September 20, 2017
Volume 8, Number 4
The 196th Convention of the Diocese of Georgia will be held November 9-11 at The Patterson in Valdosta. The theme of the Convention: Fearless Faith, Boundless Love, provides a prelude to the Revival which will be held January 20th at Honey Creek Retreat Center. The most updated information on the Convention, including how to register and where to stay, can be found on the Convention page of the website:

Registration is now live and can be found here. A discounted rate for registration of $55 is in effect until October 4, regular registration of $65 runs October 5-November 1 and late registration of $75 begins November 2 and continue until November 7 when online registration closes. It will be possible to register in person at Convention and pay the late registration cost also. 

Keynote Speaker Carrie Boren Headington
The keynote speaker, Carrie Boren Headington, will continue the work begun at last year's Convention with Invite-Welcome-Connect as we discover how we share Fearless Faith and Boundless Love beyond the walls of our church: as individuals in our daily lives and as parishes in our communities. She will walk delegates through key ways of developing an invitation strategy for their parish. Every congregation will leave the Convention with clear next steps toward a plan for their church.

Carrie Boren Headington serves as missioner for evangelism for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and is founder of The Good News Initiative. She is also missioner evangelist for the Episcopal Church and adjunct professor of evangelism for Fuller Seminary. Headington taught evangelism workshops at St. Peter's Savannah and St. Anne's Tifton in June with other members of the Presiding Bishop's staff.

Headington received her bachelor's degree from Yale University, her master's from Harvard University and studied theology, evangelism, and apologetics at Oxford University.

Nominations for Diocesan Elections
A variety of offices are open. Please see the article below.

Booth Applications
A form for booths will be available next week as the capabilities of the space for display are still being assessed. 
In This Issue
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This Sunday's Lections
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 105:1-6,37-45
Jonah 3:10-4;11
Psalm 145:1-8
Philippians 1:21-30
Matthew  20:1-16

Go  here 
for the full text.
Welcome New Admin MJ Harris 
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia welcomes Mary Jane Harris, also known as MJ, as the new Office Administrator. She will start her new position on October 5th. 

A transplant to Savannah from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania by way of Baltimore, Harris retired from the United States Air Force where she served for 22 years as a Nursing Assistant and an Emergency Medical Technician. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Towson University and a Masters of Business Administration from The Johns Hopkins University. Her professional background also includes assisting numerous companies with setting up or managing their Human Resources department. 

Harris is a board member with United Ministries of Savannah, an Adjunct Instructor at Virginia College, and a member of Christ Church Savannah.

Since moving to Savannah in 2014, she has volunteered with the Savannah Food and Wine Festival and the Savannah Music Festival. She also volunteers at the Savannah Primary Care Clinic (VA Clinic), as well as at Emmaus House, an organization that provides food and day services to the homeless and needy in the community.  

In her spare time, Harris enjoys cooking, bicycling, running, and walking. She also enjoys reading and relaxing at the beach. 
Convention 2017
Nominations Sought for Diocesan Elections
The 196th Convention of the Diocese of Georgia is charged with electing persons to serve on the Board of the Corporation, Diocesan Council (at large), Disciplinary Board, Sewanee Trustee, and Standing Committee. Liz Williams of All Saints Thomasville is once again serving as our Nominations Chair. 

While nominations for all offices remain open, by the canons of the Diocese, until the floor of convention, submitting a nomination prior to October 6 will assist the Diocese in publicizing the nominees in advance of the meeting.

Nominee's Form


Nominees must also send a digital version of a headshot photo to our Director of Communications, Anna Iredale, at For an example of the brief biography needed by nominees, see last year's convention book:  
Board of the Corporation (1 Lay Person) 
The Board of Officers is charged with the oversight of the investments and disbursements of those funds entrusted to it through wills, deeds, and other trust instruments. The board meets quarterly. The person elected at the 2017 Diocesan Convention will serve through Convention 2024. 

