The Inside Scoop
Dear Encore Learning Member, 

Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter for members only. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you.

This is the September edition of The Inside Scoop.
Fall 2021 Courses are Here!

We've been in rehearsals and excited for the semester to launch next week. Twenty-eight classes still have spaces available and have not begun. We are offering a variety of courses this semester from literature to history, we have it all! Check out our Fall Course Grid and our YouTube to learn more about the courses as well as the instructors.

If you are signed up for a virtual class you will receive an email with login information before the first session, as well as find that information in class media. If you are signed up for an in-person class be sure to comply with the Covid precautions sent via email, and also posted below and on our website.
September Member Tours

The Special Events Committee shares information about upcoming events in a bi-weekly message so watch your email for those details and sign-up for member tours promptly. Members do get moved from the waitlist, so don't hesitate to add your name.

September brought us two virtual member tours. The first occurred on September 8 when 45 Encore Learning members participated in a tour of Designing the New: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow Style, a touring exhibition from The Frist Museum in Nashville. Members were shown a small portion of the 165 objects in the exhibition; discussing the various artistic influences that contributed to the Glasgow style as represented by the art of Charles and Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh, its leaders.

On Thursday, September 23, 60 Encore Learning Members participated in a virtual tour which explored the life and art of one of the 21st century’s most popular artists, Yoyoi Kusama. The Hirshhorn Museum in Washington will host a Kusama exhibit later this fall; Nancy Hirshbein, the Encore Learning virtual tour docent and a docent at the Hirshhorn, shared with the members many insights about the artist and her art. This is certain to enrich the understanding of those virtual tour participants who will choose to attend the upcoming exhibition.

The Special Events Committee is seeking volunteers to help plan these member tours and the Encore Learning Presents series co-sponsored with Arlington Public Library. The Committee meets monthly and committee members develop ideas, follow-up on leads and host events.
Welcome Professor Amel Ben Abdesslem!

Amel Ben Abdesslem, the instructor for Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Assessment Policy Response, is an assistant economics professor at Marymount University. The main focus of her research is on industrial policy, competitiveness policy, economic growth and innovation. When asked about what made her want to become a teacher she stated, “Passing along knowledge and having a positive impact on a student’s life makes teaching particularly fulfilling.”
Amel’s course is timely and she thinks that the pandemic is likely to change our world’s economy in several ways. “The United States and other countries suffered from a widespread economic crisis and an unexpected recession. However, the role of governments and institutions (e.g., central banks) is crucial to lessen the recession’s severity and to initiate the long-awaited recovery process." One of her favorite topics that she will cover throughout her course will be fiscal and monetary policies.
She wants this course to help her students comprehend the economic impact of COVID-19. “There is a need to tackle the massive infodemic that accompanied the pandemic, not only on a scientific level but also from an economic point of view. We hear about various economic concepts in mainstream media outlets on a daily basis, without really understanding their meanings (e.g., recession, fiscal stimulus, monetary policy, unemployment rate, inflation).”
This is Amel’s first course here at Encore Learning! She is looking forward to volunteering, her goal is to give back to our society by talking about something she loves: talking about our economy! She believes that classes should be fun, interactive, and engaging.

You can watch her course preview video for more information. The course is being offered on Mondays, beginning October 11 at 12:00 Noon.
George Mason University - Brings Talent to Us
and We Bring You to Campus

This past Monday we had Dr. James Kinter, Director of The Center for Ocean-Land Atmosphere Studies and Professor of Climate Dynamics at George Mason University, talk to us about climate change and global warming. Kinter and many other professors have in the past volunteered to speak at events and teach courses about a wide variety of topics. We are so grateful for the longtime partnership with Mason. If you know a professor who wants to share their wisdom with us for a course or event, let us know! Check out our special events playlist on our YouTube channel.

