Today's Hours of Operation

Grounds: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass

12 noon

Chapel of Mary

Recitation of the Rosary

11:30 a.m.

Chapel of Mary

Priest Office Hours

10-11:45 a.m.

and 3-5 p.m.

Office is located inside the Visitor Center.

Your Sanctuary of Peace

As part of our Centennial celebration, we would like to share a piece of the sanctuary with you each day in April. We hope you will enjoy learning more about each feature, and find joy and peace by viewing the photographs.

Today: Statue of Mary, Our Mother

Statue of Mary, Our Mother

This bronze statue entitled "Mary, Our Mother" stands atop a granite monument some 150 feet above The Grotto.

Erected in 1933, the statue is one of the earliest installments at The Grotto. This early photo below shows Mary standing above The Grotto, long before the trees on the upper gardens grew around her.

A gift from Catholic Daughters of America

The statue was a gift from the Catholic Daughters of America. The photo below was taken April 29, 1933, at the dedication.

Commemorating the 700th Anniversary of the Servite Order

The statue was made by Italian artist Giuseppe Cassioli. Blessed by Pope Pius VL, the statue commemorated the 700th Anniversary of the founding of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary. The Grotto is a ministry of the Servite Friars.

Around its base are the Seven Sorrows of Mary (the Via Matris) and the seven founders of the Servite Order. To learn more about the Servites, click here.

The eight-and-a-half foot, 2,600 pound statue of Mary stands as a regal sentinel over The Grotto, and symbolically over all her children.

Prayer to our Blessed Mother at the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother

O Mary, Blessed One of the Most High and Mother of Grace, through you the Church lifts up her prayer of praise.

Beloved daughter of the Father, by your acceptance of the word of the Angel Gabriel you cooperated in the salvation of the world, for in you the creature once again obeys its Creator.

Mother of Jesus, by pondering the word in your heart you showed us the way to Wisdom, and opened to all people this same word of glad tidings.

Spouse, beloved of the Spirit, by accepting the Word of God you gave life to the world through the gift of your Divine Son, and in you humanity has become the dwelling-place of the Divine.

Loving Mother, woman of prayer, we turn to you and ask: support our prayers for ourselves, for all your Servants, for our friends and our families, for those who share the Christian faith, and for every person on Earth , that all might know peace and salvation. Ask the Heavenly Father that we may truly know Christ, be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, remain protected in all adversity and freed from every evil.

Help us to build God’s Kingdom: an everlasting Kingdom of praise, justice, and peace. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.


The overlook where the statue stands

The statue stands directly above The Grotto, facing out toward the north. When you visit the statue, you are treated to a spectacular view to the north.

The statue creates marvelous silhouettes against the sky, seen from the great lawn in The Grotto Upper Gardens.

We hope you are enjoying the April series "Your Sanctuary of Peace".

Tomorrow: The Marilyn Moyer Meditation Chapel.

Mass, Lunch & Learn

Join us every month for this special series. Gather in the Auditorium (directly under the Chapel of Mary) immediately after the noon Mass for lunch and a featured speaker discussing a new topic each month. Lunch will be provided. Attendance limited to 15 people, sign up required.


Tuesday, April 9 – Brian Martinek, Executive Director of Northwest Regional Re-Entry Center.

NWRRC supports and educates individuals transitioning from the criminal justice system back into their communities. They provide life skills and provide structure and supervision while ensuring positive change for their residents. Brian is a former Chief of Police for Vancouver and a retired Assistant Chief of the Portland Police Bureau. 


Sign up to attend: Mass, Lunch & Learn

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of items for Confirmation and First Holy Communion, along with an assortment of books, Rosaries, cards, medals, jewelry, home decor, yummy treats, and gifts.

Online Shop