St. Thomas Updates

January 30, 2024

This Week...

Sharing Eucharist

Cherub Choir Bake Sale

Girlfriend Lunch Tickets and Auction Items

Rector's Discussion Group Returns


Mid-Week Eucharist

Prayer List

Sharing Eucharist

This week we will have a Sharing Eucharist service with a special Candlemas candle-lighting event for the children during the sermon time. (Candlemas is a tradition of the Church celebrating Jesus being presented at the temple as a baby, and recognized as the Light of the world.) The Cherub Choir will sing, too! It will be a fun Sunday in church – hope to see you!

Cherub Choir

Joel Bejot

On Feb 2, during coffee hour, the Cherub Choir will host a bake sale. We are planning to order cassocks and cottas like the Adult Choir soon. Please come meet our choristers, and pick up some yummy baked goods! Here is a sample: 

Click Here for Tickets and Auction Items

Aiding the Victims of the LA Fires

Click the button below for resources provided by Episcopal Relief and Development on how to aid and support the recovery efforts in Los Angeles.

Episcopal Relief - Los Angeles Page

Holy One, you are our comfort and strength

in times of sudden disaster, crisis, or chaos.

Surround us now with your grace and peace

through storm or earthquake, fire or flood.

By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen,

sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild,

and fill us with the hope of your new creation;

through you, our rock and redeemer

– Jesuit Prayer

Rector's Discussion Group Returns

The Rector’s Discussion Group returns this Winter on Wednesday, February 5th with a study of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. In addition to establishing Paul’s theology of Christ’s grace, this Epistle asks its readers to consider what benefit Christ is to them (Gal 5:2). Has Christ’s grace changed the way we live? Or is life the same old, same old? Do we truly appreciate that in Christ “there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer man and woman” (Gal 3:28)? Or do we see one another as the world would have us see each other?  Have our souls, our minds and our hearts been set free by the spirit, or are we still bound by what Paul calls the flesh?


This gathering facilitated by Jonah meets via zoom at 12pm on Wednesdays. Contact for the zoom link.

The schedule is as follows:

February 5 1:1-10:

Salutation and the One Gospel

February 12

NO CLASS: Girlfriend Lunch

February 19 1:11-24:

Paul’s Apostleship

February 26 2:1-14:

Paul, the other Apostles and Peter

March 5


February 12 2:15-21:

Jews and Gentiles are Saved by Faith

March 19 3:1-18:

Law or Faith and the Promise of God

March 26 3:19-29:

The Law and a New Creation

April 2 4:1-31:

Children of God

April 9 5:1-26:

Freedom and the Works of the Flesh and the Spirit

April 16 6:1-18:

Bearing Each Other’s Burdens and Final Words

Taize Continues on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.

Taize is a quiet, meditative, candle-lit service that includes simple chants, spoken prayer, and silent meditation. This season the focus will be on peace in our world. This gentle service attracts seekers and people of many faith traditions, and is a wonderful invitation to extend to those who might not be comfortable in a traditional Sunday service. All are welcome and the service is appropriate for older children as well.

Mid-Week Eucharist Reminder

Take a break in your busy week to enter the peace and quiet of our sanctuary for a brief Eucharist service. It's a chance to stop, breathe, and reflect, and go back to your day refreshed. Every Tuesday at noon.

Prayer List

Amanda, Loring, Tara, Bob, Tyler, Patrick, Terry, Lisa, Evelyn, Mike, Tayt, Midge, Cindy, Judy, Sam, Luella, Kris, Lois, Molly, Blake, Myrna, Mary, Sally, Reuben, Rachel, Jane, Alexandra, Aimee, Amy, Gunner, Anne, Jane, Anne, Barbara, Alyson, Marilyn, Susan, Sarah, Lynda, River Thomas, Hollie, Calder, Hewitt, Margaret, Philip, Mike, Laine, Barry, Lindy, John, Genevieve Mae, Arthur, Page, Bill, Jane, Kathryn, Michael, Jennifer, Fiona, Karen, Horace, Vincent, Dana, David, Richard, John, Red, Marty, Michele, Becca, Rider, Ashley, Teagan, Kathleen, Robert, Rialin, Gretchen, Patti, Fan, Teresa, Gunner, Carole, Scott, Janie, Elizabeth, Melinda, Benjamin, Robin, Chuck, Bob, Carol, Susan, Greet, Alice and John, Jill, Steve, Nancy, Cece, the Kevin Hillyer Family, the Matt Pauley Family, Judy, Sunday, Lisa, Charlotta, and Margie.