SPAN The Bridge Newsletter pictorial graphic.  Your weekly access to SPAN news, resources and events.

November 20, 2024 | Issue 157 (View newsletter as webpage) Para leer este boletín en Español, haga clic aquí

Important News

Image of Kristin Jones and her daughter Wren

Creating and Living a Self-Determined Life

The November OSERS blog.

In this month's OSERS blog we meet Kristin Jones, mother of Wren, a daughter with Down syndrome. Kristen gives us her perspective as both Wren's mom and an educational professional as part of Wren's Exceptional Children's Service Team.

"I imagine I am one of a few parents who get to be part of both worlds, which I have found to be both a blessing and one of the hardest experiences of my life. I get to witness Wren having real relationships with her peers and learning amazing things in the classroom. I have also watched her struggle, which gives me the opportunity to problem solve with her team."

To read the blog, click here.

Photo of a Native American family

November is National Native American Heritage Month

In 1990, President George Bush declared the month of November as Native American Indian Heritage Month, which later became Native American Heritage Month. The month is designed to provide a platform for Native people to share their culture and traditions and for non-native people to learn about Native American history and rights in order to improve awareness. 

Two great ways to improve your own awareness is via some valuable resources provided on the Center for Parent Information and Resources Website (

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Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.

The week before TDOR, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise visibility for transgender people and address issues the community faces.

Since the last TDOR, LGBTQ+ civil rights organization GLAAD has recorded that 30 transgender individuals have been killed by acts of violence against them.

To read more about Transgender Day of Remembrance and find out how you can show support for the community on this day, as well as access information, organizations and resources, click here.


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Temas Clave Para Las Familias (Key Topics for Families)

Key Topics for Families are now available in Spanish on the National Center on Deafblindness website: Temas Clave Para Las Familias

This resource includes information on strategies and supports that families can use to help them navigate their child's services and their family's everyday life. Resources are organized by topic, including:

  • early intervention
  • educational services
  • learning at home
  • transition
  • caring for the family
  • ...and more

Photo of Giancarlo Vicari

Meet Giancarlo Vicari, Youth Ambassador

The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice Youth Ambassador Program is a training program about teaching youth to be leaders in their states. They communicate about what is happening in states about alternatives to guardianship and they teach youth about advocacy and leadership. Youth can learn about their rights and how to make decisions for themselves, as well as share what they learn with other young people and their families.

Youth Ambassador, Giancarlo Vicari from Union, NJ recently debuted a comic book he created, "Thinking for Me." The comic book is about a teenager becoming an adult, and how he navigates conversations around decision-making.

To watch a video of Giancarlo presenting his comic book, click here.

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Assistive Technology "Open Mic"

Tomorrow, November 21, 2024

12:00 PM ET

Via Zoom

Do you have an Assistive Technology question or suggestion? The microphone is all yours! The Community Living Education Project (CLEP) is excited to host FREE 'Assistive Technology Open Mic' webinars in collaboration with The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC).

Specialists from ATAC will be available to address assistive technology questions for self-advocates, families, and professionals who support people with an intellectual/developmental disability. Join us to share resources with each other, and to brainstorm assistive technology solutions to better address your needs.

To register, click here.

Upcoming Events

SPAN offers a variety of learning opportunities for families and the professionals who work with them.

Highlighted Event This Week

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The State of Inclusive Education in New Jersey

SEPAGs as Champions for an Inclusive School Culture

and Climate

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 

7:00 pm

via Zoom

Join us to:

  • Discuss the barriers to inclusion
  • Develop strategies to move your district in an inclusive direction
  • Learn how to leverage your SEPAG as a champion for change

Guest Presenter: Dr. Priya Lalvani:

  • Professor of Disability Studies at Montclair State University
  • Co-author of the book “Undoing Ableism: Teaching About Disability in K-12 Classrooms”
  • Editor of the book “Constructing the (M)other: Narratives of Disability, Motherhood and the Politics of Normal”

To register, click here.

Simultaneous Spanish interpretation available

Questions? Contact Stefanie Babits:

See all of SPAN's upcoming events with details and registration links here 

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SPAN Youth Hub graphic image

From Tolerance to Understanding

Read our latest youth blog post, From Tolerance to Understanding, to discover how embracing different perspectives and understanding can help build stronger, more compassionate communities.

To access the post, click here.

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