
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)! DVAM was launched nationwide 30 years ago as a way to raise awareness and connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues. We have multiple activities planned to raise awareness and are counting on supporters like you to help us advocate for survivors of domestic violence.

Starting October 1st with Paint the Town Purple, MSP will be at the Georgia/Petworth and Shaw/Howard metro stations between 8 am and noon sharing resources, information and purple buttons to engage the community in preventing domestic violence.

On October 5th , MSP residents will be participating in artist Marta Pérez-García's art installation, “I’m Gonna Get You … Body, Woman, Rupture (Si te cojo … cuerpo, mujer, rotura) ." The exhibit, opening Oct 5th at the Reeves Center on 14th and U NW, features dolls created by survivors of domestic violence.

This year's Clothesline Project will be held  Oct 12th  (details and rsvp below) and we will also display “Clothesline t-shirts” created by students from The Washington School for Girls at THEARC throughout October. Show your support by visiting, taking a photo, and sharing with your network to raise awareness of domestic violence!

Lastly, we are thrilled to announce we will be participating in this year's Purple Purse Challenge through the Allstate Foundation - read below about how you can join our team and help us win the $100,000 grand prize!

We are looking forward to a successful DVAM working together with supporters like you and our broader community, and hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!

The My Sister's Place Team

P.S. Scroll to the bottom to learn about our new collaboration with New York artist My Life in Yellow and 305 Fitness!