Diocesan Council (1 Lay Person, Deacon, or Priest) 
Council's responsibilities are to carry out the policies, programs and directions of Convention; to deal with contingencies as they arise; and to assist the bishop in developing the ministry of the diocese. It carries out the duties of Convention between Conventions. Council generally has four overnight meetings a year in various parts of the diocese. The person elected at the 2017 Diocesan Convention will serve through Convention 2020. 

Disciplinary Board (2 Lay Persons, and 1 Deacon or Priest) 
Previously known as "The Ecclesiastical Trial Court," the Disciplinary Board of the Diocese of Georgia is vested with jurisdiction to hear and determine all proceedings in which a priest or deacon has been charged with one or more offense specified in the canons of the Episcopal Church. It meets only when necessary. Two lay persons and 1 clergy person for a term of three years. Persons elected at the 2017 Diocesan Convention will serve through Convention 2020. 

Sewanee Trustee (1 Priest) 
The board meets in Sewanee, TN, early in October each year. The two laypersons and one priest who serve on the board from the Diocese of Georgia are to represent the university to the diocese. One priest will be elected for a three-year term to serve through Convention 2020. The Very Rev. Ted Clarkson, whose term expires in 2017 is eligible for nomination.  

Standing Committee (1 Lay Person & 1 Priest) 
The Standing Committee is the bishop's Council of Advice. In the absence of a bishop, the Standing Committee would act as the Ecclesiastical Authority for those purposes declared by General Convention. The Standing Committee must approve all ordinations and any financial indebtedness of parishes. It usually meets four times a year, often with the Commission on Ministry, and in various locations throughout the diocese. One l ay persons and one clergy person for a term of three years. Persons elected at the 2017 Diocesan Convention will serve through Convention 2020.
What Help Looks Like After the Hurricane

Volunteers from Epiphany, Collegiate Church of St. Paul the Apostle and St. Francis of the Islands helped a Tybee Island resident (third from left) muck out her home last weekend.

All of the home's furnishings on the first floor were damaged (left). The Rev. Dcn Sue Gahagan (right) was on hand to help.

The volunteers at Honey Creek last weekend. The number of trees that fell during Hurricane Irma was almost double the number that fell last year during Hurricane Matthew.

The kitchen crew for Operation Honey Creek (left): the Rev. Dcn Leeann Culbreath and Verity and Fiona Sullivan. At right, Sarah Youngner at the helm of the tractor, taking debris to the burn pile.

Parishioners at Calvary Americus fed evacuees, first responders, members of the community breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

As Hurricane Irma began to make its way towards Georgia, the Red Cross sent out an appeal for volunteers to assist with the evacuees our city would be hosting. Two of the people who responded were Gail and Robbie Jarrell, longtime members of Holy Comforter. Here's their story, by Gail.
Robbie and I worked as volunteers through the Red Cross at the shelter set up at Patriots Park for evacuees from the path of Irma. A little background info - after Katrina, we traveled with a group from Holy Comforter to New Orleans to help "muck-out" houses in May of 2006, eight months after Katrina hit. We saw first-hand how the recovery process is a very long, difficult one for those that lost all of their belongings. We also saw how important it was for those people to get back "home" or to whatever was left of it. They desperately wanted to return to a daily routine - a "normal" life that so many of us take for granted. When we had the opportunity to help out with this disaster, we took it. Continue reading here.
It's Social Media Sunday! #LetsDoThis!
Do you share photos of your children, grandchildren, a beautiful flower in your garden and the wedding you went to last week on social media? Maybe you share some strong feelings about the current state of affairs in the world on Facebook or Twitter. The time has come to share news about where you are on Sunday morning, especially since this Sunday is Social Media Sunday or #SMS17.

A little backstory
SMS began in 2013 when a passionate advocate for social media (Carolyn Clement) encouraged the members of her church (Trinity in Tariffville, Connecticut) to hold #SMS13. Since then the idea has caught fire and become a national movement. 

