Today's Hours of Operation

Grounds: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass

12 noon

Chapel of Mary

Recitation of the Rosary

11:30 a.m.

Chapel of Mary

Priest Office Hours

10-11:45 a.m.

and 3-5 p.m.

Office is located inside the Visitor Center.

Your Sanctuary of Peace

As part of our Centennial celebration, we would like to share a piece of the sanctuary with you each day in April. We hope you will enjoy learning more about each feature, and find joy and peace by viewing the photographs.

Today: St. Anne's Chapel

History of the chapel

This small, chapel-like building honors St. Anne, the mother of Mary.

Built in 1934 to house the Blessed Sacrament during the first United State Marian Congress, it is the oldest building at The Grotto.

Below is a photo from the event. We have highlighted an area (look for the box on the left side of the frame) where you can see the chapel through the trees. It was later moved to the site of the temporary altar seen here, where it still sits today.

Over 60,000 pilgrims came to the Marian Congress August 12-15, 1934, to celebrate.

The trees surrounding the Chapel have certainly grown.

Early years

The building continued to serve as a chapel until The Grotto's Chapel of Mary was built in 1955.

The chapel today

Now, St . Anne's Chapel houses numerous Madonna paintings from many countries.

About St. Anne

St. Anne is the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus.


Although not mentioned in the Bible, early Christian tradition held that Anne and Joachim were the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus.

Their feast day in the Catholic calendar is celebrated on July 26th. Because tradition tells us that Anne and Joachim were childless for many years, St. Anne is the patron of childless couples, women in labor, and mothers.

A Prayer to St. Anne

O Glorious St. Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who call to you for help.

I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me to unburden myself with these worries, concerns, and intentions: (Here mention your requests.)

I ask that you place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Above all, obtain for me the gift of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.

Pray for us, St. Anne. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Gracious God, mercifully grant to us who honor St. Anne, the grace of happiness in this life, and the joy of life with You for all eternity.


The Chapel in the Storm

Below are some photos of the Chapel during the January wind and ice storm. Much damage was done to tree and shrubs, but thankfully no statues, shrines or chapels were damaged.

We hope enjoy the April series "Your Sanctuary of Peace".

Tomorrow: The Statue of Mary, Our Mother

Mass, Lunch & Learn

Join us every month for this special series. Gather in the Auditorium (directly under the Chapel of Mary) immediately after the noon Mass for lunch and a featured speaker discussing a new topic each month. Lunch will be provided. Attendance limited to 15 people, sign up required.


Tuesday, April 9 – Brian Martinek, Executive Director of Northwest Regional Re-Entry Center.

NWRRC supports and educates individuals transitioning from the criminal justice system back into their communities. They provide life skills and provide structure and supervision while ensuring positive change for their residents. Brian is a former Chief of Police for Vancouver and a retired Assistant Chief of the Portland Police Bureau. 


Sign up to attend: Mass, Lunch & Learn

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of items for Confirmation and First Holy Communion, along with an assortment of books, Rosaries, cards, medals, jewelry, home decor, yummy treats, and gifts.

Online Shop