Introducing New Migrant Education Program
SPAN is excited to announce a new partnership with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission, a grantee for the N.J. Department of Education Migrant Education Program, tasked with identifying migrant students and providing supplemental instructional and support services for migrant students that reside either in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, or Warren counties.
To be eligible for the program, a survey is completed for the following criteria:
- Child, youth or parent moved across school district and/or state lines in the past three years;
- Child, youth or parent participates/participated as an agricultural worker or fisher - working temporarily or seasonally; and,
- The child or youth is eligible for a free, public education in the U.S. - students have not yet reached age 22 or obtained a HS diploma or equivalent (ages 3 to 21).
Stay tuned for more updates, events and workshops! Any questions or potential referrals can be directed to Danica LaFortune, MEP Project Director at