The newsletter for St. Mark's UMC in Murfreesboro, TN


"The Messenger" Online Newsletter

November 21, 2023

From the Pastor

Well, the Wards are off on a Disney cruise! I'm not sure if we'll hear "It's a Small World" on the ship or not, but our trip to Nashville International Airport nonetheless proved that it is! We ran into St. Mark's members heading out on vacation and a clergy colleague returning from one. It's a small world indeed!

From our family to yours: Happy Thanksgiving!

It is a privilege to serve God as one of your clergy.


New Sunday Advent Series Begins December 3rd

On Sunday, December 3rd, we will begin a new sermon series called "Wait for It!" Each Sunday of Advent, we'll see what people such as Abraham, Sarah, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, John the Baptist, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, have to say to us about waiting.

Dec 3: Abraham and Sarah

Dec 10: Isaiah, Micah, and Zephaniah

Dec 17: John the Baptist

December 24: Mary

Front Porch Tales Continues in December

We have some special events coming up but our Front Porch Tales will resume in December.

Nov 21 (Tuesday): Traditional Thanksgiving Worship in Sanctuary*

Nov 29: Merry Mission Marketplace*

Our ongoing SOULFULL worship series is "Front Porch Tales." Perhaps you are old enough to remember, or perhaps you've just heard the stories, but there was a time when people sat on the front porch after supper and just talked. Typically the conversations were about the events of the day, about family, and yes, about faith.

You're invited to come sit for a spell and hear stories that will prepare you for the Thanksgiving and Advent season.

Dec 6: Expectation (Luke 1:46-79)

Dec 13: Gifts (Romans 12:6-8)**

Dec 20 and 27*

* No SOULFULL worship

** Our annual charge conference with District Superintendent Chip Hunter immediately following SOULFULL worship.



The SAGES had a wonderful trip to the Midway Diner for breakfast.


The Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group will meet Thursday, December 14, at 1:30 PM. at the home of Cindy Flippin, 2714 Tower Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129-1176.


Christmas at Beersheba is December 4. The bus will leave at 8:00 AM. Please sign up in the church office. There’s always a wonderful meal, an enjoyable program, and meaningful worship.

On December 9 at 11:00 the SAGES will host Senior Serenity. This is our annual invitation to our homebound and their families to come and share in a time of worship in our sanctuary. Worship will be followed by a wonderful meal and gift-gifting in the narthex.


The Friday class at 10:30 AM is continuing to view “The Chosen” series. Several SAGES are attending. All are welcome. The class meets in Room 505-505. The class will not meet the day after Thanksgiving.


The SAGES are now enjoying a sing-along each month with the residents of Creekside at Three Rivers Assisted Living.


Please check the SAGES’ bulletin board near the church office for information about all the SAGES’ activities

Poinsettia Orders

If you would like to order a poinsettia to be displayed in the Sanctuary this Christmas in honor or in memory of a loved one, please use the form below.

Bring order form and check to the church office, or email and pay online (with a comment saying the payment is for poinsettias). Cost: $15 per plant.

Please make payments payable to

St. Mark’s UMC and designate for Poinsettia.

Order Deadline: Monday, December 11th.

Poinsettia is ______ in memory OR ______ in honor

Of: __________________________________________________________



Our Preschool (Ages 2 to PreK 5), Younger Elementary (Kindergarten to 3rd Grade), and Older Elementary (4th Grade to 6th Grade) children will meet for Sunday school to explore Spark: Activate Faith lessons. An activity-filled Sunday school curriculum that follows the salvation story from start to finish, helping kids explore key Bible stories from both the Old and New Testaments. The preschool class will meet in Room 305, the younger elementary class will meet in Room 214, and the older elementary class will meet in Room 212.

Spark helps kids learn at their level

Interact with the Bible in every lesson, helping kids navigate the story and begin to compare what they learn to their own life.

Focus on hands-on learning

Engage kids in the Bible story with lessons packed with activities, interactive games, and creative crafts.

Experience the Salvation Story arc

Help kids experience the Salvation story each year by exploring the Old Testament in the fall, and the New Testament in the winter and spring.

Frolic Nursery: Little Steps, Big Faith

Our Nursery aged children (Birth to 1 year) will begin exploring Frolic Nursery lessons. Drawing on brain science as well as theology, Frolic was designed by early childhood experts to build faith through play in babies, toddlers, and young children from birth to age five. Frolic uses Bible lessons, music, and play to help build a firm Faith foundation.  

Start faith formation at birth

Uses a curriculum-based on early childhood best practices to help your little ones to take little steps to big faith—starting at birth.

Focuses on learning at their level

Frolic’s curriculum focuses on helping young children explore faith concepts in the way they know best— through play!

Equips caregivers to nurture faith

Equips leaders and parents to nurture faith in many ways—through storytelling, prayers, and music.

All children are invited to attend the Wednesday night children’s study,

“Joining God at Work in the World”! Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm

in the Children’s Music room.


All children and families are invited to begin the preparation for the birth of Jesus by creating an Advent Wreath and learning about its meaning on December 3rd from 2-4 PM. We will conclude this event with a time of worship. Please RSVP to Hannah Pratt,, by November 30th

JAM Session is December 17 from 2-4 pm!

All 4th-6th graders are invited to a JAM Christmas party! We will be caroling and spreading Christmas cheer to members of our congregation from 2:00-3:00. A time of fun and games will follow from 3:00-4:00. Please dress warmly and bring one food item to share! 

Christmas Eve Morning Worship

Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior on December 24th at 10:30 am. This worship service will feature a special performance from St. Mark’s Youth and Children’s Choir.


All children and youth who would like to participate in the Christmas Eve mini musical are asked to attend Sunday morning practices from 9:00-9:30 AM in Room 211. There are also 2 scheduled dress rehearsals- December 9th from 8:00-9:00 AM and December 23rd from 10:00-11:30 AM. Please add these dates to your calendars!

Please contact Hannah Pratt at

if you have any questions.

Follow our St. Mark’s Children’s Ministry Facebook page and Instagram @stmarkstnkids for more information!

Student Ministry 

If anyone is aware of any loved ones who will be graduating from High School, College or Graduate School this December and would like to see them honored by St Mark’s Student Ministry, please communicate this information to ASAP. 

“Bear Fruit” Mission Series”: St. Mark’s Youth spent the evening of November 15th serving their community by designing and leading faith-based programming for children from local nonprofit Endure Athletics. The mission of Endure Athletics is to equip homeless youth in our community with necessary life skills to break the vicious cycle of generational poverty through educational support and Christ-centered mentorship.

...Speaking of bearing good fruit, St. Mark’s Youth also spent the evening of Sunday November 12th packing boxes for the church's food box ministry. Thank you to our super-volunteer Carrie Henderson and our Youth members Nathan, Sam, Chelsea, Laney, Lyla, Piper, Kyle, Sylvia and Telmo for choosing to spend their Sunday night serving the needs of our community!

Because of your support, St. Mark’s Youth will be traveling to Pigeon Forge for their Winter Retreat on the weekend of January 19-21 in order to attend Resurrection ‘24, an annual event of worship and spiritual growth hosted by the youth ministry of the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. We are partnering with Blackman UMC for this trip, which allows us to share the cost of housing in addition to providing an opportunity for our Youth to get to know their peers in the broader United Methodist community of Murfreesboro. Thank you for your faithful and continual support of this ministry, and special thanks to John McDaniel for volunteering to serve as a chaperone!

Youth Christmas Events: On Sunday, December 3rd, St Mark’s Youth will be traveling to the Wilson County Fairgrounds for our second annual Holiday Season Outing to the Dancing Christmas Lights. Big thanks to volunteer chaperones Reid & Carrie Henderson for helping to make this event possible! Additionally, the St Mark’s Youth Christmas Party will be held on the evening of December 17th.

You can find a printable PDF version of the Fall Events Calendar for St. Mark’s Student Ministry by clicking here

To stay informed about what St Mark’s Student Ministry is up to, follow us on Instagram @stmarkstn_youth, or visit the landing page for all things related to St Mark’s Student Ministry:

Recreation Ministry Announcements

Attention College Students: St Mark’s is proud to host College Volleyball Night on Friday November 24th from 7:30pm –11:00pm Volleyball in the gym. No RSVP needed - just come as you are!

Christmas Special Musical Presentation

Flower Dates Available

The flowers on the altar each Sunday are available to be sponsored in honor of in memory of loved ones. To reserve a date, please call the church office or sign up on the Flower Calendar at the receptionist desk in the church office.

Each bouquet (there are two per Sunday) is $30 which can be paid by placing a check in the offering plate with "Flowers" on the memo line or contacting the church office for other arrangements.

The next four available Sundays are:

December 31 (one bouquet)

January 7, 14, 21 (one or both bouquets)

Many 2024 dates are available. Call for more information.

Wednesday Night Together

provides a delicious, healthy meal along with opportunities for children, youth, and adults to grow closer to Christ and to one another. Nursery is available 5:45 – 7:00 p.m.

Dinner Reservations are requested by 12:00 Noon each Monday and can be noted on the attendance pads in the pews or called in to the church office.   The regular price of WNT meals remains at $10/adult, CHILDREN, YOUTH, & COLLEGE STUDENTS EAT FREE EVERY WEEK in 2023!

Adult Opportunities, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.


5:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

6:00 p.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, Everyone Welcome!


Wednesday, November 29 – MERRY MISION MARKETPLACE! Come Christmas shop while also supporting local missions!


Wednesday, December 6 – Reeves Rogers Christmas Mission with SOULFULL

*We will assemble playground kits for the 19 classrooms at Reeves Rogers. 

New Certified Candidate - Hannah Pratt

We would like to congratulate Hannah Pratt on becoming a Certified Candidate in the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church! On November 11, 2023, the Stones River District Committee on Ordained Ministry acted to affirm Hannah's ministry and recommended her as a Certified Candidate. Candidacy is the first formal step towards ordination in the United Methodist Church. We ask that you continue to be in prayer for Hannah as she continues to follow God's call upon her life. 

Check out the list of vendors and missions here.




As part of your preparation for

the sacrament of Holy Communion,

you are invited to donate canned and dry foods to

St. Mark's Food Bank every 1st Sunday.

Collection tubs will be located just outside the Sanctuary,

or you can bring your donation to the

bins in the Narthex or Room 407/409.

The next Communion Sunday is December 3rd!

Please bring cans of fruit!

"For I was hungry and you gave me food..."

Matthew 25:35

Opt-In for Advent 2023 Online Devotions

The season of ADVENT calls us to increase our faith and devotion as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.  Each day's reading, from Sunday, December 3 to Christmas Day, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and includes the Scripture, a short devotion, and a brief prayer or suggested spiritual practice. These daily devotions are available via email to guide you in your ADVENT Lenten journey.  To receive daily ADVENT Lenten devotions via email, CLICK HERE.

This year’s devotions are written by Reverend Sam McGlothlin, a member of the Tennessee/Western Kentucky Conference and senior pastor at Belle Meade United Methodist Church in Nashville. 

A limited number of printed devotional booklets will be available in the Sanctuary Foyer December 3rd.

Christmas Handbell Concert

Music City Bronze will present their 2023 Holiday Handbell Concert at St. Mark's on Thursday, November 30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

See the FLYER for more information.

St. Mark’s Completes GriefShare Class

St. Mark’s UMC has completed its second 13-week GriefShare seminar under the capable and compassionate leadership of Cyndy Stone Allen and Paul Givens.

GriefShare is a Christ-centered program that helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one. The videos and curriculum feature respected Christian counselors and pastors who provide biblically sound advice and guidance for navigating grief.

For more information about GriefShare, contact Paul Givens, Cyndy Stone Allen, or contact Rev. Martha Touchton.

Upcoming Calendar

Thursday, November 23 - Thanksgiving

Office Closed

Friday, November 24

Office Closed

7:30 p.m. Volleyball - Rec Center

Saturday, November 25

8:30 a.m. AA Group - RM 503/505

Sunday, November 26

9:00 a.m. Children's Choir - RM 211

9:15 a.m. Christian Education

10:30 a.m. Worship - Sanctuary

4:15 p.m. SONlight - RM 1119

5:00 p.m. Chancel Ringers - RM 1117

5:00 p.m. Finance - Room 506

5:00 p.m. Youth - Rec Center/Youth Center

5:30 p.m. Disciple - RM 503/505

Monday, November 27

9:45 a.m. Preschool - Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. Watercolor Class - Banquet Room

5:00 p.m. Cub Scouts - Banquet Room/Rec Center/Youth Center

5:30 p.m. Big Book Group - RM 503/505

6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Ringers - RM 1117

Tuesday, November 28

9:00 a.m. Note Writers - RM 506

9:45 a.m. Preschool - Sanctuary

6:00 p.m. Woodworkers - Banquet Room

7:00 p.m. Women's Chorale Rehearsal - Choir Room

Wednesday, November 29

5:00 p.m. WNT Dinner - Banquet Room

6:00 p.m. SOULFULL Worship - Rec Center

6:00 p.m. Merry Mission Marketplace - Rec Center

6:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study - Youth Center

7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir - RM 1119

Thursday, November 30

9:00 a.m. Women's Bible Study - RM 1203

10:30 a.m. Knitting - RM 503/505

7:00 p.m. Music City Bronze - Sanctuary

6:30 p.m. ACOA Meeting - RM 503/505

Friday, December 1

10:30 a.m. Bible Study - RM 503/505

Saturday, December 2

7:30 a.m. UMM Meeting & Breakfast - Banquet Room

8:30 a.m. AA Group - RM 503/505

9:00 a.m. Chancel Choir - RM 1119

Sunday, December 3

9:00 a.m. MTSU Clarinet Choir - Narthex

9:15 a.m. Christian Education

9:15 a.m. Coffee with the Clergy

10:15 a.m. MTSU Clarinet Choir - Narthex

10:30 a.m. Worship - Sanctuary

2:00 p.m. Advent Wreath Making

4:00 p.m. Youth to Dancing Christmas Lights

4:15 p.m. SONlight - RM 1119

5:00 p.m. Bible Study - RM 1203

5:00 p.m. Chancel Ringers - RM 1117

5:30 p.m. Disciple - RM 503/505

Monday, December 4

9:45 a.m. Preschool - Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. Watercolor Class - Banquet Room

10:00 a.m. Wings of Hope - Banquet Room/Kitchen

5:00 p.m. Cub Scouts - Banquet Room/Rec Center

5:30 p.m. Big Book Group - RM 503/505

6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Ringers - RM 1117

Tuesday, December 5

9:00 a.m. Note Writers - RM 506

9:45 a.m. Preschool - Sanctuary

7:00 p.m. Women's Chorale Rehearsal - Choir Room

In Other News:

View Our Current Prayer List

See Our Full Event Calendar 

Missed a Sermon? Click HERE to go to our sermons media page.

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St. Mark's UMC | (615) 893-3455 |

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