St. Thomas Updates

November 27, 2024

This Week...

Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Schedule

Thanksgiving Delivery

Christmas Gifts for Those in Need


Advent Lessons and Carols

Hymn of the Month Video

Shoshone Project - Bin Collection

Prayer List

Thanksgiving Delivery

Our youth group helped prepare the Thanksgiving dinner baskets for five families being served by The Advocates in Hailey, and we delivered the baskets on Monday morning. Thank you to all who provided food and cash donations to help give these families a special Thanksgiving feast! 

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

2024 Christmas Gifts for Families in Need


Help us make this Christmas joyful for our neighbors in need!


Continuing our tradition of many years, our parish will provide gifts for families selected by The Advocates. You can find gift requests on the St. Thomas website by clicking the button below. Please select the item you would like to provide and bring it to the office at St. Thomas, wrapped, with a note on the outside identifying what it is.


All gifts should be in our office no later than Sunday, December 15.


Questions: Ask Kathleen,


Thank you for spreading the love of God and Christmas joy to our neighbors.

Click Here to Sign Up!

Taize returns on December 3 at 5:30 p.m.

A tradition of St. Thomas since 1994, our winter Taize services will return in the first week of Advent and continue through the season of Epiphany, with two weeks off during the Christmas holiday.

Taize is a quiet, meditative, candle-lit service that includes simple chants, spoken prayer, and silent meditation. This season the focus will be on peace in our world. This gentle service attracts seekers and people of many faith traditions, and is a wonderful invitation to extend to those who might not be comfortable in a traditional Sunday service. All are welcome and the service is appropriate for older children as well.

Reflections on the Nativity of Christ:  A Service of Lessons, Carols and Poetry

Offered by St. Thomas Episcopal Church and St. Thomas Playhouse

201 Sun Valley Road

December 8, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

The Anglican tradition of offering a service of Lessons and Carols during the Christmas holiday season began in the late 19th century in Cornwall, England and quickly became a widespread and beloved practice. The story of the Creation and the fall of humanity, the promise of a Messiah and the Birth of Christ is told through readings of scripture and the singing of hymns. More than a decade ago, St. Thomas added selections of poetry to engage our imaginations and enhance our experience of wonder at these holy mysteries. 

This year’s featured poets represent a diversity of voices and thought, from a nun writing in the 17th century to young poets working in the 21st century. Each brings their own unique observation of the common experience of being human, and as such we believe they are a powerful accompaniment to our sacred stories.

All are welcome and invited to join us as we welcome the coming of winter and the holiday season. A festive reception follows the service.

Hymn of the Month: "Welcome Table"

Shoshone Project - Collection Bin

In cooperation with the Wood River Interfaith Council and the Shoshone Project, St. Thomas will be hosting, during the month of November, a bin to collect warm clothing such coats, hats, gloves, boots, shoes, blankets etc.  The Shoshone Project supports families and nonprofits in neighboring counties that live in under-resourced communities. The project is based in the Wood River Valley and Lincoln County.

We know that many families work in the Wood River Valley, live in neighboring counties, and don’t have access to many of the resources available in Blaine County. The mission is to build connection among these communities and support each other, creating stability and equity for all. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Prayer List

Amanda, Loring, Tara, Bob, Tyler, Patrick, Terry, Lisa,

Evelyn, Mike, Tayt, Midge, Cindy, Judy, Sam, Luella, Kris, Lois,

Molly, Blake, Myrna, Mary, Sally, Reuben, Rachel, Jane,

Alexandra, Aimee, Amy, Gunner, Anne, Jane, Anne, Barbara, Alyson, Marilyn, Susan, Sarah, Lynda, River Thomas, Jim, Jasmine, Hollie,

Calder, Hewitt, Margaret, Philip, Mike, Laine, Barry, Lindy, John,

Genevieve Mae, Arthur, Page, Bill, Jane, Kathryn, Michael,

Jennifer, Fiona, Wyatt, Karen, Horace, Vincent, Dana, David, Richard, John, Red, Marty, Michele, Becca, Rider, Ashley, Teagan, Kathleen, Robert, Rialin, Gretchen, Patti, Fan, Teresa, Gunner, Carole, Scott, Janie, Elizabeth, Melinda, Benjamin, Robin, Chuck, Bob, Carol, and Susan.