Please read for important announcements.
MMS Monthly E-Newsletter | September 2017
Dear MMS families,

We've had a wonderful start to the school year! It has been great to see all the children re-connect with friends, meet new friends, and start into their work. I've spent the past few days visiting the classrooms, catching glimpses of student life at Mountaineer Montessori. In my travels, I've heard children at work, discussing the work, asking questions and supporting each other:

"I like how you made a full-scale model of the Ishtar Gate instead of just a drawing - that made your project really unique!" --- Upper Elementary

"I'm making a Roman Number book! It's the first-ever 1-100 Roman numeral book. I'm almost done with the first chapter!" --- Lower Elementary

"Today, you can walk to the classroom all by yourself because you are a big boy - I know you can do it!" --- Primary (sibling to sibling)

"Can I be her helping friend on Monday and introduce her to the other children?" --- Primary

"If you're taking it out of scientific notation, you reverse the process." "Oh, I get it! It's not really hard when you know what to do." --- Middle School (student to student)

Once our classes have had a chance to settle in and normalize, we will be inviting each of you to come in for classroom observations. We usually open classrooms for observations after school has been open for 6-8 weeks, after the fall conferences. Meanwhile, thank you for sharing your children with us - it is truly a pleasure to spend time with them each day!

Best wishes, Jennifer
Annual Meeting for All Families | Monday, September 18, 2017  | 6:00pm
Plus is available at no charge for parents attending the meeting. Please reserve a spot by emailing Karen at [email protected]
Picture Day |Thursday, October 5, 2017
Mike Hall, from Photografix, will be back at MMS next month for individual pictures. Sibling photos may be available. To request a sibling photo, please email Beth at [email protected]
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences | Monday and Tuesday, October 9 & 10, 2017
There will be no classes on conference days. The Plus program is available. To sign up for a conference spot, please click HERE

To register for Plus during conference days, please email Karen at [email protected] There is no charge for students staying in Plus during the conference time only. Otherwise, regular Plus rates apply.
School Closed | Friday, November 10, 2016  | Staff Development Day
Please note that Plus is not offered on this Staff Development day so that our entire staff may attend the continuing education session.  
Volunteer Opportunities 2017-2018
We have many special events planned for the coming year! These events --- from the Winter and Spring concerts to the end-of-year picnic --- are MMS traditions that complement the daily work of our Montessori classrooms.

In order for these events to be successful and enjoyed by all, we need your help! We've organized a list of the major volunteer opportunities for the year ahead, along with a brief description of each. We'd like to ask that each family choose at least one event and volunteer time to that event.

Signing up is easy! Just click on Volunteer Opportunities 2017-2018 and choose the spot(s) you'd like. You do not need to register an account or keep a password on If you prefer not to use your email address, please reply to this email and we can enter your information manually.

Thank you for your time and for your support of Mountaineer Montessori School!
Thank you to the many parents and friends who have made special contributions to our school in recent weeks. Special thanks to:

  • Ellen and Tom Beal, for providing and serving Ellen's Homemade Ice Cream at our annual Ice Cream Social.
  • an anonymous donor who provided new laptops for our middle school.
  • Richie Wilbur and Advantage Technology, for providing installation of our new phone system.
  • parent drivers for providing opportunities for our students to pursue their studies outside the classroom
  • Sharon Mullins, for providing drawing lessons at the middle school.
  • Primary parents, for providing nutritious and delicious snacks for the children.
  • Jack Rogers, for providing the New York Times for middle school current events class.
  • Eric McEwuen for donating wood for Plus.
  • The Darlingtons for donating 'Snap Circuits Green' for Plus.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of on time arrival for children. Please note the following times for arrival and dismissal at MMS
  • Primary Half-Day morning arrival: 7:50 AM/class begins: 8:05 AM/dismissal daily: 11:50 AM
  • Primary Extended-Day morning arrival: 7:50 AM/class begins: 8:05 AM/dismissal daily 2:50 PM
  • Elementary morning arrival: 7:50 AM/class begins: 8:05 AM/dismissal daily: 2:50 PM
  • Middle School morning arrival: 8:00 AM/class begins: 8:10 AM/dismissal daily: 3:10 PM
Mountaineer Montessori School
308 20th Street, Charleston, WV 25304
304.342.7870 | Email | Website