SEAMASS News & Member Briefs
News | Events | Resources | Opportunities
MARCH 2024
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- President's Message: Nate Roy, PE
Call for Nominations to SEAMASS Board of Directors
- Call for Applicants: 3 Student Scholarship Opportunities
- Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
- Member Profile: Ellen T. Swanson, PE
- SEAMASS Young Members Group (YMG) News
- Members in the News
- SEAMASS SEER Committee Updates
- BBRS Progress Update
- Welcome New Members and Annual Sponsors
- NCSEA News & Initiatives
- Career Opportunities - Our Members are Hiring!
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Message from SEAMASS President Nate Roy, PE | |
The 2023-24 fiscal year continues to be exciting for our vibrant organization and expanding membership! We've consistently connected and served registrants, presenters & sponsors as we:
Facilitated 10 prof. dev. webinars & 7 in-person events (15 presenters)
Filled 513 virtual webinar seats and hosted 268 in-person participants
Distributed 775 SEAMASS or NCSEA-Diamond Reviewed PDHs
Expanded our roster by 50 members and welcomed 10 sponsors
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Thank you for being a key part of this growth. Your efforts – small or large – all impact our organization’s success. When you participate in SEAMASS programs, promote our e-announces/e-news within your office, connect with us on LinkedIn and share our news-posts with your network, it helps to amplify the efforts of SEAMASS committees and the Board of Directors. Speaking of the Board: In this issue we ask you to nominate someone, or to consider your own opportunity to serve. It’s true that “many hands make light work”, so why not raise yours and share a small fraction of your time and talent?
Furthermore, if you have any recommendations for SEAMASS programs, events, community outreach initiatives, or if you are interested in contributing your time and expertise by presenting or serving on one of our committees, please don't hesitate to contact me directly or reach out to us at secretary@seamass.org. Your input and involvement are highly encouraged and appreciated.
Also in this issue, you’ll find time-sensitive student scholarship opportunities to share with your network, as well as outstanding professional development opportunities. You’ll meet a SEAMASS member; learn of NCSEA initiatives; discover what our SEAMASS Young Members Group and SEER Committee have been up to; help us welcome new members and sponsors; and access career opportunities.
Thank you for actively participating in and supporting the SEAMASS community. I look forward to celebrating with you at our Annual Meeting on May 8 – which is anticipated to sell-out – so don’t wait; grab your tickets now!
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Nathan Roy, PE | SEAMASS President | |
Call for Nominations to SEAMASS Board of Directors | |
The SEAMASS Board of Directors Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for next year’s Board. Open positions for the upcoming fiscal year (beginning June 2024) include at least two Directors for 3-year terms (2024-2027).
The nomination of members to the Board of Directors is an opportunity to identify SEA members who could serve on the Board and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. Candidates elected to the Board will help SEAMASS fulfill its mission and shape the future of our organization. Please email the name & contact details of your nominee(s) to Bassem Almuti, PE, Committee Chair by MARCH 15.
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Call for Applicants: 3 Student Scholarship Opportunities | |
Eligible students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate Civil or Architectural Engineering programs are encouraged to apply for 2024 Scholarship opportunities offered by SEAMASS, NCSEA, and Simpson Strong-Tie. Below are links to one-page PDF summaries with details regarding eligibility requirements and application criteria.
NCSEA: March 15 | Simpson Strong-Tie: March 22 | SEAMASS: March 29
Please share these opportunities with any eligible students you know:
2024 SEAMASS & NCSEA Scholarship Opportunities
2024 Simpson Strong-Tie Scholarship Opportunities
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Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
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MARCH 14, 2024
Thursday | 11 a.m.-Noon ET | 1.0 PDH
The Shifting Energy Code Landscape
in MA and its Impact on Structure
and Building Enclosure Design
Presenter: Lucas Nahrgang, PE
Principal, Building Science Specialist
RDH Building Science Inc.
WEBINAR - Access provided upon Registration
Event Sponsor: FABREEKA
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APRIL 4, 2024
Thursday | 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. ET | 1.0 PDH
South Station Tower
Site Tour & Presentation
Tour (Optional): 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Presentation: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Presenters: Adam C. McCarthy, PE | Principal
Ryan J. Sullivan, PE | Associate
McNamara • Salvia, Structural Engineers
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May 8, 2024
Wednesday | 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. | 1.0 PDH
SEAMASS 2024 Annual Meeting & Dinner
with Feature Presentation:
A State of the Art Structural Genome
by Cawsie Jijina, PE and Stephen Reichwein, PE, SE
from Severud Associates, Structural Engineer of Record
Don't miss this opportunity to meet the Sphere Designers and experience their fascinating project spotlight; earn PDH credit; enjoy a delicious meal, connect with new and old friends; and celebrate with our SEAMASS Scholarship winners and 2024-2025 SEAMASS Board of Directors as we kick off the new SEAMASS fiscal year.
