September 2020 Monthly News and Updates
8 Developmental Disabilities Administration Employment Providers Awarded Technical Assistance
The Maryland Training and Technical Assistance Project (MD-TAP) is a partnership between DDA and the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) is pleased to announce that 8 Employment Service Providers have been selected to receive Technical Assistance focusing on transformation of their services to better support people to have meaningful days in their community with a central focus on high quality employment outcomes

The selected providers will be working with MD-TAP Subject Matter Experts over the next 13 months to expand their capacity to support people with intellectual/developmental
disabilities (IDD) in obtaining and succeeding in competitive, integrated employment opportunities.

Providers will be learning the following:
  • Communication strategies to support transformation efforts
  • Ways to engage individuals and families in the transformation process
  • Effective approaches to business engagement
  • Techniques for linking people with disabilities to jobs of their choice that offer competitive wages, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement
  • Reallocation of resources and staffing
Congratulations to the following Employment Services providers:
  • Arc of Frederick (WMRO)
  • Arc Howard (CMRO)
  • Ardmore Enterprises (SMRO)
  • Caroline Center (ESRO)
  • Opportunity Builders (CMRO)
  • Providence Center (CMRO)
  • Spring Dell (SMRO)
  • Star Community Services (CMRO)
End of September marks final phase-out of 14c in Maryland 

 In 2016, the Individuals with Disabilities- Minimum Wage and Community Integration, Ken Capone Equal Employment Act (EEA) was passed.  At the end of this month, the State of Maryland will have completed its 4 year phase-out of 14c, subminimum wage certificate usage outlined in the EEA.  

A workgroup has provided updates on the phase-out through annual legislative reports that include data and resources.  Members of the workgroup have included representatives from Maryland Department of Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Administration, Department of Commerce, Maryland Department of Labor, Maryland State Department of Education, Maryland Works, Maryland Association of Community Services, The Arc Maryland, People On the Go and the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council.

Prior to Maryland's legislation, New Hampshire had banned 14c certificates through state legislation in the spring of 2015. Since Maryland's legislation, the following states have passed legislation banning use of subminimum wage: Alaska, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington.  States with similar pending legislation include, Hawaii, Washington, Minnesota, Kentucky and Illinois. 

Earlier this month, the US Commission on Civil Rights, an  independent, bipartisan agency established by Congress in 1957, published a report titled: Subminimum Wages: Impacts on the Civil Rights of People with Disabilities.  Key recommendations from the report include: "that Congress repeal Section 14(c) with a planned phase-out period. The phased repeal of 14(c) must not reflect a retreat in federal investments and support for employment success of persons with disabilities but rather a reconceptualization of the way in which the federal government can enhance the possibilities for success and growth for people with disabilities."

A final legislative report on Maryland's EEA will be available to stakeholders in October.  
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. How will you celebrate?

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is looking ahead to October when we will be celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month.  All DDA Stakeholders are encouraged to also finds ways to celebrate and participate! 

The purpose of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. 

This year marks not only the 75th observance of NDEAM, but also the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Both milestones are being commemorated with a range of events and activities centered on the theme "Increasing Access and Opportunity."

Throughout the month, DDA will be sharing stories and resources on social media about disability employment issues and the role we can all play in fostering a disability-friendly work culture. When sharing stories on social media, use the hashtags #NDEAM #ADA30 #NDEAM75 #EmploymentFirst

If you have stories to share on DDA's Facebook page, please email to 

Disability Equality Index 2020 Report 

The Disability Equality Index (DEI), a joint initiative with the American Association of People with Disabilities, is a bench-marking tool that provides an objective score and roadmap on disability inclusion policies and practices. The DEI seeks to inform businesses that disability inclusion and equality is good business. 

Being a disability-inclusive employer is good for recruitment, retention, engagement, and - ultimately - the bottom line.  Click here to read the 2020 DEI Report. 

For more resources go to 
SATC-MD- Partner Resource Sharing: Division of Rehabilitation Services

The following training resource is being shared on behalf of Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), fellow partners with the State Agency Transition Collaborative of Maryland (SATC-MD). 

Lunchtime Learning Series

The Maryland Rehabilitation Association Presents:
Part V: Support for the Brain Injury Community During COVID-19 
Presented by: The Brain Injury Association of Maryland

Date: September 28, 2020 11:30 am- 12:30 pm

Limited Space Available. Click here to download the flyer. 

SATC MD- Partner Resource Sharing:  The Parents' Place of Maryland

The Parents' Place of Maryland (PPM) is one of the partner agencies that participates in the State Agency Transition Collaborative of Maryland (SATC-MD). PPM's mission is to empower families as advocates and partners in improving education and health outcomes for children with disabilities and special healthcare needs with a commitment to diversity and equity.

PPM has resources on their website specifically related to Transition.  Examples of topics covered include: Disability and Sexuality, Transition in Maryland, Youth Workforce Programs and Questions to Ask when Selecting an Adult Service Provider.

PPM recently recorded several webinars include:
CareerOneStop Webinar 

WorkforceGPS is sponsoring a webinar called: Using CareerOneStop to Provide Virtual Career and Job Services
Staff from CareerOneStop will present and discuss how to use CareerOneStop for career exploration and job services.

Moderators on the webinar include: 
Don Haughton, Superviosory Workforce Analyst, US Department of Laobr, Employment and Training Administration

Mike Ellsworth, Program Director, CareerOneStop, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development 

Webinar is scheduled for Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:00am-12:30pm 

For more information about WorkforceGPS 

The DDA Educational Series Webinar Recordings

Want more information about Employment First?

Maryland Department of Health
201 W. Preston St. | Baltimore MD, 21201
The Maryland Department of Health promotes the health and safety of all Marylanders through disease prevention, access to care, quality management, and community engagement. The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with quality customer service. Take our Customer Satisfaction Survey.