SPAN The Bridge Newsletter pictorial graphic.  Your weekly access to SPAN news, resources and events.

November 13, 2024 | Issue 156 (View newsletter as webpage) Para leer este boletín en Español, haga clic aquí

Important News

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Expanded Eligibility for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals: Spreading the Word

The NJ Office of the Food Security Advocate (NJDCF) is asking for assistance with spreading the word about the new law signed earlier this year by Governor Murphy which expands the income eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals. This is expected to make an additional 60,000 children eligible for the program in New Jersey! In addition, this year’s application rate will also determine eligibility for the 2025 Summer EBT program. 

Since COVID, application rates have plummeted across the state which correlates to an increase in school meal debt held by families. In an effort to reduce this trend (and hopefully reverse it) they have created a handy tool kit that organizations, community members, and advocates can use to help spread the word about the change in income eligibility requirements for the program.

To access this toolkit, click here.


Migrant Education flyer image duplicating information written in the article

Introducing New Migrant Education Program

SPAN is excited to announce a new partnership with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission, a grantee for the N.J. Department of Education Migrant Education Program, tasked with identifying migrant students and providing supplemental instructional and support services for migrant students that reside either in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, or Warren counties.  

To be eligible for the program, a survey is completed for the following criteria:  

  • Child, youth or parent moved across school district and/or state lines in the past three years; 
  • Child, youth or parent participates/participated as an agricultural worker or fisher - working temporarily or seasonally; and, 
  • The child or youth is eligible for a free, public education in the U.S. - students have not yet reached age 22 or obtained a HS diploma or equivalent (ages 3 to 21).

Stay tuned for more updates, events and workshops! Any questions or potential referrals can be directed to Danica LaFortune, MEP Project Director at

Equitable Discipline Forum


November 14, 2024

9:00 AM - 2:45 PM

Mercer County College Conference Center

Equitable discipline in schools is the practice of ensuring that all students are treated fairly and consistently when it comes to discipline, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or other factors. Join us to learn about:

  • Strategies that can promote equitable discipline for all students
  • Data related to disciplinary disparities, restraint and seclusion
  • How to file a complaint related to discipline

The forum is an opportunity for stakeholders, advocates, families and caregivers to exchange ideas, share best practices and address challenges.

Register Here to Attend

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Safe and Secure: Understanding Cyber and Phone Safety

The NJ Regional Family Support Planning Councils are offering a free virtual meeting for people with disabilities, families, and caregivers. It will focus on scam prevention education, guardian roles and responsibilities, and tools and resources for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.

November 16, 2024

10:00 AM - 12:00PM ET


For more information and to register, click here.

Upcoming Events

SPAN offers a variety of learning opportunities for families and the professionals who work with them.

Highlighted Event This Week

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What Every Parent Needs to Know About Early Reading, Part II

What should effective reading instruction look like in your classroom?

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 

6:30 - 7:30pm

via Zoom

Guest Presenter: Deborah Lynam, M.A.

In the second part of a 3-part *series, you will:

  • Learn about Scarborough's Reading Rope
  • Gain knowledge about the specific skills needed to develop strong reading proficiency
  • Learn about intensifying supports for all levels

To register, click here.

*Interested in Part I of the series? Click here.

Questions? Contact Beth Cosentino, Project Director:

See all of SPAN's upcoming events with details and registration links here 

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Accessible Homes

Check out our latest youth blog post, Accessible Homes, for practical tips on transforming any space into a more inclusive, accessible home.

To access the post, click here.

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