Members, Non-members, and Students are welcome
Event Sponsor: CAST CONNEX
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Ellen T. Swanson, PE
Ellen is an Associate at McNamara ▪ Salvia, Structural Engineers in Boston, and serves as a Director on the SEAMASS Board.
She has more than 16 years of structural engineering experience primarily serving high-rise, residential, and retail clients. She is passionate about creating innovative designs with architectural teams while working closely with general contractors to identify cost-effective solutions.
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Ellen earned a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis, MO and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Colorado School of Mines. She has answered the questions below so we may get to know her better. Thank you, Ellen, for your contributions to SEAMASS and the Structural Engineering profession!
Why did you join SEAMASS? I joined SEAMASS to help elevate the structural engineering career path and contribute back to the profession I proudly enjoy.
As an engineer, what accomplishments are you most proud of? I’m proud to have…
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SEAMASS Young Members Group Updates | |
The SEAMASS Young Members Group (YMG) continues to grow and enhance the SEAMASS community by coordinating events and programs designed to support and recruit young engineering professionals. Recent events are summarized below. | |
PE/SE Exam Prep Panel
This in-person and virtual event helped prospective PEs and SEs to navigate the process of exam application and preparation. Panelists Clay Harman, PE, Jonathan Malmut, PE, SE, Orion Paul, PE and Brendan Shannon, PE, SE shared their insights and experience regarding test-prep strategies, study resources, and more.
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YMG Social at Kings Seaport
In February, the YMG facilitated connection and camaraderie for current and prospective members at an evening bowling event at Kings in Boston's Seaport.
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YMG Holiday Party & Toy Drive
In December, the YMG Holiday event reached capacity as current and prospective YMG members gathered to enjoy games and camaraderie; donated new unwrapped toys to Toys for Tots; and earned generous prizes from event sponsor DEWALT, represented by Deepu John.
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Site Tour of South Station Tower
In November, YMG members had the opportunity to experience a site tour of South Station Tower. Ryan Sullivan of McNamara Salvia led the tour, with coordination by Chelsea Medina. The YMG also thanks Suffolk Construction for their coordination.
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Site Tour of 10 World Trade
In November, the YMG enjoyed a site tour of 10 World Trade in Boston. Steve Craven of Thornton Tomasetti provided an informative Q&A session about the project; and Mike McEneny of Suffolk Construction led the site tour.
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YMG Hike at Middlesex Fells
In October, YMG members (and their dogs!) gathered for a hike at Middlesex Falls. The event fostered connection and camaraderie in a fun, casual and healthy outdoor setting.
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Follow or Link to SEAMASS YMG on these Social Platforms,
to stay informed about upcoming events currently being planned:
Instagram (@seamassymg); LinkedIn
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An article by Orion Paul, PE, Project Engineer at L.A. Fuess Partners and Past-Chair of SEAMASS YMG, was featured in NCSEA’s STRUCTURE Magazine. Thoughts on Computer-Based Testing explores the changes to the PE Structural Exam and how they may affect young engineers. Orion notes, “The article hits the major points of describing the changes, capturing the concerns, and highlighting the benefits.”
Nathan Roy, PE, Principal with LeMessurier, co-presented a live webinar titled, Boston University Data Science Center as part of NCSEA’s recorded library of Professional Development Courses. The 1.0 PDH course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states, and now available in the NCSEA Education Portal for members to purchase on-demand.
David Schnerch, PE, Ph.D, Principal with RDH Building Science, presented to the Northeastern University ASCE Student Chapter (NU ASCE). He notes, “It was great opportunity to share some of my experiences, learn about all the extracurricular activities NU ASCE is involved with, and connect with past and future co-op students.”
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SEAMASS SEER Building Safety Committee Updates
Contributed by Michael Fillion, PE | Principal, Fillion Group, Inc.
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The SEAMASS SEER committee held a Cal OES Structural Assessment Program training at SGH’s conference center in Waltham on Oct 16, 2023. Michael Fillion, PE of SEAMASS, David Grandpre, PE of SEARI, and Thomas Gatzunis, PE, former MA Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety, trained over 60 structural engineers, building inspectors and architects. Officials from OPSI (Office of Public Safety & Inspections) including chief Richard Baldacci, deputy chief Dan Walsh and former chief Robert Anderson were also on hand to speak and describe operations in MA.