We are pleased to be part of Mason's Safe Return to Campus. Our Fall 2021 in-person class aides met up on September 28, with masks on, vaccination records verified, and Mason health checks completed, to learn about the classrooms and A/V they will be using this fall. A big thank you to Mason for having us! Our first in-person classes begin October 8; there are still spaces open if you wish to join us at Van Metre Hall.
Class Aide Co-Chair Eileen Janas provides orientation to in-person class aides at George Mason University Van Metre Hall
Dr. James Kinter of George Mason University spoke at our most recent Encore Learning Presents event on Climate Change
Celebrate Environmental Awareness Month with, "Bean & Widge Go to the Park!," A Children's Short About Climate Change

We often share new publications from our instructors and this month we are fortunate to share new work from our colleague. Francesca Chilcote, our Virtual Class Administrator, spent her summer working on a video project with her theatre company, Faction of Fools Theatre, and Adventure Theatre MTC. Check out "Bean & Widge Go to the Park," a heartfelt and silly digital production that introduces climate change to kiddos (and adults) with a spirit of accessibility and hope. Perfect for viewing with grandkids or kids-at-heart! It's available free of charge on the Faction of Fools' website: 
George Mason COVID-19 Campus Update

Information for members enrolled or thinking about enrolling in the six courses planned for George Mason University:

All visitors to Mason's campus are required to complete a Health Safety Check. Encore Learning members will need to use the Non-Mason Login, which requires you to create an account. This will ensure the safety of you and those around you. Members will have to complete the Health Survey every time they visit the campus. Members also must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination to Encore Learning.
Additionally, Mason has mask guidelines when you are on campus. Everyone must wear a mask while indoors. We are asking students to refrain from eating while in class to ensure maximum mask wearing.

Information about requirements for in-person courses may be found on our Courses page on our website, including a resources for completing the Health Safety Check.
Spring 2022 Course Planning In Progress

The Academic Programs Committee is in high gear right now, planning courses for the Spring 2022 semester.  If you are interested in teaching a course—or if you know someone who may be interested in teaching, please let us know. Send your suggestions to We welcome instructors on all topics.  We are especially looking for instructors interested in teaching science, literature and history courses.
We welcome new members to our committee, please reach out to us if you are interested in joining APC.
--Barbara Spangler and Jeanne LaBella
Co-chairs, Academic Programs Committee
Staff Corner

Our course registration day is always exciting and this fall was gratifying to see so many members logon at 10:00 AM and be enrolled in some favorite classes by 10:03. We know the registration process can be improved and we appreciate your feedback. The improvements to our website launched in August have made it easier to bring you fresh content. You may notice more regular news posts linked from the top of the homepage. Even with our volume of registrations, nearly 400 of you have not registered for a course yet. Please take advantage of your membership and sign-up for something new or an old favorite. The volunteers and staff worked hard to bring you both virtual and in-person options and we'd love to see you in class.

As you read above both the Special Events and Academic Programs Committee are seeking volunteers. We also are recruiting feature story writers, so if you would like to highlight an instructor or an event to be published in The Inside Scoop or on our website, let us know.

We are also beginning to plan the 20th Anniversary of Encore Learning which will be celebrated in 2022. If you would like to be on the planning committee, please send an email to Joan Carter and Sharon Bisdee have already signed up - they planned the fabulous 10th Anniversary.

We are pleased that nine clubs have continued to meet, some now meeting in-person. Checkout what is coming up by looking at our calendar or upcoming events.

~ Lora 
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Welcome New Members

In August 2021, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
  • Brenda Adams
  • Sandy Alexander
  • Coni Astmann
  • John Brinker
  • Tara Claeys
  • Sally Fowler
  • Kathie Fricke
  • Robert Hersh
  • Amity Horowitz
  • Linda Kosovych
  • Judy Kuhagen
  • Andrew Linden
  • Richard Liroff
  • Sylvia Liroff
  • Alice Moore
  • Gretchen Roberston
  • A. Schindler
  • William Schneider
  • Valerie Sutter
  • Marlene Tandy

THANK YOU to Gus Ardura, Gail Baker, Katharine Carney, Carol Chmelinkski, Charlie Hallahan, Michelle Trahan, Steven Shapiro, Jean and all of you who kindly refer friends. We have many new members who have joined us in September and we'll tell you about them in our next newsletter.
Remember that many of our virtual Encore Learning Presents events are recorded and may be found on our YouTube channel
Donations are Welcome

Encore Learning is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any donation is a charitable contribution deductible from income tax to the full extent permitted by law. Members, friends and organizations wishing to support Encore Learning may direct contributions to our General Fund to support our sustainability or to the Arthur W. Gosling Youth Scholarship Fund.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at

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Lifelong Learning For Those Over 50