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Association News
MSA News Header

A Short Note from Society President Peter Crozier on Society Awards and Fellows Nominations

I want to encourage you to submit nominations for MSA Awards and for Fellows of MSA.

This is your opportunity to recognize outstanding contributions to our community from your colleagues. To provide you with helpful suggestion on the assembly of a nomination packet, we have posted a short article entitled "How to Write an Award Nomination Package", which you can find on the Awards and Scholarship section of our website. Many of the awards are split into two categories: one for life sciences and one for physical sciences. The deadline for Fellows nomination package is September 30th for the other Society Awards it is October 31st. The Microscopy Society of America is committed to diversity and inclusion so please remember to consider nominating outstanding women and members of underrepresented groups.

Postdoctoral Scholarship Award
We are also happy to announce we have established a new award, the Kenneth H. Downing Memorial Postdoctoral Scholarship, in memory of the late Ken Downing. More information will be available on the MSA website in the near future. The deadline for postdocs to apply for this award will be December 15th. 

Submit your nominations for the MSA Class of 2022 Fellows
The designation "MSA Fellow" is intended to recognize those who have been conferred the Society's Distinguished Scientist Awards, as well as senior distinguished members of the Society who have been a member of the Society for at least 10 years and have made significant contributions to the advancement of the field of microscopy and microanalysis through a combination of scientific achievement and service to the scientific community and the Society itself. Learn more and submit your nomination by September 30, 2021.

Nominations are being accepted for the MSA Society Awards
This is an opportunity to participate in your Society's activities and to participate in honoring deserving individuals. All nominations are submitted entirely through an online form: filling-in the basic nominee information and uploading the required supporting documents. For more information on these awards and the nomination process, click here. The deadline to submit a nomination is October 31, 2021.

Undergraduate Scholarship Applications are now open!
MSA's scholarships for undergraduate research are intended to foster the educational and research potential of full-time undergraduate students interested in pursuing microscopy as a career or major research tool. Applications for research involving any area of microscopy are suitable for the program. Learn more and view past scholarship recipients here. Applications close on December 1, 2021.

2021 Distinguished Scientist Awardee Talks Coming This Fall!
Mark your calendars to join us for a series of webinars this fall, featuring our 2021 Distinguished Scientist Awardees. We're excited to present this opportunity to continue important and evolving discussions year-round. Registration details will be coming soon, but save the date in advance!

Submit an Article to Microscopy Today
The Editors of Microscopy Today (MTO) encourage and greatly appreciate submission of articles from microscope users as well as microscope manufacturers and suppliers. Of particular interest are summaries of in-depth articles published in peer reviewed journals and articles that describe new equipment and applications. Microscopy Today is open access and there are no charges for publishing in MTO. All articles are available free to our subscription list of over 18,000 microscopists and through our collaboration with Cambridge University Press over 8,000 libraries worldwide. For further information email the Editor-in-Chief at or visit
Other Microscopy News
Preserving Atom Probe History
John Panitz and Tom Kelly are pursuing a campaign to save an early scientific instrument (a Local Electrode Atom Probe or LEAP) for posterity.
Atom Probe Tomography has become a widely practiced microanalytical technique in the world. Like most microscopy techniques, its history is full of exciting developments. As leaders and practitioners in our field, we are the ones who create and must preserve our history. One of the key historical developments in Atom Probe Tomography is the Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP). Microscopists are engaged in a multi-year effort to save the earliest remaining LEAP for posterity. It is the first ever LEAP that was shipped and the second LEAP that was ever built (the first LEAP was dismantled and is lost to posterity).
The instrument has been in storage during COVID for 18 months in Madison, WI where it was prepared for museum life with help from CAMECA. It is ready to be transported to the Atom Probe Field Ion Museum ( in Sandia Park, NM (east suburb of Albuquerque). Tom Kelly plans to rent an air-ride truck and transport the instrument personally beginning October 26, 2021 (COVID permitting). This five-day trip is the best way to ensure that the instrument is handled properly and will arrive safely at its new resting place.
Note that the Microanalysis Society, the International Field Emission Society, the Microscopy Society of America and CAMECA instruments have all been solicited for contributions to this cause and have responded positively.

Preserving our history is important to me personally and your consideration of this request is gratefully appreciated.
If you would like to support this initiative please contact Tom Kelly at
Science News
Like us on FacebookThe MSA Facebook page regularly posts science news for you

Visualizing microscopic 3D displacements over large areas
A team of researchers from PSL University, Harvard University and Central University of Punjab, has developed a way to visualize microscopic 3D displacements of moving objects or events over large areas. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group outlines their technique and suggest possible uses for it. Read more.

