St. Thomas Updates

October 24, 2024

This Week...

Annual Giving Campaign - Tom and Jonah

Hurricane Relief

Adult Education

STP Winterized Registration Opens November 1

Installation of New Presiding Bishop

Lector Training


Diocesan Convention

Rector's Discussion Group: Falling Upwards

Mid-Week Eucharist

Men's Coffee

Prayer List

Annual Giving Campaign:

Jonah Kendall and Tom Benson

Click Here to Pledge

People across the Southeast are still struggling to recover from the devastating winds and rains of the recent hurricanes. Episcopal Relief and Development is providing essential assistance across the region. If you would like to help, you can learn more and donate by going to ERD's website:

Adult Education

Adult Ed returns this Sunday, October 27th, with the continuation of a new series called, Faith and Belief. This series is designed to introduce and explore the theology of The Episcopal Church.

October 27th Topic: Faith as a Journey

All Saints

On All Saints Day, Sunday November 3rdwe celebrate the saints of God throughout the ages, and the everlasting life we have in Christ. This observance includes a remembrance of those who have died in the past year by reading their names aloud during the service.

If you would like to have the name of a loved one read aloud during the service on All Saints Day, whether someone who has died in the past twelve months or who is especially on your heart, please click on the link below. There are also cards available in the narthex. Please send all names by October 30.

Click Here to Add Name(s)

Installation of Episcopal Church's

New Presiding Bishop

Celebrate the Nov. 2 investiture service of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe! All are invited to tune in to the the event webpage for the livestream link.

The 11 a.m. ET service will also be livestreamed to The Episcopal Church’s Facebook page.

Have you ever enjoyed reading out loud to someone else? A child, grandchild, spouse?

If so, perhaps you would be willing to consider becoming a Lector. The act of sharing a story with another is a sacred gift we can give to one another, and the practice of preparing to read or lead the prayers on Sunday is one that people find spiritually rewarding. Lectors and Prayer Leaders are usually assigned once every four to six weeks so it’s pretty easy to fit it into your schedule.

On Sunday, November 10, following the 9:30 service, we will have a training session led by Claudia McCain, Heather Black and Kathleen Bean. Please join us! If you have questions, contact Heather Black at

Diocesan Convention

This Year's Diocesan Convention will take place at the Red Lion in Pocatello on November 8&9. St. Thomas Delegates are:

Laurie and Paul Ahern

Jonah Kendall

Sylvia Miller

Robert and Margo Shuford

Nancy Penrose

For more information click here.

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life

By Richard Rohr, Franciscan Priest and Founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation

In his book, Falling Upward, Rohr offers a way of looking at true maturity, spiritual maturity, and how it can be embraced or resisted. He divides the span of human life into two halves. The first half is the realm of young men and women who are attempting to make a mark in the world. The second half of life is a journey of increasing contentment brought about, ironically, through weakness and failure. Hence ‘falling upward,” where the only way up is down.

This fall please join the Rector’s Discussion Group for a study of this compelling book. Gatherings occur via zoom at 12pm on Wednesdays. Please contact Stefanie Nelson in the office if you need assistance obtaining the book. The schedule is as follows:

October 30th, Session 6

Chapters 11: The Shadowlands

November 6th, Session 7

Chapter 12: New Problems and New Directions

November 13th, Session 8

Chapter 13: Falling Upward

Mid-Week Eucharist Reminder

Take a break in your busy week to enter the peace and quiet of our sanctuary for a brief Eucharist service. It's a chance to stop, breathe, and reflect, and go back to your day refreshed. Every Tuesday at noon.

Men's Coffee Continues on Tuesdays

Men's weekly coffee at Starbucks is underway! Join Jonah and other men from the parish for conversation, fellowship and a light-hearted opportunity to "solve the problems of the world" every Tuesday at 9 am.

Prayer List

Amanda, Loring, Tara, Bob, Tyler, Patrick, Terry, Lisa,

Evelyn, Mike, Tayt, Midge, Cindy, Judy, Sam, Luella, Kris, Lois,

Molly, Blake, Myrna, Mary, Sally, Reuben, Rachel, Jane,

Alexandra, Aimee, Amy, Gunner, Anne, Jane, Anne, Barbara, Alyson, Marilyn, Susan, Sarah, Lynda, River Thomas, Jim, Jasmine, Hollie,

Calder, Hewitt, Margaret, Philip, Mike, Laine, Barry, Lindy, John,

Genevieve Mae, Arthur, Page, Bill, Jane, Kathryn, Michael,

Jennifer, Fiona, Wyatt, Karen, Horace, Vincent, Dana, David, Richard, John, Red, Marty, Michele, Becca, Rider, Ashley, Teagan, Kathleen, Robert, Rialin, Gretchen, Patti, Fan, Teresa, Gunner, Carole, Scott, Janie, Elizabeth, Melinda, Benjamin, Robin, Chuck, Bob, and Carol.