September  2019

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MSA Headquarters Address:
11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 350
Reston, Virginia 20191
M&M Meeting Updates

M&M 2021 - Request for Symposium Ideas
The M&M 2021 Executive Program Committee wants to hear from you. Symposium topics are being solicited in the areas of biological sciences, physical sciences and analytical sciences/ instrumentation advances. Here's what to do:

1. Create a proposed symposium title and suggest the topical area (e.g; Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, or Analytical Sciences);

2. Write a brief description of the proposed symposium (<100 words);

3. Summarize the paragraph description with 3-6 short bullet points;

4. Include the names and email addresses of 1-3 ADDITIONAL people who would be willing and able to be involved symposium organizers with you!

Email this information no later than September 30, 2019 to:  [email protected]
Association News

MSA News Header

Mark your calendars for the following deadlines!

MSA Fellows Nominations
The Society encourages all of its Members to participate in honoring eligible colleagues in the field of microscopy by nominating them for MSA Fellow. The deadline is September 30, 2019. For instructions on the nomination process and submission of a nomination, please click here

MSA Society Awards Nominations
This is an opportunity to participate in your Society's activities and to participate in honoring deserving individuals. All nominations are submitted entirely through an online form: filling-in the basic nominee information and uploading the required supporting documents.  All applications must be submitted by the deadline of October 31, 2019. For more information on these awards and the nomination process, click  here.

MSA Strategic Initiatives
Limited funding is available to support bold and innovative new programs that advance the mission statement and goals of MSA. Applications are solicited for proposed programs that will increase knowledge or disseminate knowledge in the science and practice of microscopy, imaging, and compositional analysis as well as instrumentation related to these activities. Funding is not intended to continue existing established programs. Expansion of existing MSA programs is acceptable only if the proposal represents a major and bold new direction within the program. Priority, however, will be given to new initiatives. Proposals should address one or more of the areas of emphasis designated by council.  The deadline to apply is November 15, 2019. Click here for details.

MSA Undergraduate Research Scholarship Applications
The MSA Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program has been providing funding for undergraduate research for over 25 years. Over 100 projects covering a wide range of topics in the physical and biological sciences have received support through this program. Nearly all the scholarship recipients have maintained a strong interest in imaging and analytical sciences and have gone on to graduate school, professional school, teaching, or industry positions. The deadline to apply is December 1, 2019. Click here for instructions.

Membership Renewal
The membership renewal period begins October 1, 2019. Mark your calendar to save the date so you can keep your membership active for 2020!

The submission website for the 2020 Microscopy Today Micrograph Awards competition will open on October 1, 2019. Entries will be accepted through March 21, 2020 (midnight Pacific Time).

The Piece of the Whole MOSAIC
Visit to see the MOSAIC live!
Be sure to follow us on  Instagram  and  Facebook  to see a highlighted micrograph from the MOSAIC every week on #MicroscopeMonday!

The "Piece of the Whole" MOSAIC is collaborative project designed to connect the society through visual media. The MOSAIC is a digital platform for you to share your microscopy and microanalysis work on the MSA homepage. It is through your eyes that we can focus the big picture of the society. Share your world within our world!
  • Click the Upload Photo button at the top of the MOSAIC
  • Search names, techniques and subjects to connect with other members of the society
  • Cultivate the community and share the MOSAIC
Science News

The MSA Facebook page  regularly posts science news for you

Computational approach speeds up advanced microscopy imaging
Researchers have developed a way to enhance the imaging speed of two-photon microscopy up to five times without compromising resolution. This record-fast imaging speed will allow scientists to observe biological phenomena that were previously too fleeting to image with current state-of-the-art advanced microscopy. Read more  here .

Raman Microscopy Could Help Pathologists Diagnose Thyroid Cancer
In a recent study, scientists from the University of California, Davis (UCD), have used Raman spectroscopy to accurately differentiate between benign and cancerous thyroid cells. The findings of the study are published in Biomedical Optics Express.  Read more here
MSAStudentCouncil MSA Student Council News

MSA Student Council - Call for Applications Extended for Regional Liaisons
MSA Student Council is extending the Call for Applications for Regional Liaisons through October 1, 2019.
The Regional Liaisons focus on promoting MSA Student Council, developing relationships with undergraduate and graduate students and Local Affiliated Societies in their region, and encouraging involvement in MSA Student Council activities at the annual meeting, Microscopy and Microanalysis. A map of the regions associated with each liaison are shown below. Extended opportunities are also available for international students interested in serving as a liaison outside of the United States. Please email MSA Student Council for details, [email protected] .

A description of the roles for the Regional Liaison Chair and Regional Liaison appointed positions can be found on the MSA Student Council website,  Responsibilities page. All positions serve a one-year term.
Graduate and undergraduate students that are members of MSA are encouraged to apply. The  Call for Applications letter can be accessed on the MSA Student Council website,  Responsibilities page. Application materials must be submitted by October 1 to [email protected].

M&M 2019 Student Survey - Help us to improve!
If you are a student who attended M&M 2019 and you have not yet filled out our survey, you can do so at . This information will help us to improve our events and presence at future M&M annual meetings!
LAS  Local Affiliated Societies 

Local Affiliated Societies News
by Patty Jansma, LAS Director

MSA's Local Affiliated Societies provide networking and outreach opportunities for the microscopy community. The list of LAS can be found on the LAS community page at

LAS Meetings
Check the individual LAS websites for more details. 

Support your local affiliated society! Invite students, early career scientists and technologists to your LAS meetings. Better yet, bring a new member to your local meeting and get them involved!

LAS Programs
MSA provides LAS support with Tour Speakers, Grants-in-Aid and Special Meeting grants. Details can be found at

As always, you may contact me at [email protected] with comments, questions or concerns.


FIGFocused Interest Groups

Focused Interest Groups

Andy Vogt, Chair

Join a FIG! FIGs are groups of scientists that practice or have interests in specific disciplines (currently 11) to which microscopy and microanalysis is applied. As an MSA member, you can join one or more (FIG Communities). FIGs not only boost scientific understanding through knowledge sharing, but also provide opportunity to network with scientists who share common interests. FIGs may organize lunches, symposia or pre-meeting congresses at M&M. A complete list of FIGs is on MSA website or by clicking here. You may contact the FIG leader directly or attend a business meeting at M&M to learn more. Visit the FIG Store to sign up. Are you already a member of a FIG? Consider volunteering and make an impact! It's members are what makes FIGs successful. Talk to your FIG leader. Interested in starting a FIG? Start by reviewing the updated version of the FIG Guidelines and then contact me. FIGs are for students too! If you are a student, your fees are waived for the first FIG you join.

Are you interested in highlighting your FIG in an MSA Update? Contact me for more information.
MSA Job Placement Office

Include your position on the next Jobs E-Newsletter!
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