthcare gone wild

Oct 23:

Tracy Hartzler, CNM President

Oct 30:

Our Youth Exchange Student from Brazil, Mariana Daronco

2023 RCA Membership Directory


Tim Webb only phone is his mobile (505) 363-7571
RCA's website has several new features!

Yes, RCA is still zooming Mondays!

Join URL: same as always
Meeting ID: 857 3355 6745                                Passcode: 794895