Input from NJ Child Care Providers Needed
The New Jersey Inclusive Child Care Project (NJICCP) at SPAN promotes and supports early childhood inclusion for children with disabilities through parent and provider education, resource connection, and technical assistance. We are looking for your assistance as we gather feedback from professionals working with infants, toddlers and young children around the state. To better serve the professionals, we are conducting a survey for child care providers, including Child Care Resource & Referral Agency staff, to gather insights on their communication preferences and professional development needs.
The survey closes this Friday, October 25. An entry prize drawing has been added for anyone who finishes the survey by this deadline.
Please use the link below to take the 10-minute survey, if this applies to you!
If this does not apply to you, please share the link and encourage childcare professionals to complete it.
To access the survey, click here.
We thank you for your participation! If you have questions, please contact Mita Bhattacharya, Early Childhood Inclusion Coordinator at: