Spring 2020 Community Newsletter

22 homes are completed with 10 under construction. Phase 3 servicing will be starting very soon.

The River Gate project is now selling. The first two units are nearing completion. Paving of the access has been completed and paving of the site will be starting soon. The area surrounding the site will be hydro-seeded to return it to a natural state.

To the east of River Gate, a storm detention pond is under construction. This pond will control the flow of storm water out of Sun Rivers and through the culvert under E. Shuswap Rd.

You may have noticed new realtor signs in the Village Centre. Mona Murray of MCM Real Estate has been retained by Sun Rivers Development Corp. to find potential buyers to complete the development of this area. More news on future plans will come as developers are identified.
The Guidelines allow for the parking of recreational vehicles on home-sites during the season of use. RV's and trailers must be parked on your driveway or in the garage. If you need to park temporarily on the street in front of your home for loading and unloading, please notify the office by phone (250) 828-9989 ext. 1, or email [email protected]
Many residents have submitted applications for approval of exterior alterations as required by the Guidelines.
If you are planning any changes to the exterior of your home, including repainting, fencing, the addition of awnings, pergolas, etc., or landscape changes, please download, complete and submit the Homesite Alteration Request from mysunrivers.com/forms . Community and neighbourhood approval is required for any planned changes.

The 2019 financial reports and AGM minutes and the 2020 budget for the Community Association are available on mysunrivers.com/meetings-minutes/
Watch your email for a link to a community survey on a proposed playground.

We hope you will take the time to complete the survey so we can use resident input to plan this facility .

The site of the proposed playground will be announced when confirmed.

A new service has been started locally, picking up your compost weekly. Click the flyer for more information or go to their website .

Vistor Parking: Do you have visitors coming and need to use visitor parking for more than 48 hours? Contact the office with the vehicle description, licence number and dates of stay and we will make note and not tag the vehicle.

Speeding: The speed reader has been moved to various locations. Over half of vehicles are travelling above the 30 km/h speed limit within Sun Rivers. About 15% are well in excess of the limit. With more and more children residing in Sun Rivers, we ask all residents to observe the speed limits. PLEASE SLOW DOWN!

Dogs: An ongoing issue is dog owners not cleaning up after their pets. The Community provides doggie bag dispensers and garbage cans throughout the Community. Please abide by the Community Rules and the Tk'emlups te Secwepemc Bylaws and clean up after your dogs! A small minority of owners affect the reputation of many.

Open daily
For tee times, call 250.571.7888

Open daily, 2 pm to late
Dine in, or try the take-out menu

As you're likely aware, all Spring events have been cancelled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing recommendations from the Provincial Government. We will continue to monitor these recommendations and will reschedule some events depending on recommendations of the Provincial Health Officer.

A calendar of events is online at mysunrivers.com/events . If you have an event you would like posted, email [email protected] with details of the event worded just as you would like it to read, or submit details by clicking the link on the Events page on the website.

Upcoming Events:
  • Monday, August 17 - Kamloops Food Bank Drive (confirmed, details to follow)
  • September 19 - Annual Community Fair (tentative)

Volunteers for Community events are needed! If you can help out, please email [email protected] , or sign up on mysunrivers.com
Have a story, event or news to share in our quarterly newsletter? Let us know at [email protected]
Community Office Hours: 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday, except holidays