Business Driven. People Focused.
CAF USA Secures $811 Million Contract
400 jobs coming to Chemung County
CAF USA, located in Elmira Heights has been awarded a new $811 million contract with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to manufacture 102 passenger trains which will provide upwards of 400 jobs in Chemung County.
"This is a tremendous accomplishment by the CAF team and an amazing opportunity for our region," said Joe Roman, President of STEG. "CAF is manufacturing the complete trains from the ground up, right here in the Southern Tier."
Manufacturing of the trains begins in 2024.
October 7th Officially Kicked off Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing is the backbone of America's economy. Manufacturing day is a celebration of our great manufacturers that support the movement to inspire the next generation of great creators.
-- Throughout the month of October many of our local businesses right here in Chemung County have opened their doors to students of local schools. Providing them with tours of their facilities and showing students the quality of life that manufacturing occupations can provide.
-- In our county there are 88 local manufacturing businesses employing over 5,000 people. The average salary of these positions is $67,000.
-- The Chemung County Chamber of Commerce and Career Development Council have made it possible to have students walk right into the doors of these organizations and see everyday life in a manufacturing facility.
-- The goal of this is not only to raise awareness to the employment deficit, but also for students in the local community to gain insight into these organizations that are right in their hometown.
-- We would love to thank our partners who participated in MFG DAY one way or another: CAF, Kennedy Valve, STCF, SEPAC, Cameron, Eaton, Hardinge, Fennell, Chemung Supply, Hilliard, and Cemecon.
- $115 Million Pay for Performance Grant Program Will Support Training Programs Offering Industry-Recognized Credentials and Certifications in High-Demand Fields
- $35 Million Workforce Development Capital Grant Program Will Help Education and Workforce Training Providers with Capital Expenses to Provide Programs for an Evolving Jobs Landscape
- Fulfills Governor Hochul's State of the State Commitment to Help Meet Employer Needs, Increase Training Capacity, and Position New York Job Seekers to Fill High-Quality, In-Demand Jobs
The full program guidelines and links to the Consolidated Funding Applications are available on the Office of Strategic Workforce Development's website HERE. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis and awards are expected to be announced every two months beginning in December. The deadline for applications for the first round of grant funding is November 14, 2022.
Governor Hochul first proposed the new Office of Strategic Workforce Development in her State of the State address and established the office in April 2022 to better meet the needs of industry and create career opportunities for New Yorkers. The Office will work with workforce training providers to support industry-driven training that provides in-demand skills and direct job placement. Additionally, ESD will work hand-in-hand with the state's 10 Regional Economic Development Councils, which will engage with local stakeholders and help to identify specific skills and industries to prioritize in each region in the post-pandemic economy. The goal is to encourage new economic opportunities for unemployed, underemployed and underrepresented workers, while meeting the needs of businesses in targeted tradable sectors.
For more information about the Office of Strategic Workforce Development, or to learn more about these grant programs, visit This Link.
FuzeHub and the North American Center of Excellence for Transportation Equipment (NAmTrans) and the Alliance for Manufacturing and Technology (AMT) hosted a one-day, in-person, manufacturing expo style event on September 28th in Corning.
This event focused on New York State’s transportation equipment and aerospace industry. A major theme of the event was supply chain development, growth, and resilience.
In addition to panels/presentations on topics of interest, transportation equipment OEMs and SMEs from across NYS were afforded the opportunity throughout the day to connect with new customers, suppliers, vendors, and resources via B2B matchmaking, networking, and designated booth/exhibiting space. We were thrilled to attend this event with AMT We look forward to helping support the movement to build supply chains right here in Chemung County.
Fantastic Office Space Available!
63,000sf call/data center formerly occupied by Wayfair which made significant renovations to building. Building features include: private secure lobby, open floor plans, hard offices, fitness area, numerous employee lounge areas, IT rooms, recreation room, cafeteria, conference rooms, natural lighting from numerous windows and large skylight. Can be used again for data/call center or for regular office space.
For additional information including the listing from Pyramid Brokerage Please:
400 E Church Street
Elmira, NY 14901
P: 607.733.6513