Tracking Pileups on Battery Charging Route to Drive Performance
Because of their high storage capacity, metal oxides are a promising class of potential conversion-type electrode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. Conversion-type electrode materials undergo conversion reactions; when they react with lithium ions, they get converted into entirely new products. Today's commercial batteries are based on a completely different mechanism called intercalation.
 Read more.
MSA Student Council News

StC Appointed Position Applications Are Open!
The Call for Applications for the Appointed Positions (Communications Chair, Social Chair, and Regional Liaisons) will remain open until all positions are filled. There are only a few roles left, so please contact for updated information on which positions are not yet filled!
The application and role descriptions can be accessed on the MSA Student Council website, Responsibilities page. If you are interested in getting involved but aren't sure if you're ready for a full position, keep an eye on our communications for information about committees!

Call for Applications
Application for Appointed Positions

Jenn Donohue
Meet Jenn Donohue - this month's physical science student spotlight. Jenn is a 3rd year doctoral student in the Minor group in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at UC Berkeley. She is also a 2021 M&M award winner - congratulations Jenn!

Jenn did her undergraduate degree at Binghamton University, where she developed new synthesis techniques for multivalent lithium intercalation battery cathodes for improved efficiency and capacity. Arriving at Berkeley intending to continue her research efforts in energy storage, she ultimately decided to focus on microscopy instead, inspired both by a summer research internship in David Flannigan's lab at University of Minnesota and the challenge to work on next generation electron microscopy. 

In her first research project, she worked on characterizing the nanostructure of polymers using 4D STEM. The goal of the study was to use very low doses to avoid beam damage but to get enough information to simultaneously map both the crystalline and amorphous structure of the polymers. Now, she's pivoting to a different system and studying phase transformations in Ni-Ti and Fe-Ni materials, also with 4D STEM.

One aspect of her PhD that she really likes is the interdisciplinary nature of the work, as in order to characterize these structures you need to understand not only diverse materials systems but also various characterization methods. There's also an exciting data science and image processing component of her work. When Jen is at the microscope, she often gathers 500 GB (or more) of data per session!

One unique opportunity about doing a PhD at Berkeley is the opportunity to collaborate with teams at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. In Jenn's case, she has had a positive experience working with researchers at the National Center for Electron Microscopy.

Throughout her PhD Jen has been a teaching assistant in the materials characterization lab for undergraduates. A hands-on learner herself, her favorite way to teach others is to have them try things on their own. She says Cal undergraduates tend to get excited when she tells them they can put anything they want in the SEM or XRD. Sounds like fun!

Jen loves the outdoors - when she's not in lab you can find her camping and hiking or running in the Berkeley hills.

Local Affiliated Societies
Local Affiliated Societies News
by Ru-ching Hsia, LAS Director

I hope everyone enjoyed the M&M virtual meeting. I regret we were not able to have our regular in-person breakfast meeting during M&M this year, but we will have a virtual LAS business meeting coming up on September 9th. Please see the information below.

LAS Business Meetings
The next LAS business meeting will be held on September 9, 2 to 3 PM EDT (please note the time change due to schedule conflict). SouthEastern Microscopy Society (SEMS) and Chesapeake Microscopy & Microanalysis Society (CMMS) will share their experiences on how they organize their local meetings and newsletters. Officers and Members of LAS are welcome to attend the meeting.  Different LAS will be featured in each meeting and present their activities and events. We will also share ideas and tips for running local societies and events during the meeting. LAS are encouraged to work with regional liaisons from the MSA Student Council (StC), local colleges, and other regional scientific or teachers' societies, etc.
Please save the date and join us at

Regional LAS Activities
Find out more about your local microscopy society and their activities in the LAS community page at
LAS Programs

MSA provides LAS support with Tour Speakers, Grants-in-Aid and Special Meeting grants. Details can be found at
If you are interested to start an Affiliated Society in your region or have any questions and concerns, please feel free to contact me at
Enjoy the rest of the summer and be safe.
Focused Interest Groups

BioEM Talks webinar series hosted by Biomedical Microscopy Focused Interest Group (DBM-FIG) was successfully concluded on August 23rd with a final open forum discussion on "Looking toward the future for Biological EM." Many Thanks for the support of our sponsors, speakers, and enthusiastic participants, many of them stayed up late to attend the meeting due to time difference. If you have attended the series, please answer our post-meeting survey here and give us your feedback. BioEM Town is always open for the BioEM community and we hope to continue the BioEM Talks series in 2022. Look out for the announcement for 2022 BioEM Talk series at the DBM-FIG website.

Contact the chair of the organizing committee, Dr. Ru-ching Hsia at for any inquiries or suggestions.  
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