A Note From the President

Well, I certainly wasn’t sorry to see the second quarter come to a close! No matter how many corrections one has lived through, they are never easy to stomach, even with the knowledge that they are a necessary part of a healthy market.
In happier news, I wanted to share that Penobscot is moving! After 28 years at 50 Congress Street, we’ve outgrown our space. On Wednesdays when we meet as a company, people have to stand or sit on the windowsill to fit everyone in the conference room. We will be moving a few blocks down the street to 155 Federal Street which is, for those familiar with the Financial District, on the corner of Federal and High Streets. Our lease begins on August 1 and we are looking forward to settling in to our new offices and welcoming you to visit.
To that end, please save the date Thursday, October 6th when we’ll have an open house to celebrate our move.
And speaking of celebrations, at the beginning of June we gathered at Sip Café in Post Office Square to commemorate the official Post-Covid opening of the office. Team members continue to work in a hybrid fashion which is, I suspect, a permanent (and positive!) result of the pandemic, but we are open for meetings if you are in the city. And if not, Zoom remains another positive outcome of the disruption of the last two years.
Best wishes for a relaxing and enjoyable summer!
Dan Ford


Thursday, October 6th

155 Federal Street, Suite 1602 Boston, MA 02210

More detailed invitation to follow.
©Bruce T. Martin 
2022- Second Quarter Review
The close of the second quarter for the equity and bond markets provided no relief to investors; the retreat from year-end all-time highs that began at the start of 2022 only accelerated. According to Morningstar, their stock market index dropped an additional 16.9% to bring year-to-date declines to 21.3%. Similarly, the Dow Jones Industrial Index showed quarterly losses of 12.7% and year-to-date losses of 16.14%.
Bonds fared equally poorly, as the benchmark 10-year Treasury Bond has suffered a 20-plus percent drop year-to-date. Having both the bond and stock markets decline in two consecutive quarters at the same time has happened only once before since 1981.
The ostensible “reasons” for these short term outcomes have been well vetted in the financial press; rising inflation, rising interest rates, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and supply chain shortages to name a few. All have played a role to depress the equity and bond markets. We put “reasons” in quotes because the rationales for short term market movement up or down rarely apply to the long term fundamentals of the individual companies in the market indexes. But the fact is that the rising and falling “tides” in the markets, however short term in duration, tend raise or lower all “boats” equally, regardless of their prospects.
At Penobscot, we focus our portfolio choices on companies, not indexes. We know that at some point a company’s stock price will follow its long term earnings and dividend growth. We have to accept short term market volatility as a given in the investment dynamic, understanding that time will bear out our confidence that quality companies will rise on their own “tide”, floating on consistently higher earnings and dividends. Our commitment to our clients’ and our own portfolios is two-fold; to relentlessly seek out those quality companies and to have confidence in our process for selecting those companies.
To that end, we know these markets will turn positive at some unknown future date. They always have. Until they do, we will continue to use this period to focus on the companies we own, adding to or reducing positions as their long term fundamentals and the needs of your portfolios warrant.
As always, please contact us with any questions, comments or concerns.
Penobscot's summer gathering at Sip Café. From left to right J.T., Cap, Dan, Jon, Gene, Jarret, Doug, Colleen, Kristin, Chemi, Martha and Chris.
50 Congress Street Suite 410 Boston MA 02109 | 617-227-3111 | www.pimboston.com