Greetings...and Welcome to your Fire Replicas September, 2022 Newsletter. Our apologies for the late release this month, as we've been quite busy in our warehouse getting all backorders out the door.
This brief newsletter includes the usual updates, such as new arrivals, new releases, best sellers, low stocks and more. So scroll down to see what's happening!
We received several shipments last month as the inbound transit times seem to be back to normal. Funny how the prices are still 5X compared to previous, even though the delays are resolved. But it's the new world in which we live.
This month sees the continuation of the popular L.A. County program including the KME AerialCat 100' Tiller Quints. These are certainly the most complex tillers to date, due to the quint features. If you are serious about collecting, the LA County Quints are the new flagship replicas.
In addition, a second round of 1980 American LaFrance Engines for FDNY will release this month, as well as the much-anticipated 1972 ALF Pumpers for Chicago. Rounding out September are two versions of the BME Type 3 for CAL with steel rims, another with aluminum rims.
We're still hesitant to preview that which may be coming beyond September, as we are bracing for whatever calamity may present itself as we approach mid-term elections in the US...which undoubtedly will affect small business. But fingers crossed that the remaining months of 2023 will be smooth.
Thank you again for being part of the elite group of Fire Replicas collectors. We hope each of you has a great month of September!