Why should we?
If even a minority of people in your congregation who are already using social media post about your church on Sunday, almost 5,000 of your friends and family will learn something about you and your church. It's a 21st Century form of Evangelism.

Keep It Simple
  • Check in on Facebook
  • Post a photo on Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter
  • Change your profile photo to one with the #SMS17 overlay. Download it by going here:
  • Post something about your church on Facebook: a selfie before you go in with the steeple in the background, but if you're too shy to post, like or share a post by a fellow parishioner
  • Tweet interesting points in the sermon; a prayer or the line from a favorite hymn
  • Use the hashtags SMS17, Episcopal and one that your church has identified.
Let us go forth onto the internet, rejoicing in the power of the Lord!
Prayers for Weekly Liturgies
Our one-year prayer cycle combines prayers for every congregation in the Diocese of Georgia with prayers for our ecumenical partners and for our Companion Diocese of The Dominican Republic. The 52 weekly prayers are available in one document  found here. 

September 17-23
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregations in Savannah, especially St. Peter's. We also pray for our ecumenical partners in Savannah, especially Messiah Lutheran Church and St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for Santa Cruz (Holy Cross) in Santa Fe.

September 24-30
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregations in Savannah, especially St. Paul the Apostle and St. Bartholomew's Chapel. We also pray for our ecumenical partners in Savannah, especially the Catholic congregations of St. Frances Cabrini and Saints Peter and Paul as well as St. Paul's Lutheran Church. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for San Matías ( St. Matthias) in Santana.
Diocesan Office Update and News  

Bishop Benhase left this morning for the House of Bishop's Fall Meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska where he will be until September 27. He will attend the General Convention Fall Task Force Meeting in Seattle, September 28-30. His full schedule is available  here.

Canon Katie Willoughby will be out of the country on vacation for the next two weeks and not reachable by phone. Contact Canon Frank Logue if necessary.
As most of the staff will be on the road Thursday, there will be no noon service in the Chapel of St. George at Diocesan House this week.
Share your news in From the Field
Send your news, events and photos to   so we can feature them in upcoming issues of From the Field. Deadline for submissions each week is Monday at 4:30 PM.  
Farewell and Welcome

This past Sunday, St. Patrick's Pooler said goodbye to the Rev. Joshua Varner who has served the church since 2012. Varner preached on Sunday. They also welcomed the David Lemburg who started this past week as priest in charge. He presided at the Eucharist. Varner is the Diocese of Georgia's Canon for Children and Youth. Hurricane Irma led to cancelling the liturgy on September 10, which was Varner's last Sunday at St. Patrick's. The church changed plans to have a farewell and a welcome on the same Sunday.

Happening #99
September 22-23
Honey Creek

Cursillo #123
October 12-15
Honey Creek Retreat Center
For more information, go here.

Diocesan Council
October 20
Christ Episcopal Church, Dublin

Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase
October 21, 9:30 AM to noon
Holy Comforter Martinez
Register  here.

Acolyte Festival
October 21-22, St. Anne's Tifton
Register here.

Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase
October 28, 9:30 AM to noon
St. Paul's, Albany

Commission on Ministry and Standing Committee Meeting
1:30 PM Friday, November 3 until noon Saturday, November 4
Trinity Church, Statesboro

Diocesan Convention
November 9-11
Christ the King Church, Valdosta

Youth Presence at Diocesan Convention
November 10-11
Register information coming.

New Beginnings #51
December 8-10
Honey Creek
Registration information coming.

Revival: Boundless Love Fearless Faith
January 20
For more information, go here:

Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase
Date to be determined, 9:30 AM to noon
St. Mark's, Brunswick 
Register here.

Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase
January 27, 9:30 AM to noon
St. George's Savannah
Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase
February 3, 9:30 AM to noon
Christ Church, Valdosta
Register here.
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