SPAN The Bridge Newsletter pictorial graphic.  Your weekly access to SPAN news, resources and events.

November 6, 2024 | Issue 155 (View newsletter as webpage) Para leer este boletín en Español, haga clic aquí

Important News

Image with flag stating "Honoring all who served, Veterans Day"

Veterans Day Teachers Resource Guide

Veterans Day is next Monday, November 11. Almost every school in the country has one or more military-connected student. Students in American classrooms may be the son, daughter, cousin, or other relative of a Veteran or current Servicemember.

It is important that students are aware of and appreciate the freedoms we have because of the men and women who have served in defense of the United States.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Veterans Day National Committee have created a Veterans Day Teachers Resource Guide to help teachers facilitate discussions about these crucial members of society. The guide includes sections about:

  • Why we celebrate Veteran's Day
  • Activities to help students honor veterans
  • Additional related resources

To access and download the guide, click here.


Decorative Image

Transitioning from School to Work for Teenagers and Young Adults with ADHD

From EP Magazine

The transition from school to work can be especially challenging for teen-agers and young adults with ADHD, as their symptoms can make it difficult to thrive in fast-paced and structured work environments.

As parents, understanding these deeper processing difficulties and learning how to support your children through this critical life stage is essential. By helping them access accommodations that address their specific needs, you can equip your children with the tools to overcome these challenges, stay organized, and maintain focus. Encouraging self-advocacy and fostering emotional resilience are also key components in ensuring that they feel confident and prepared as they navigate the complexities of their professional lives.

To read more and learn how ADHD symptoms can affect employment, click here.

In Memoriam:

Dr. Cheryl Chavis

SPAN extends our deepest condolences on the loss of Dr. Cheryl Chavis, a fierce advocate for children and families. Dr. Chavis worked closely with SPAN’s NJ Inclusive Child Care Project in our shared mission rooted in the service of children and families. She was a tireless advocate for equity and inclusion working to address the barriers to inclusion faced by marginalized children and families.

To read the full tribute to Dr. Chavis, including quotes from many who worked and advocated with her, click here.

Equitable Discipline Forum

November 14, 2024

9:00 AM - 2:45 PM

Mercer County College Conference Center

Equitable discipline in schools is the practice of ensuring that all students are treated fairly and consistently when it comes to discipline, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or other factors. Join us to learn about:

  • Strategies that can promote equitable discipline for all students
  • Data related to disciplinary disparities, restraint and seclusion
  • How to file a complaint related to discipline

The forum is an opportunity for stakeholders, advocates, families and caregivers to exchange ideas, share best practices and address challenges.

Register Here to Attend

Upcoming Events

SPAN offers a variety of learning opportunities for families and the professionals who work with them.

Highlighted Event This Week

Fall 2024

Special Education Parent Leader Roundtable

SEPAGs as a Catalyst for Collaboration,

Engagement and Partnership:

“Community Connections”

SEPAGs can facilitate partnerships between school districts and communities, building the collaboration that can improve access to resources and enhance the school experience for students and families.

Join us via Zoom by registering:

Session 1 (Evening), Wednesday, 11/13 @ 7:00 PM, click here.

Session 2 (Daytime), Thursday, 11/14 @ 10:00 AM, click here.

Spanish interpretation available

See all of SPAN's upcoming events with details and registration links here 

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SPAN Youth Hub graphic

Staying Energized

Explore our latest youth blog post, Staying Energized, for practical tips to beat fatigue and maintain energy throughout the day.

To access the post, click here.

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