SPAN The Bridge Newsletter pictorial graphic.  Your weekly access to SPAN news, resources and events.

October 23, 2024 | Issue 153 (View newsletter as webpage) Para leer este boletín en Español, haga clic aquí

Important News

National Immigration Law Center logo

Frequently Asked Questions: Affordable Care Act Eligibility for DACA Recipients

Back in May, the Biden Administration issued a rule that allows Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients (individuals who arrived in the US without formal documentation as children) and other eligible groups to purchase health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act when open enrollment begins again on November 1.

With the enrollment date approaching, the National Immigration Law Center has issued a FAQ which answers key questions that DACA recipients may have about the enrollment process and address other concerns.

To access the FAQ, click here.

Photo of Carmen Sanchez

Carmen Sanchez Named Associate Division Director for Early Childhood and Parent Team in OSEP RTP Division

In a release on October 17, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Deputy Director, David Cantrell, PhD, announced that Carmen Sanchez has been appointed to the role of Associate Division Director for the Early Childhood and Parent Team in OSEP's Research to Practice (RTP) Division.

Carmen has been with RTP for 18 years and has served for most of those years as the Lead in the Parent Training and Information Program, working closely with RTP colleagues to amplify families’ voices in improving early intervention and special education throughout the nation.

Prior to her work at OSEP, Carmen worked at the local level providing information and referral to people with disabilities across the lifespan and as the family resource coordinator in a local early intervention program.

To read David's full release, click here.


Mental Health America logo

MHA Introduces Crisis Resource Center

In times of crisis, whether an individual is facing a personal mental health challenge, dealing with the aftermath of a disaster, or grappling with the effects of violence, abuse, or discrimination, finding the right support is crucial. Mental Health America (MHA) has therefore created a collection of information and resources designed to help individuals navigate these difficult moments, offering tools and guidance to aid in coping and recovery.

To access the Crisis Resource Center, click here.

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Input from NJ Child Care Providers Needed

The New Jersey Inclusive Child Care Project (NJICCP) at SPAN promotes and supports early childhood inclusion for children with disabilities through parent and provider education, resource connection, and technical assistance. We are looking for your assistance as we gather feedback from professionals working with infants, toddlers and young children around the state. To better serve the professionals, we are conducting a survey for child care providers, including Child Care Resource & Referral Agency staff, to gather insights on their communication preferences and professional development needs.

The survey closes this Friday, October 25. An entry prize drawing has been added for anyone who finishes the survey by this deadline. 

Please use the link below to take the 10-minute survey, if this applies to you! 

If this does not apply to you, please share the link and encourage childcare professionals to complete it.

To access the survey, click here.

We thank you for your participation! If you have questions, please contact Mita Bhattacharya, Early Childhood Inclusion Coordinator at:

Upcoming Events

SPAN offers a variety of learning opportunities for families and the professionals who work with them.

Highlighted Event This Week

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Family Engagement with the NJPTA

A NJ Family Engagement Hub Webinar

Tuesday, November 12, 11AM-12PM EDT Online

NJPTA is a network of families, students, teachers, administrators, business, and community leaders

devoted to the educational success of children and promoting family engagement in schools. NJFE Hub

and NJPTA are working together to promote intentional and planned engagement through this collaborative webinar.

Special guests:

Sharon Roseboro, NJPTA President

C. Andre Daniels, NJPTA Family Engagement Committee Chairman

To register, click here.

To learn more about the NJ Family Engagement Hub, click here.

See all of SPAN's upcoming events with details and registration links here 

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SPAN Youth Hub decorative graphic image

Navigating Stress

Check out our latest youth blog post, "Navigating Stress," to discover practical tips like breathing techniques and exercise to boost your daily mood.

To access the post, click here.

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