
Schultz Elementary Newsletter

August 4, 2023

The staff at Schultz is busy preparing for the

start of the 2023-2024 school year!

We are so excited to see everyone again!!

Here are some dates to keep in mind as the

first day of school approaches:

August 8Schultz PTO Meeting (7:00-8:00PM)

August 9 PULP PTO Fundraiser (2:00-7:00PM)

(More information below!)

August 14 ~ Back to School Night (4:30-6:00PM)

 (Meet teachers, tour the building & complete online school forms.)

August 16First Day of School (Grades 1-5)

August 16 & 17Kindergarten Gentle Start Days

August 21First Day of school for all Kindergarteners

August 22Fall Flower PTO Fundraiser Kickoff

              (More information below!)

Back to School forms for the 2023-24 school year are now open. Forms are completed on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Log into your parent portal and select the "Forms" icon on the left to get started. Please complete/update the forms as soon as possible. If you need assistance with your login information, please contact the Schultz office at 740-833-1400.

Coming soon…

Schultz Elementary PTO will be selling Foertmeyer mums again this fall! 

*The sale will be starting Tuesday, August 22.

All orders are due Tuesday, September 5th. 

*Flyers will be sent home with students after school starts.


499 Applegate Lane

Delaware, Ohio 43015


Principal: Travis Woodworth

Assistant Principal: Tyra Baisden

School Counselor: Sarah Bills

Social Skills Specialist: Anna Wildermuth

School Nurse: Lisa Marie Toombs

Administrative Assistants: Kim Ferguson & Lee Webb