Approximately 20 regional and local building inspectors attended the training. The next committee meeting will be held in April 2024. Our goal is to serve as a resource and maintain relationships with OPSI, MEMA & FEMA’s MA Task Force-1 Urban Search and Rescue Team. New participants are welcome; please email me to learn more.
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The Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) held three public hearings in February 2024 regarding proposed changes to the MA State Building Code 780 CMR 10th edition. Participants were encouraged to present oral or written testimony or written comments by March 6.
It is unknown how many meetings the BBRS will need to finalize and formally vote to adopt the 10th Edition. Given the limited time between the public comment period and the BBRS meeting on March 12, it is anticipated that the Board may vote during the April meeting and the 10th Edition may be promulgated by the Secretary of State in either May or June of this year.
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Welcome New SEAMASS Members | |
Building on the founder’s 41-year history with chemical grout manufacturing and applications, ADCOS brings a dynamic new combination of experience and chemistry to the ground water control and soil stabilization industry. Passionate about quality & performance, we strive to maximize eco-friendly formulations.
Chemical grout isn’t just part of our portfolio, it is our portfolio!
Visit: adcosusa.com
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Berglund Construction is a family-owned enterprise with expertise in complex projects specifically in the areas of Historic Masonry and Concrete restoration, Post Tension Repair and Waterproofing. Since 1911, the firm’s dedication to safety, quality, and sustainability for clients across the Midwest, Florida and the Northeast has led to a legacy of excellence in the industry.
Visit: berglundco.com
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Fabreeka International brings more than 100 years of expertise and experience with vibration isolation and shock control. Professionals across several industries specify our resilient and versatile vibration isolation materials. Learn more about our products and services and find your ideal solution. Visit: fabreeka.com | | |
HILTI is a world-leading innovator of tools, technology, software and services for the commercial construction industry. Our drive is to be your best partner for productivity, safety and sustainability as we make construction better. Learn the many ways we can support your projects.
Visit: hilti.com
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Phoenix Foundation Company is a full-service geotechnical construction firm established in 2018 comprised of experienced professionals. Services include installation of drilled micropiles, support of excavation, aggregate piers, rigid inclusions, tiebacks, rock anchors, soil nails, drilled shafts and caissons, helical piles, grouting, underpinning, and more.
From development to completion, Phoenix adds value to geotechnical geostructural construction projects. Visit: PhoenixFoundationCompany.com
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NCSEA Structural 2024 Summit - Call for Speakers
The National Council of Structural Engineering Associations (NCSEA) is seeking speakers for the 2024 Structural Engineering Summit, scheduled for November 5-8, 2024 in Las Vegas, NV at the MGM Grand. Education sessions deliver pertinent and useful information that is specific to the practicing structural engineer, in both technical and non-technical tracks. Click here for potential submission topics and full details.
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Structural Engineering Excellence serves as a guiding principle for the profession. NCSEA's We SEE Above & Beyond campaign is a unifying message of what Structural Engineers do and the vital, valuable impact they make within their communities and the world. This campaign page provides more info & resources. | |
Career Opportunities - Our Members are Hiring! | |
BALA seeks a Senior Structural Engineer for the firm's Boston-area office. Click here for position details, or visit bala.com/careers. | |
Buro Happold seeks a Senior Bridge Engineer candidate for the firm's hybrid team in either Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, or San Francisco. Click here to learn more. | |
e2 engineers seeks Project Structural Engineers for the firm's New London CT or Concord, MA locations. Click here to learn more. | |
H + O Structural Engineering has openings in the firm's Boston and Denver offices.
Click here to learn more.
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L.A. Fuess Partners seeks a Structural Engineer (Licensed) and a Structural Engineer (EIT) for the firm's Boston office. Visit LAFP Careers. | |
Odeh Engineers seeks candidates for these positions in their Boston or Providence office:
Early Career Structural Engineer (Odeh/WSP)
Senior Structural Engineer (Odeh/WSP)
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RSE Associates, Inc. seeks candidates for positions in the firm's Watertown, MA office.
Click here to learn more.
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Thornton Tomasetti seeks candidates for its Boston office and beyond.
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Vital Structures, LLC seeks candidates for a
Registered Roofing Consultant/Engineer position with the firm.
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WJE seeks structural engineers to join its team in Boston and beyond. Click here to view and apply to current opportunities with WJE. | |
This section is a benefit to all SEAMASS Sponsors. Email marketing@seamass.org with a brief description (and PDF file or link to a position description) for publishing consideration.
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SEAMASS is grateful to these Annual Corporate Sponsors for their support:
Click logos to view websites
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Join the SEAMASS Community online!
The SEAMASS LinkedIn group is a great place to get up to date information on seminars, webinars, and general news of interest to structural engineers.
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